Vyvanse Withdrawal - Anxiety
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so i am a college student and my friend is prescribed 50mg vyvanse... i used to take about 1 every couple weeks to help me study for exams, and i loved how focused it got me so i started taking them about 2-3 times a week. i have been doing this for a couple months. but lately, if i'm not on it, i feel extremely anxious and feel like i can't talk or do anything normal....

please realize i am aware that the use of this medication when not prescribed is not a good thing to do.... but ever since the first couple of times, i feel like i need it in order to study, be happy, or even talk to people. i want to stop so badly but the anxiety (esp. social anxiety) when i'm NOT on it is horrible - i feel nervous to even go hang out with my best friends. then if i take it, i feel confident, focused, and talkative again.

if you want to lecture me on this sort of recreational use that is fine, i know i deserve it. but i'm looking for advice to help me stop. if i just cope with this anxiety for a couple weeks of being off of vyvanse will it go away? or will it always be like this? it's ruining me.

thank you

8 Replies

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I'm a researcher, and I can tell you that those symptoms shouldn't be signs of vyvanse withdrawal. Vyvanse half life is 12 hours, so withdrawal symptoms would subside within 24 hours. Even then, unless your 75 pounds and don't eat, you shouldn't be facing withdrawal symptoms. If you are, caffeine should be avoided at all costs too then. If caffeine isn't giving you the same affects, it could be a really bad placebo or something else. I would talk to a psychologist, even if it is a placebo, placebos can have long lasting effects, and especially if that placebo is social anxiety.

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There are physical withdrawal symptoms from what some might consider short-term use (six months), and this varies with the dose, duration, route of administration, etc., IT IS NOT YOUR MIND PLAYING TRICKS ON YOU; IT'S THE NEUROTRANSMITTERS AND RECEPTORS DO THAT!

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The best thing to do is ride it out trust me. Xanic help me with withdrawal that's what your going through whine your self off slowly but with ease its going to take a month but once you kick the addiction stay away

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Very well said she is exactly right!

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As a recovering addict at first I was slightly irritated when your compared the drug of choice to food water & shelter. Yes you obviously need those to live, but food can wait a day and most certainly is dwarfed by the need for the addicts drug of choice. At my worst point I went from 190 to 130 - thats some serious f***in droppage. I even had money food and access to it but when your running you dont have time.

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I definitely can Identify with how you feel when you are without your medication and from years of MASSIVE abuse - yes the human brain and body has shown it is able to recover fairly remarkably even after years of malnutrition, obviously massive sleep deprivation, etc... and the brain as I said can recover as well, and you are smart enough to recognize and admit you are slightly concerned instead of just using it as an excuse to keep using.

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I wouldn't say several weeks, but it's basically a placebo effect. If you tell yourself that you need it, you will physically crave it. It's a drug... It's not food, nor is it water or shelter, you have to place yourself in a mindset that's more healthy. If you can't change that mindset, it may not be a bad idea to get some help for addictive personality traits that will follow you forever. Trust me, i'm a college student going through the same thing, and if i'm not addicted to vyvanse, then it was either pot/food/cigarettes/exercise. You have to accept what you are given in life and work with it at your standards. I know this can be hard because college students are pressured to be super humans non stop.

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What you are experiencing are both mental and physical symptoms and yes, if you stay away from it for awhile, they will eventually go away, though it will likely be tough for several weeks.

Have you considered consulting your own doctor about your problems and a possible solution?


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