War On Chronic Pain Patients (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Thanks to all you drug abusers there has been an ongoing war on us legit chronic pain patients. Thanks to all who abuse pills and alcohol, because of you they wage war on us. Street drugs are cheaper so why do you all have to mess with the pills and make life difficult for us chronic pain sufferers? Are you stupid or just self centered? Britain uses our military to protect Afghan poppy for people like you, so quit trying to cook up the pills. We legit chronic pain patients would really appreciate it, not that you care, but maybe when you stop acting so self centered, people will actually begin to care about you. You reap what you sow.

To stem cell labs worldwide: We need you to cure degenerative discs and herniations for those that want to be cured instead of on pain meds. Make yourselves known. We need options. We know you have the cure. We need the FDA to help make up for lost time.

118 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: sandy (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

I have just found this chat, and am thankful I have loads of people to talk to. I am 100% disabled and on disability. Been on same pain meds for going on 6 years. My doc retired because of the same reason your doc retired. My appt for pain management is Fri at 9am and I am very afraid. Rumor has it that the group is not writing anymore rx for Norco. I do not know what to do. I do not abuse, never taken any other medication. The same rumor is that they aren't helping those turned away to ween off. Those people are being referred to a detox clinic! If I don't have pain medication, my life at 59 yo will be reduced to a wheelchair. I have only been out of my house once since Thanksgiving as it is.....almost a month. Suggestions anybody? Try to ween myself or clinic if I am one of the lucky ones? I am so freaking upset.

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Re: Sabrina (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

Sabrina, bookoo organics they have a kilo for around $80. That should last a good amount of time depending on how much you take. I'd also buy in powder form and capsule yourself because it's cheaper. I bought my capsules and machine online. At first I'd make my own. A good type to buy for daytime would be a green like green maeng da. U can split the kilo in half or 4s. Because the greens are used for daytime and the red maeng da would be good for bedtime.. I have about 4 groups I'm in through Facebook called..leaf of life lounge,. Greenhouse botanics..they also are very good vendor all 3..by joining these groups so many people will help you and guide you and teach you how to take kratom. At the beginning for me I hit some trials and errors on why is this not working for me? Well because of my subutex treatment use..how can a plant fight a hard pharmaceutical medicine. I had to taper off and then the kratom started to do its job..also their are many ways to invest it like a toss n wash its quick and easy. That is if you can tolerate the taste of kratom..you can watch youtube videos for info too...

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Re: Sabrina (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

So sry as I've been afraid it will eventually happen that I will (again) be asked to do pain clinic for diagnosed chronic pain. Soon be 62 and had 9.5 hours surgery on L5. Had lateral and bilateral ligament/tendon surgery at 23 years old, I admit I loved the Purcudan but loved my children and wife more. Besides, my wife (RN) threw them away, anyhow got back to my medical job and professional music job, don't recall side effects if any. At 45 had the L5 surgery with hospital bed in my living rm, physical therapy and rest. But, I doubled and tripled back therapy exercise and additionally doing arm, leg, butt and anything to get my heart rate up. My Dr wouldn't do surgery unless I stopped smoking > did everything Dr told me and like I said extra. Was back at medical job months sooner than prognosis suggested and doing my music much more than ever, But, much different this time with side effects, I would say major side effects of fatigue, appreciation of anything, depression for at least 6 months. Remember falling asleep at work, burnouts with music and overall withdrawal from everything >> on scale of 1-10 looking back I was 5, I stopped cold turkey until age 52. Past decade that scale number is much higher with depression/fatigue 10-8 and overall pain averaging 6.5-8.5. Believe my age, medication inconsistencies (changing from one generic to another), depression, anxiety and fatigue could be factor(s) as to getting worse each month or maybe I would have been much better if I'd stayed off pain medication. Of course a lot happened during the past decade including trauma from acts of nature and trauma from my own makings. Diet and exercise are our friend for physical and mental well-being, I pray for motivation to diet and exercise everyday, I fall short. Guess everyone has their share of good and bad, coping skills are harder when I simply don't have energy to motivate myself to seek help. Psychology has come further than I knew it decades ago, so, pray I take that step and that my son or anyone young enough to get off pain killer's I pray they'll succeed. With that said, bible and Drs say 21 day's to make a habit and 21 day's to break a habit, is opiates more like 6 months to a year? Thank you and God bless.

