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height increasing food supplement ## This is a supplement from the Phillipines, there is no scientific proof that it does as claimed. ## can u help me? i want to grow up. my height is only 5'2 ## does Cherifer PGM really increases growth? I am 18 and 5'3 in height.. i really want to grow at least 2 inches..but seems cherifer doeasn't work at all.. please reply..thanks ## How long should i eat the cherifer pills to grow up? when is the best time to eat the medicine and is there any effect? ## my sister bought me a box of cherifer premium instead of pgm, does premium are good for the growth? or just a vitamins.. plz reply me.. tnx ## i take cherifer, because i want to grow more, but it seems it doesnt work! ## when i bought cheriffer pgm.. the girl in the merury drugs says tha...

301 REPLIES Updated in Posture

Can I give my one year old astymin syrup? ## My son is 5yrs old and he eats poorly. Can I give astymin syrup? He has no chronic disease, but he is thin. ## I have a 2-year-old that has refused to eat well and as a result is very thin. The pharmacist recommended astymin amino acid and multivitamin syrup. Should I go ahead with it? And in what doses? ## My baby was 3 kg when she was born. She is 1 and half now but she is only 8kg. She is eating almost all veggies, fruits and meats. Can I make any difference in her weight if I give her astymin syrup? ## Can i give astymin syrup to my 4yrs old child. He eats poorly and very thin...he doesnt eat meat and fish. Same daily routine of meal. ## Can a 2-year-old child take Astymin to gain weight and have an appetite? ## Can I give my 1 year old A...

7 REPLIES Updated

is it safe for me to take mosegor although i have been diagnose for gastro esophageal reflux desease ## Hi! How are you? I'd suggest checking with your doctor, before taking it. Some of the high potency B vitamins can cause stomach irritation in some people, so it may not be good for you to take them. Are you currently taking anything for your GERD? Your doctor may be able to help you find one that you can take that won't be so irritating to your stomach. ## What do pizotifen vitamin b complex mosegor vita capsule do? Can I gain weight with it same time as a sleeping pill? ## My son was diagnosed with cyclic vomiting syndrome? Can these vitamins cure my son? ## Pwede bang uminom ng mosegor ang may liver cirrhosis? Thanks! ## My doctor of gastroenerology prescribed this supplemen...

6 REPLIES Updated

Hi, please help. I found this in my husbands pants.. It was a white thick oblong pill with nothing on either side. What is this!!!! ## most likely an over the counter medication or vitamin. All prescriptions drugs in the us have some sort of identifying marks on them. ## Ok. Thanks for the information:) ## I found a white oval shape pill in my pill box with no markings on it. I have no idea how it got there, what can this pill be? ## It's a over the counter 400mg magnesium dietary supplement. It helps if u get body cramps or cholly horses. ## Found the same pill in my husband's pocket too.

5 REPLIES Updated

I have been told to go on a low potassium diet after my blood test came back. I have no kidney issues. After researching high potassium foods I realized that I do have a diet high in potassium. My Dr. wants to retest in 5 days and I am to be on a low potassium diet. I would like to know how long potassium remains in the body. Is it like a water soluble vitamin which leaves daily? ## Potassium is just constantly processed, so your levels can raise or lower very fast. Learn more Potassium details here. There are a lot more details under the medical/biological section of the Wikipedia link that I posted that should explain it better. But basically, if you lower your intake, since it is constantly being processed, such as in your urine, your levels will lower pretty fast, since you aren...

14 REPLIES Updated in Quinapril

i used to take this lung vitamin before prescribed to me by my doctor when i caught pulmonia when i was in high and 14 years that i am 54 years old i want to take it again as maintenance for my weak lungs. is it still available over the counter? ## Is Trisovit still available in the market ? How much ? ## Yes trisovit is so effective when i was 29yrs old..i have severe pneumonia..undergo minor operation.after operation someone advice me to try trisovit..and its effective.after doctor surprise that the liquid to my lungs is totally gone and he seen cleared.. ## Why are some effective and affordable meds in the phils are totally out in the trisovit..???

3 REPLIES Updated

Hi...i just want to ask if it is ok to take a myra 300e with the lady trust pill? I am afraid that there would be a problem with the effectiveness of my pill. Please help... ## I just wanted to ask if it's ok to take myra-e and trust pills? ## Is it ok to take Myra-e 400 while taking lady pills, if it's taken at the same time? I am afraid that taking myra would lessen the effectiveness of the lady pills or cause other side effects? Please reply. ## Myra E is just a vitamin E supplement, which the NIH reports is not known to interfere with oral contraceptives, in any way. The worst side effect associated with taking it is usually diarrhea. It can actually be very beneficial for your skin and hair, since vitamin E is an important component to them both. Is there anything else I ca...

