Vyvanse Affecting A Woman's Ph Balance. Help! (Top voted first)


Has anyone had this problem? I had been on adderall for a couple of month and then was taken off of adderall and put on vyvanse. Since then, I have notice my pH vaginal balance is off. Can anyone tell me, if this is a side effect? This is affecting me and my partner.

30 Replies (2 Pages)

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Samantha, I think I'm having the same issue. I struggle to keep my vaginal pH balanced. I see that noone's responded here. If you find out something, please post... and I'll do the same. Thanks.

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I carry two licenses. Pharmacy and nursing. I've been on Vyvanse 30mg for approximately a yr. I am now 39 so I thought it very odd that about four months after taking it I noticed vaginal dryness and wondered if I was premenopausal...again seemed crazy as both mom and grandmother menstruated until 56 yrs old. This baffled me and obviously is rather uncomfortable. I wasn't intimately active and therefore no infections. I drink way too much coffee and not enough water at work. I checked my blood work and my estradiol was out of wack. Seemed very low. My period then stopped for 3 months??? At this point I felt inflamed, red, itchy, no discharge. I decided to stop vyvanse cold turkey. I really had no issues other than I felt like I was in a fog for a few weeks, tired, however no other issues. The good news is within 2 weeks, I did get my period. My labs have returned to normal and no more dryness. I'm not certain if drinking more water would have helped as I was desperate to return to normal and didn't increase water intake first. I never felt edgy on this medication and I actually had a better appetite. Regular bowel movements, focus was great. It's really quite a shame about all of this unfortunate symptoms we are having and I haven't read much to confirm this other than this thread. I was very grateful to hear I wasn't the only one feeling this way. Thanks for your input ladies.

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Do either of you also drink coffee? If so, a combination of the vyvanse with the coffee may be the culprit. I'd been BV free for a couple of weeks (had been taking vyvanse) but no coffee during that time. This week I missed a day of taking femdophilus and had coffee the 2 following days and the BV is back with a vengeance. I plan to monitor this for the next few days... And I'll check back in.

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So relieved to see this! I'm 29 and have had weird symptoms for about a year. It took its toll on my marriage and I went to my OB out of desperation! She did a blood panel and my estradiol was ULTRA low. I used Premarin cream for 2 weeks and I'm a new woman. I am really dependent on vyvanse (I use low dose 30mg )for anxiety and don't want to go off because I feel very balanced right now but also am terrified the recurring infections and low estradiol will happen again!? Any ideas from a medical standpoint on how to avoid this!?

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I have been having the same problem since I stated taking vyvanse approximately six months ago. I am on my fifth or sixth antibiotic for it and also take probiotics. It is affecting my relationship with my husband as well. Im thinking of going off of vyvanse but it really helps me with ADHD like no other stimulant has!!!!

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Hi. I have been taking vyvance, then adderall for one year now. While on vyvance for the first seven months, I noticed my throat always had mucous at the back of it. When I woke in the morning, I would gag until I blew my nose and coughed up the mucous in my throat. I had never before had this experience. Once I switched to adderrall, the mucous in the throats improved greatly, but somehow, it has affected my vaginal ph. I have had yeast infections three out of the last four months!? I am 46 years old and In my entire life, I have only had one yeast infection. When I asked my doctor about the yeast infections, he told me he had never heard that before as a side effect. I am surprised such a popular medication has these side effects, and the doctor who prescribed it is unaware of them? Obviously women are having these issues. Also, my eyes are dry and itchy all the time. What gives?

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Ladies, you don't believe how happy I am to see that I am not alone. I love vyvanse because it helps me with my adhd like nothing else, but as soon as I started it, I noticed I had BV. I called my gp straight away, tried to explain to her I think it is the medication, as it also changes the bacterial flora in the mouth and causes infections there (also the dryness) so why shouldn't it be the same down there? To my surprise I realized that neither the GP nor the Dr in the sexual health clinic were aware of this side effect. I told her I had just once in my life a BV years ago and never any issue after that. In the end I managed it with probiotics for women (optibac). I can't stress enough to make women aware not to panic when this happens as it can be the side effects of the medication.

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I have been taking Vyvanse for a couple of years now. I was having chronic sinus infections and multiple rounds of antibiotics over a 6 mos period. Since then my system has never recovered and I have chronic vaginal discharge, itching and burring. Forget sex that only makes it worse. I decreased my dose from 70mg to half that and increased my water intake to between 48 oz and 64 oz a day...guess what it worked...my vagina was no longer red and itchy and burning with a constant discharge. It does appear Vyvase does some how make the system off balance but I have been doing weeks of research to tie it all together...i have also starting a ph balanced water, and superfood supplements...I still have the jaw clenching, jitters and rapid heart rate, but it no longer makes me sick to my stomach. However it also doesn't seem to have the same ability to stabilize my concentration.