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James (# 52) --

That's it you said it some people complain about ridiculous issues why they're in pain but they don't know what the real pain is like my name is James II and I got to deal with osteoporosis pain broken and wedged vertebrae I don't think there's anything worse than that I got a narcissistic friends that they they just all pain is think of addiction as pain that's b******* I tell them deal with what I got then you seal what pain is really like you know how people are everybody thinks that they have the worst pain but once they deal with what I got then they realize if they're able to deal with what I got they would realize they just addicted and they call it paint keep it going man you said

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Re: Sabrina (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah, I guess I can say I'm lucky still now too. But when my 90 mg daily of morphine sulfate ends, what do I do? I posted what I got and what I have to deal. Tell me that how lucky I was ... everything comes to an end eventually in life and I know what it is. Everything anybody agrees with me call me up and tell me I'll give my personal phone number not a cell phone... It will not take texts or email or anything, only voice. {edited for privacy} I'm not lying at all, I'm being 100% truthful. I swear on my pet bird, the only friend that I have that's a true friend.

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Re: Cynthia (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

Tried to find that, says no page... Hmmmm.... Thanks anyway... Hope you are felling well as can be... Have a Blessed day....

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Re: Vintage Lady (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

Come on what's the big deal lost that all it is is Vicodin a Lortab it's it's not even oxycodone what it what is it it's it's garbage synthetic codeine junk that's all it is garbage Vicodin his crap hydrocodone

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Re: Cynthia (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

I'm so sick of hearing about Facebook. You know what? It really is a spork not Facebook... ass book, okay?

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Re: Aeiou (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I was one of them, as I read your story, it sounds all to familiar as if your writing my story, been there done, that..my addiction to pills, and I have paid the price, they made me do things I normally would not do, and nobody in my family would ever think of me as in jail. Yep, I did desperate things, even I would have never imagined myself doing,..I'm also lucky my husband has never divorced me over,..but he Stayed and helped me over and over, i finally went to rehab for help, more than once, finally was put on buprenorphine treatments, so long story. Now i just picked up a different addiction to this medication,,I'm trying to look into our natural resources supplement that work and some are better than what the pharmaceutical companies has to offer us, before we had pills that's what was used..i was brought up in the 60s to take a pill for everything, I read so many theories on pharmaceutical products actually make us sicker only to run back to the doctor for just another pill..more and more people are turning away onto CBD I have used it and it help alot, I was kinda surprised at how much it did..so I'm looking at myself back in the day my love for pills, and now looking into another direction from staying away from as many pills as I can..knocking each one of slowly

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Charlene (# 104) --

Hey there, is the buprenorphine film called Belbuca? If so what dosage are you on? I'm on 600 mcg, and I'm pretty good on this dosage. It doesn't get to my back as much as I'd like, but it beats having to constantly take pills.. Is that the only med you're on now? I hope it's working for you..

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Re: Ty Dollar Sign (# 106) Expand Referenced Message

and a friend's mother was at the end of life stages with cancer, and still didn't receive adequate pain medication. She died in her daughter's arms in a private jet headed to Mexico to get pain relief. All the money in the world didn't help her. in this day and age?

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Re: Charlene (# 114) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Charlene, This med is called BELBUCA, and it's sorta knew. The main ingredient is buprenorphine, but the Pharmacology breakdown changes it in too many ways to try and explain. Belbuca is designed as as Pain Killer, as a mild opiate Antagonist.. I hope this helps

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Re: john (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I will keep you, John, in my thoughts and prayers.

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Re: Laura (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

YES, your ignorance is glaring. There should be a "BLOCK" button for people like you.

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Re: Lori (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

As I'm reading your post, I'm thinking Did she really just say to the addicts.... Please Stop??!! You have got to be kidding me!! You need to educate yourself obviously on this topic before you should make comments such as this! No offense, but it's so true.

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Because keeping us in pain makes money for them. If they cured us all, we wouldn’t need them anymore. I would love to have my life back before I’m to old to enjoy it. Time is running out

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Re: Kaydollasign (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

It is indeed just a part of a much broader issue. As usual you just have to “follow the money.” It’s a case of “mind over matter”. They don’t mind .... and we don't matter!

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Welcome to Trump(conservative) country. Drugs are good! Religion is bad!

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Re: marin5 (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

That was one of the most heartfelt and best written post I've seen in a while. Thank you for saying what I couldn't.

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marin5 (# 62) --

The only thing I know of that's natural is kratom. Just buy it on the internet and from a reputable vendor. And stick to the green leaves of kratom. It will get u through any withdrawal & will take care of pain, anxiety and sleep...if u are still taking opiates, wean yourself off. You will not notice kratom working at first until all pain meds have left your symptom. What I mean about going on the internet is not through a smoke shop or gas station. You have no idea how long it's been on the shelf...and if u decide to try it purchase it in bulk, half a kilo or more in power form. U can buy a capsule machine on the internet too or make the capsules by hand. If u buy the pre-made capsules u will pay the price and they are not cheap, and who knows what one may use for fillers. Good luck to you.

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