8 REPLIES Updated in Vitamin E

Hi am taking ovacare , folic acid and provers... Are there any chances of getting pregnant and for how long will I take them to get pregnant ## Can I take ovacare with folic acid toghter to enhance chance of getting pregnant? ## How long you need to take them is up to your doctor. But yes, you can become pregnant while taking them. The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability and PMS-like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Yes.. I saw this thick whitish gel 2 days after my period.. I did an ovulation test and it was positive. I didn't use protection during intimacy a day before I saw it. And also had intercourse that same day. Will I get pregnant? ## Can I take Ovacare tablets while I am pregnant? ## I ...

7 REPLIES Updated in Folic Acid

Hi, good day. My question is, can i use cherifer for adults? I'm 21 now, turning 22 next march. I want to increase my height by at least 2 inches. Thank you for replying soon. ## Hello, Mary! How are you? I'm sorry, but at your age, there is nothing that's going to help you grow taller. Once you are past your normal growth span of adolescence, things are done and no amount of vitamins of any type are going to change it. Is there anything else I can help with? ## hello Im Mildred Im turning 21 this month. I wonder if Cherifer can help make me grow taller by 3 inches? ## Good day po...Pede pa po ba ko mag take ng cherifer adult 22 nako sa oct. At ilang beses uminom sa isang araw. Salamat po. ## Hi. I want to be a taller girl but don't know how to take it each day? Thank yo...

14 REPLIES Updated

For artritis inflamation and rheumatism. . . . . . . . . . . . capsule shape, color red formula: vitamina B1 50mg, vitamina B6 50mg, vitamina B12 200mcg, diclofenaco de Na 50mg. ## where can you buy this Artribion Vitaminado..?? ## dolor de rodillas ## Where can I buy artribion vitaminado? ## Viene directamente de El SALVADOR, Drop Shipped. Se puede ordenar llamando al xxx xxx xxxx ## where can i buy artribion vitaminado...... is there any web page, or phone number to order it?.... ## Where can I buy Artribion pills? Forget Ebay. I want a legitimate outlet. Thanks a million ## artribion vitaminado i want information on this product ## You can't except for in the street mart market. ie swap meet, flea markets. ## where can I purchase artibion. I live in Palm springs and I was told th...

22 REPLIES Updated

What are the side effects and uses of these tablets? ## Chrominac-A is a nutritional supplement that contains the active ingredients Chromium, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Alfacalcidol and Biotin. It is believed to reduce insulin resistance and improve insulin sensitivity and used to treat conditions such as PCOS. As to the side effects, since it is a nutritional supplement and not an actual drug, the side effect profile is not studied, as is done for actual medications, however, some people do report some nausea, after taking it. Learn more: Are there any other comments or questions? ## am pcod patient am taking chrominac-a tab once a day sir can i take this for twise a day their is any complication or side effects ## As I stated in my prior post, this is a nutritional supplement, not an actual ...

18 REPLIES Updated in Chromium

Hi, I'm 26 years old and I want to know that is it harmful if I use Evion, vitamin E capsule 400mg and Sangobion (Iron and vitamin B complex) capsule??? Actually I'm using these two for a week and I'm facing pimples problem, is it due to the use of these two supplements together?? ## Hello, Qmark! How are you? It should be safe, unless your doctor says otherwise. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, and diarrhea. Are you on any other medications? ## Are sangobion and evion the same? Can we use sangobion instead of evion? ## Can we use Sangobion and the Evion capsule together? ## No, Evion just contains Vitamin E and Sangobion contains iron with multivitamins. Vitamin E is helpful in skin disorders. ## Both are different, Evion is supplement of...

5 REPLIES Updated in Vitamin E

I have pimples and freckles with dark spots on my face. How often can i take the capsule? ## Conzace contains 5,000 IUs Vitamin A, 100 IUs Vitamin E, 500mgs of Vitamin C and 25mgs of Zinc. Since this is a nutritional supplement and not a prescription drug, the side effect profile has not been studied. The instructions state that for the treatment of skin disorders, the normal dosage is 1 daily, however, you should always follow your doctor's instructions. Is there anything else I can help you with? ## is it posible to erase my blemishes and my stretchmark forthis vitamins? and how manny months or years to use it ?coz i am 7 yrs suffering my stretchmark in my legs, thummy and bottocks. ## Last night I take 1 capsule of this conzace multivitamins and after 10 to 20 I was vomitting bad...

