Viibryd Side Effects (Page 29)


What if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd

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I am taking 2 Loritab 10's at a time with Ibuprofen. They do not help the pain. It is in all of my joints.
I have days where the pain is so intense it feels like an 11 !!!
Looking into Magnesium supplements.
This Company nerds to be Sued.
I am not the only one this had happened to.

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How long have you been on Viibryd? Did you have any pains like this before Viibryd? I'd suggest 5000vit D3 & 200-400 Magnesium/day. I just started mag a week or 2 ago. I bought chelated Mag bc the drugstore kind gives me diarrhea. You can also get mag from 3 Epsom salt baths/week, using 2 cups per bath (plus the baths are relaxing and help pain).

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Tink, I just scrolled back & read your detailed post. Definitely do vit D3 & Mag supplements daily. My friend was nearly crippled with Fibro/pain (wasn't on Viibryd). She started supplements, weaned off her pain pills (Percocet & Valium), got on Baclofen, and she's like a new person. In 2012 she bought a cane. Last year after supplements, off pain pills, on Baclofen & losing weight, she's now doing yoga daily and pain & tingling/numbness is like a 2-3.

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Ah I forgot to say- my friend has PTSD with ruminating thoughts, and was given either amitriptline or nortriptiline?, for it & it also has worked very well for her. Something to discuss w/stour psychiatrist.

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I was on Viibryd for a short time after my ex-primary care provider put me on it. This medication was a nightmare for me also. The brain zaps and hallucinations were so bad while I was on it that I ended up having to go to the emergency room at least 4 different times before I could see the psychiatrist there to change it. I now have TMJ as a result of taking this medication. If I knew that this drug was so bad I would have never let my doctor prescribe it to me.

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Compulsive negative thinking totally gone after 15 days. On wellbutrin plus Viibryd.

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WHATS TMJ? They said I had serotonin syndrome

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Yes. Worked perfectly for SAD, PMS, & GAD for me. I've commented many times about Vii. For me tho, it was after the sleep paralysis hit. I took it at night, missed a dose once, & had my 1st SP attack. (Well, each attack was like 20+ attacks as I fell in & out of sleep uncontrollably). Just be on the lookout for terror filled dreams. And if it happens, don't get down about it. Prozac worked perfectly to finally get off of Vii. And 3 yrs. later, I am doing much better on 10 mg. Lexapro by Aurobindo Pharm. It takes emotions out of situations, helps w/ all above. It's an SSRI. I've discovered that SNRI's work best for SAD & GAD. Which is basically want Vii is. I was also on Wellbutrin w/ Vii & be careful as that might be too much dopamine (forehead headaches), & cause anxiety & make chance of SP worse? Idk. Don't mean to frighten you. I've given up on WB after 7 yrs. on/off, due to anxiety. I was needing 2 (.25) Xanax by 4pm daily while on WB. Sad as WB works so well.

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Yes!!!! Lots of energy?? Weird because i was taking prozac for twenty yrs and didnt seem to help. I am depressed. Husband was going to divorce me because I am a binge substance abuser. Dr gave me viibryd and suddenly I had way more energy and felt uplifted???? Weird because I normaly would have been very sad. Only thing its like $80 month with my ins co-pay. Wish there was something similar and cheaper.

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Kristene, Go to a behavioral nurse practitioner or a psychiatrist who will give you free samples of Vybriid

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My Viibryd dose was increased to 40 MG and it has took a couple of months to reach therapeutic levels. Once it did, I began to experience very, very dark thoughts, with a few risky behaviors. This is totally out of character and has never happened previously, even without an antidepressant. My physician did not appear concerned, and did not even have me come in for office visit. The nurse was permitted to return my call and basically just agreed with me to titrate the dose. More research needs to be revealed on this drug.

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Ditto side effects. Physicians have no clue.

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That dose is obviously too high for you, or, not the right medication. Same thing happened when I increased my trusty Prozac years ago from 20mg to 40mg. It wasn't good. The Dr explained the dose was "too energizing" for me. I think "Energizing" in psych meds in reference to the dose increase making me worse, means "too much" not "oh I have tons of energy", energizing.

Find a different psychiatrist if the one you have now blew you off! That's unethical. You need to stay up for yourself!

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same issue - viibryd paxil transition with very bad joint pain. Did you go back to paxil or find anything else? I'd thought of trying celexa. But might need a break from trying new things after this...

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This is my 1st day taking 10mg vibryd, I usually am so tired bu this time of night that I lay my 8month old daughter down and we sleep. I can't stop thinking about things that need to get done around the house. Its like I am restless and can't sleep but tired at the same time. I have a slight head ache and pains behind my eyes.I also have had bad bowe or lower belly pain. But my anxiety has decreased alot. I am very sensitive to these types of medications. I was nervous to,start vibryd becase I am the primary care giver of my daughter. Also the only reason I am trying this class of drug I'd be ause I have suffered from ptsd, anxiety and worrie disorder for years but,after having the baby I had bad bad mood swings and slight depression. I am happy most days but some I just lose myself in worrie a dought. Hoping and praying this works for me. How long do I have to take it,before it works good enough to tell.??

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I'm having similar side effects with. Viibryd 40. loss of appetite, anxiety and I increased depression...After over a month

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I'm so glad you posted this! I've been taking Viibryd for over year now and I had to have 2 teeth extracted and my TMJ is so bad, I have to hold and press my jaw for hours sometimes. When I try to taper off this I can't get up for anything in the morning. I sleep right through my alarms and my son has been late to school on several occasions. I also have missed many days of work. I become even more introverted than I was before, and I find getting out of the house at all to be a real challenge. I take Wellbutrin, Dexedrine, and Klonopin as well, and have pretty much tried every medication out there. I have had strong, healthy, straight white teeth my whole life. Now I'm a single mom with an autistic kid and I can't possibly afford dental implants. Now tonight the pain moved to my upper jaw from where it was a couple of days ago. The pain radiates from my top left teeth straight up the mandipular nerve into my ear causing severe ear pain. I've also developed hypothyroidism from this, and have had to start medication for that. Idk, my Drs always talking about the mood, "well how's the mood?" So I turned around and told him "it's going to be pretty damn dark if I continue to have to remove my teeth and have to live looking like that." And then, of course he mentions the darn benefits outweighing the costs. Yeah, idk, I disagree.

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Hair loss????? I'll keep an eye out. Hair is already bad enough for me as a woman

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I have been taking Vybriid for over a year. I changed dosage between 40 and 20. On 20 I don't feel as well and at 40 I cannot stand the hallucinations, night terrors, night sweats, dizziness.
I just started to realize my monthly menstrual issues started about the same time as I started this medication. My OB/BYN has not been able to figure out the cause for the ups and downs with continuous bleeding and clots to no period at all.
Has anyone else made this connection or had these side effects. Sadly, this is the first anti-depressant that really worked for me at all but the side effects are terrible!

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Did this ever change for you? Or, did you stop taking the Vybriid. I have had great results with the medication but the side effects are about killing me. Not sure if it is worth it.

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