Wanting To Quit Taking Contrave (Page 8) (Top voted first)


I need to know how to stop taking contrave. Can I just quit cold turkey or do I wean off? If I wean off how do I do it?

163 Replies (9 Pages)

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I went on Contrave for weight loss and alcohol cravings. It works wonderfully for me. I have lost 20 lbs. I have been on it about 2 months. However, I am now experiencing a side effect I cannot ignore any longer. My liver is hurting like it did when I was drinking. I am going to go down to the 2 pills a day from the four. I fear I will have to give it up entirely.

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Re: Sally (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been taking it for 5 months and have lost about 30 lbs from my heaviest. It’s still coming off, just slower then at the beginning. Agree constipation is the only symptom I’m feeling but it hasn’t been too bad. I had really itchy hands and feet at week 3 but a few Benadryl and I got thru it. Otherwise I’m loving it.

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Re: Ree (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I have just been on it also 10 days also .... woke up with hives today ...?? they say to wean off ... but I haven’t taken very long so with that and with hives really don’t want to chance taking anymore ! As hives could get worse then !

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I took contrave for almost 2 years and looked and felt the best I ever have. I lost 15lbs and was able to maintain it. I had some side effects, like nausea and diarrhea occasionally but overall I felt really good. However, I've had a terrible time getting off it. I tried weaning myself and finally stopped taking it, but putting on some weight again has been mentally tough. I was exercising and eating right while taking it but it's almost like my body is craving all the calories again now that I've stopped. The lack of energy has been really hard too. I'm going to stay off it since I hope to get pregnant soon, but it's terrible getting off contrave. Worse than getting off adipex.

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Re: Hopelessly hopeful (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

What did the doctors tell you on how to titrations down? I just recently found out that I am pregnant...and I’m afraid to continue...I just want it out of my system!

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Re: Sally (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I have been taking Contravene for a year and have slowly lost over 40 pounds. I feel great and am worried about tapering off

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Re: Heather (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have been researching how to stop Contrave too but couldn’t find the answer so I will tell u, I was up to taking 2 in am and 1 in pm, was on my 3rd week & had only lost 3 lbs but my cravings had all stopped but yesterday morning I had a real funny feeling in my heart after taking my morning dosage, it felt like I had chill bumps in my heart like I was on a roller coaster going downhill & my hands started moving involuntarily so I decided no more and was going to quit cold turkey, I didn’t take my pm dosage, I had been taking pm dosage around 2 pm, I got home from work at 6 pm and I was easily agitated, miserable, felt real weird like I was withdrawing from opiates which I have not taken in 10 years. I ate, I got something to drink, felt horrible, I had to go ahead and take the pm dosage just to stop the withdrawals and am going to slowly wean myself off and flush the rest down the toilet so nobody else gets them, it scared me. I liked them at first but it is weird, I’ve never felt so weird in all my life. Don’t take it, do yourself a favor if you have not started Contrave and don’t get any. They don’t give you energy like adipex, they make you feel like you’re on a weird drug with bad side effects. I won’t be ordering anymore. The answer is WEAN off, slowly. Be careful while doing so. They’re dangerous. I hope I have not ruint my heart.

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How do I stop taking contrave ...can I quit cold turkey or do I need to wean off

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Re: Vickie (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

What happened? I've been on Contrave for 3 months and just started having weird insomnia and heart rate issues. Am on the last week weaning off, but feel like chest pressure is worse the first day weaning down from 2 pills

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Re: Mechalle (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

Did you have chest pressure?

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I am in my 2nd month of contrave (4 pills a day) and the nausea and vomiting are getting worse, dry heaves bc my stomach is literally empty, and it’s affecting my job. I want to just stop, but I want to do it safely. Has anyone else dropped from the 4/day to just 2/day (one morning; one evening)?

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Re: Heather (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have had pretty much the same experience except it's not just my fingers that twitch. It's Mt arms, legs, feet, hands, and even my ab muscles. I'm weaning off now. I hate this medicine.

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Re: Mria (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

I'm eager to know if you started taking contrave again after stopping for a bit?

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Re: Scared (# 156) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. I have never felt this bad and finally today I just put two and two together after reading and researching more on this medication. I have had headaches, can’t concentrate, constipation, anxiety, easily agitated. Family has noticed a change. I have felt really tired all the time. And tired even when I wake up. Can’t keep my eyes open at work. It’s terrible. I have decided to wean myself off since I can’t stand feeling this way. And I don’t have the patience to wait another month or so for it to be in my system

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I've been on for almost a year I'm stuck at 18 pounds. Was wanting to come off

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Re: Mechalle (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in the same boat. I feel like death. I want to stop taking it but not sure how. I'm on week 3 & started taking the 2 pills in the am & 1 in the pm. I missed work yesterday & again today because I feel like I have the flu. It's horrible!! I'd rather be fat than to feel like this.

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Re: Sally (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking Contrave for 2 years. I lost 30 pounds and have been stuck for a while. I am going to discontinue using it and try something else.

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Re: Heather (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I find that I get a really dry throat and it’s hard to swallow. I have been taking it for the same length of time as you. I think I will probably take one a day for a while. I’ll check with the pharmacist and the doctor. Good luck.

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I have lost 40 lbs on Contrave. The side effects will stop. The rest is in the mind

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I'm on my second week of contrave and have had a sore, scratchy throat for several days. Is this a side affect. Also I'm having problems sleeping due to heart racing.

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