What Causes Weight Gain In Lyrica (Page 6)



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Lyrica is a night mare !!!! I have gone from 13 stone to 20 stone !!! It makes me so unhappy I might swell be in pain the more waight the more presure on my legs !! So it's a no win !!

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Been prescribed lyrica 75 mg three times a day along with 900 of neurontin three times a day with Tramadol 50mg. Absolutely not cloudy or dizzy but 50 pound weight gain since April 21st 2016 No change in diet really but quit smoking

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Hi I don't know if this helps but while being on lyrica I gained over 70 pounds ( over a course of 3 years) I was on 150 mg 3 times a day, I mentioned the weight gain to the Neuro doctor and he prescribe gabapentin, he told me to slowly decrease the lyrica and increase the other, it's early but so far in the last 4 months since seeing the Neuro doctor I've lost 45 pounds,don't know if this helps

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I am taking Lyrica 300 mg two times a day. I have had great response to pain relief, but horrible with weight gain. I have gained 50 pounds in 5 months. All the weight is in my belly, hips & thighs. I too look like I am pregnant. This is horrible. I can also tell when it's time to take the Med on my own without a clock yo remind me as the burning pain returns. What the heck??? I suffer from neuropathy in my feet with burning pain and it feels like I am walking on sharp needles. Please help!

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I sympathise with you all. This has also happened to me. Consultant who was supposed to be providing a pain clinic just said *lose the upholstery * as if I just sit eating chocolate all day. No interest in looking into my meds and I know it's Lyrica that's given me weight gain.

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My daughter took Lyrica for a short period for epilepsy. She felt very unwell and reported thus to her consultant . Two weeks later she was admitted to hospital having to lost the ability to speak and walk . Her consultant who did not visit her during this stay, said it was too low a dose to cause this . We know however lyrica was definitely responsible . A very dangerous drug.

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I have been on 450mg of lyrica each day
for 4 years. Have gained over three stonnes
in weight. Tried to come off it twice. Second
time I wanted to take my own life as the
withdrawal symptoms were UNBEARABLE.

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I have been on Lyrica for 2months now. An had to switch to a lower dose do to feeling a bit dazed an unsteady. Although the lower dose helped with the feeling of drunkenness I'm having a problem with my eyes being unfocused at times where its hard for me to read with or without glasses on. I have gained wt believe to be water weight because I don't eat much . Put on 8 pounds within 2-3weeks.

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I have been on Lyrica for a month now and have gained 10 lbs. I am hypothyroid and take Armour, which I only hope will counteract the weight gain. I also have severe fibro pain as well as severe back, sciatic, nerve damage to foot because of the sciatica. I have a herniated disc and ankylosing spondylitis. Dr prescribed Lyrica for nerve pain and fibro, but my hands swell so badly at night I can't use them. I have to wear compression gloves. I have carpal tunnel also but will be taking care of that with surgery.

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Unless You are a Doctor of Pharmacology, You have no business giving advice about which drugs that a person should, or should not take. You are falsely implying that Wellbutrin is a CNS/nerve destroying stimulant. Present the facts, or keep Your opinions to yourself. And don't chastise someone else.

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Do you know if Cymbalta will work like the Wellbutrin

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I am Wellbutrin 80 milligrams of Adderall actually I just started the Wellbutrin a chronic pain if doctor chooses to give me Lyrica for my Pain I well I put my Alot of weight,,?

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Stop it. I gained 7 pound in 4 week of treatment. Yes, lyrics helps with my fibro pain but over all of my health ,which I have problems with my both knees, lower back pain, depression and so on. Weight gain it's a no no in my case. I can't put on more weight. I was 216 pound and I have lost 62 pounds slowly in the last 8 month due to taking selective med that I have taking(10 kinds). In my opinion, I think you should stop it as soon as posible.(Feb 4, 2017)

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I was in a 3 different mva's 2006, 2007, 2008 and have been prescribed a lot of meds for neck/back/joint pain etc.. I also have osteoarthritis and was having severe burning in my arms and legs. My pa gave me samples of lyrica 35mg. I took them as prescribed for 1 month and it seemed to work but I gained about 20lbs. It felt like I was swollen up and it also made me dizzy and an upset stomach. I decided to stop taking it. Side effects were too harsh. Before lyrica I lost 50 lbs. Now I'm struggling with weight again. I won't go back on this drug. Looking into options. I'm not sure they've even diagnosed me properly with fibromyalgia, because I don't experience the burning sensation all the time.

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I'm in the exact same boat with you. The lyrica also keeps hot flashes from menopause away but the nerve pain is getting worse because I'm gaining weight and it's putting more pressure on my lower back. You get terribly sick coming off lyrica but the good news is it only will last approximately a week, but again it is horrible! So stocking up on children's benedryl it'll help if you take only 5mgs every four to six hours and the full ten milligrams at night will help you sleep. The nausea!, Omgsh, be ready to be able to lay around like you have the flu. Gatorade, dry crackers and cold foods in your stomache in small amounts will help. Alka Seltzer cold plus helps too..The migraines you'll get, use goodys instant relief powers the minute the headaches come on and NyQuil cold and flu at night every other night instead of the benedryl if you still can't sleep. These over the counter meds are all things that help but rem. They each, except for the benedryl have acetaminophen in them so you can't take them together. And have to space out to at least 4-6 hours. Good luck

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I also was started on Lyrica for Iliac Compression Syndrome and I TOO have gained significant weight, 20+ pounds in 2-3 months!! I'm also a Diabetic and VERY STRICT with my intake. I have kept my A1C in the 4's for a year and a half so there blows your intake theory. The ONLY change has been Lyrica = Wt Gain.... at least for me. I helps me as well but like the previous post, the added weight DOESNT HELP my situation. I'm thinking I'm going to just have to take the pain and stop the med.

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Ok finally weaned myself off the lyrica! All the sickness that went with coming off it; from the hot and freezing cold flashes but here it is a week later and I'm actually in less pain than I was while I was on it. I think the joint pain was worsened by being on it a year. Dropping the weight slowly too since coming off it. And believe me my pains were bad. Couldn't sit long, stand long, walk long, bend over picking up kids clothes long. Doctor has me on 7.5 hydrocodone till I go in the 15th to get the nerves severed around my s1 and s3 four shots I guess. I don't recommend taking lyrica long term , especially not to anyone with depression; the weight gain associated with it made depression worse. Just saying. I'm sure there's those who say don't give advice and I'm not I'm giving my experiences and opinion here.

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Glad to hear you are doing well coming off of the Lyrica. I have already decided to come off if it as well. Thank you for posting your experience(s). Helps to know 'you're not the only one '!!

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Right now, it's either be in pain or gain weight. What a terrible choice all of us have to make. I am going to pray for all of us. Please Lord, may a solution be found for us who are suffering pain and weight gain. We are between the devil and the deep blue sea!

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AMEN!! I wasn't diagnosed properly for YEARS and due to the pain , no medication, no treatment , I developed a non healing bleeding ulcer from the stress/pain. I had to have part of my stomach and small intestine removed!!
WHAT ELSE I wonder do I have to give... TOTALLY EXHAUSTED

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