33 REPLIES Updated in Vitamin A

I am taking mecobalamin 3 times a day, are there any side effects later? thanks ## Side effects of Mecobalamin (Methylcobalamine) can include any of the following: Gastrointestinal adverse drug reactions including anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. Rashes may also occur sometime. This is definitely the better, non synthetic version of Vitamin B12. So I think if you keep following the dosage instructions on the package you shouldn't experience any (maybe very little) side effects as your body assimilates and uses this nutrient over a long period of time. If you feel like the dose is too high for any reason, just cut back on a dose and work your way up over time. You can view more information about this pill by following the link below... Please post back if you have any other general qu...

11 REPLIES Updated

It is a pill shaped like a triangle with rounded corners, black in color and no imprint or markings. What could it be? ## Hello MessyBetty1213, If you find a pill with no markings it is likely that it is a vitamin, supplement or an illegal/foreign drug because in the United States the FDA makes sure that all controlled medication is identifiable by its physical appearance (color, shape, imprint, size etc.). You also have a few options with what you can do with this pill. You can dispose of it at your local drug drop-off, usually located at a hospital or pharmacy. You also have the option to take the medication into a pharmacy and see if they have the capability of identifying the contents of the medication for you. It really just depends on how invested you are in finding out what is in...

5 REPLIES Updated

Is it advisable to take Inner G capsule if I am hypertensive? ## yes, it is okey go take inner g herbal capsule even if you are hypertensive because it is herbal ## How to take inner-g capsule, when to take and how to use ## How to take the medicine and what time effective to be intimate? Also, it is safe to take with a heart problem?

3 REPLIES Updated

If u want help getting off this medication then message me, because I also got off spasmo. Now I want to help others. I know one of the best ways {edited for privacy} ## hi man, please contact me, {edited for privacy} ## I have been having 6-8 caps per day, but now I want to quit, plz suggest how ## Salute bro......really appreciate ur achievement. It is not at all easy to leave SP....I am also addicted towards it.....need help. ## Yes, plz suggest as its going to ruin my life.i tried but nvr able to. Do tell me yr story. I went to doctors but all they care nwdys is large fees evry. tyme u visit them.plz help ## Please give me details about your situation/addiction so that I can help guide you to come off of spasmo proxyvon. ## If u could plz..ive been tryin to quit but unable to

43 REPLIES Updated

injection ## Does anyone no if Vit.B12 & B6 is supose to help w/ Depesion.Also I have drank Sobe & other drinks that include Ginseng & St.John's Wort plus other things included while taking my reg.Antidepres. med's every day.Am i trying to help myself get better or worsen my Problems??? ## Hello, Bonnie! How are you? Which antidepressant are you taking? The main concern between combining an antidepressant with some herbal products, such as St. John's Wort is that it creates the risk of your developing an excess build up of serotonin, which could be fatal. Ref: Serotonin Syndrome Information As to the B12, yes, it can help with depression, tiredness, fatigue, and etc., but only if you are actually low in it, and/or don't take in a sufficient amount normally. H...

2 REPLIES Updated

Flat round white pill. Vitamin D3 1000 Unit. Pls describe what this will do and is the dose too much? ## Vitamin D supplementing can be essential for those who don't get enough sunlight. Vitamin D2 is a synthetic version of D3, so it is great that you have D3 instead of D2! Vitamin D insufficiency can result in thin, brittle, or misshapen bones, while sufficiency prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, and, together with calcium, helps to protect older adults from osteoporosis. Personally I supplement with Vitamin D3 2000 Unit. I have read that as much as 5000 Unit isn't overdosing, especially if you aren't in the sunlight very often. Hope this information helps! Please post back if you have any other questions or comments. ## During Crohn's illness or e...

3 REPLIES Updated

GONADIL-F [Protodioscin + Oti Zinc + Vitamin E + Selenium] get the LIFE - Trusted , Non Hormonal, Effective & Safe Combination for infertility Recommended Dosage* (Preferably with meals) > Male Infertility: [Oligospermia, Oligoasthenospermia, Teratospermia, Oligoasthenozoopermia, Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia] Active Therapy [Morning 2 + Evening 2] 90 days Maintenance Therapy [Morning 2 + Evening 2] 2 - 4 weeks > Female Infertility: [Ovulatory disorders (Improper follicular growth, Anovulation)] Mono-Therapy [Morning 2 + Evening 2] from day 6 to day 14 of menstrual cycle Combination Therapy [Gonadil-f + Clomiphene Citrate] 50mg from day 6 to day 10 of menstrual cycle [Gonadil-f + Gonadotrophins] hCG, FSH and/or LH, as per doctor`s own treatment > Male Sexual Performance D...

91 REPLIES Updated in Selenium
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