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I also take vyvanse and seem to have to work more than I should to maintain a good balance. I find that I am dry all over, like my eyes, skin, and mouth as well if I do not drink far more water than recommended. (Maybe you too?) What I can tell you works for sure though is apple cider vinegar. It's wonderful for you. You can take a little (half and half with water) in liquid form or take a pill (I do this daily to maintain and it really helps!) also you can put a cup or two in the bath and let it kinda - get in there as you soak- so to speak lol. I use it when I take bubble baths (wine please!) and you can't smell it at all since it's so diluted.

Hope that helps one of you! It's the cheap and easy way (along with yogurt for good probiotics and flora throughout) to maintain a good feminine balance. :)

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Y'all are not imagining It! Vyvanse is such an evil medication. I went off of it for 4 or 5 years due to my thyroid and hormones going out if whack, which I somewhat blame on vyvanse but that's another conversation. Anyway, back on vyvanse for 2 months now and have had 2 yeast infections 2 months in a row! I had not had any at all since stopping vyvanse. I had perfect vaginal health and PH until I started taking it again. I'm convinced! It messes with my digestive tract as well. I get white tongue if I stop taking probiotics. I would like to quit taking it but I am so unfocused without it and last time I went cold turkey was a nightmare! I hope more clinical studies are being done to improve vyvanse because this sucks!!

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Re: NoMoreOpiateWithdrawals (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

clearly the work of someone on the Vy. lollllll

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I am so relieved to have found this forum. I have been having the most foul vaginal discharge for 9 months now. As in, it is sometimes yellow or brown coloured, thick, there's lots of it and it smells so bad. It's so bad that I have to wear a pad and tampon everyday or absorbent period knickers to hide the smell and moisture. It's been so embarrassing and had a massive impact on my mental health, romantic relations and overall life as everything I do I have to factor this in.

I have done all the tests possible - smear test, STD tests, BV and thrush tests, ultrasound etc. Everything has come back healthy and the doctors have no idea what it is. They prescribed medication anhyway (BV meds, antibiotics, creams for BV) and nothing has worked!! The discharge started about 4 weeks after I started taking Elvanse (known as Vyvanse in the US). It's only now that I've managed to connect the dots. I'm terrified to stop Elvanse because it's literally saved my life - I've been so productive and mostly happy since taking it. I'm going to ask my doctor about alternative medication to Elvanse. Does anyone have any solutions on what else would work?

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Re: Lolo (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Y’all need to report this to the FDA Medwatch. How else would they know about this side effect?

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I stopped taking it three days ago and i think the infection is gone....the sx decreased the first and second days and today seems to be gone!

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I'm on Vyvanse 40mg it makes my area smell like old blood I'm constantly worried about it! I have been to the doctor there is nothing wrong in that area. I use summers even wash morning and night plus a Summer's Eve wipe mid day. It only smells this way when I'm on the Vyvanse. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to kick the smell?

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Re: keylime29 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

BV can be transmitted sexually, but it isn’t an STD.

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I have been on vyvanse for a year or 2 now. I quit smoking and drinking alcohol.. i let go of candy and soda..i even work out and have a vegetarian diet.. my biggest issue is not enough water and too much coffee. I started taking acidophilus and drinking more water...i even use rephresh gel & hygenic wash IF i don't drink enough water or take acidophilus i notice vaginal discomfort. It is so interesting that other women are saying this, because i was worried but knew i should be okay because i never have unprotected intercourse or have a million partners.

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Re: Ki (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Do you think maybe it's the caffeine with the vyvanse I'm having the same issue but dont drink coffee I do however drink soda

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Re: frustrated (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have been noticing an unfamiliar odor as well, it started when I started Vyvanse. This is the only side effect I've noticed. My diet hasn't changed and I drink A LOT of water.

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Re: Ki (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am researching for a similar issue. I don't get vaginal yeast infections, but I've been getting these skin lesions for about 5 years now. They flair up each month with a new refill. The only thing I also notice is dehydration makes it seem worse, not sure if it is. I was prescribed vyvanse for the first time in Pennsylvania, with a different climate from where I live now, Louisiana. I was on vyvanse for nearly a year and never had a problem. I moved back home to the south and started taking vyvanse again after a few years. After about a year, and going through a particularly very stressful life changing experience, I began having this thing happen to me. I got these horrible skin lesions everywhere. Over time, I continue to have a "breakout" with every new script but by the time the medicine is running low, everything has calmed down until my next refill. My lesions never really completely disappear. They will heal, get better, some will remain, but be better than when it explodes again. I only get the lesions on my arms now. I also get white spots on my first two toes and my feet stink so bad. I wear combat boots for work as an EMT. I don't know what to think finding some answers and it pointing to the medication that allows me to function as a single mom with ADHD symptoms. I have a Traumatic Brain Injury from a head on collision in my mid-twenties. Without vyvanse, the simplest tasks like house cleaning becomes too much. I already struggle to remember everything for my kids and I forget so much. I have adverse reactions to methylphenidate. Am I about to lose the medication that aides me to be a better me? My health is important but so is everything else and how I think covers everything else. I pray I can find a way for a balance.

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