Viibryd Withdrawal -- How I Felt (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedStopping Viibryd: From 40mg I tapered down to 7 days of 20mg followed by 7 days of 10mg. The biggest side effect I felt was mostly irritability and anxiety. I was able to go into work but tried to keep to myself. I felt sick. Didn't want to socialize. When I finally stopped the med completely it was pretty bad. I'm on day 6 now. Have been unable to work, drive or leave my house ... for fear of ending up in jail or hospital from flipping out. I feel a constant anger and want to break things, and have yelled at the top of my lungs to two people on the phone. I feel disoriented, dizzy, itchy, and confused (itchiness was actually nothing new for me). I'm confined to my house until further notice. Very unpleasant!
After a while, drugs stop working. I was on Vybryd and it stopped. So my Doc put me on Wellbrutin. Didn't tell me that it takes 6 weeks to 'kick in' I have no coverage. I worry about everything, I cry ALL THE TIME. I saw a little girl today without a jacket. I started crying but I felt so sorry for her. WTH? The itching is driving me crazy. (crazier I should say). I don't get angry, just cry. Any suggestions? I can't wait another 5 1/2 weeks for this crying to stop......xo
It does it 'better' as the days go by but you travel through Hell to get 'better'. I saw my Doctor 2 days ago. He said the PA should have never taken me off Viibyrd. For a month I could certify my own self that I had a mental issue of all sorts. But the itching did get better with Benedryl and I could tolerate that. But my mind was racing around the world. I will have to admit that my Doctor put me back on the Viibryd a couple of days ago and I am feeling like my old self. This is a hard and scary road to trave and I sincerely hope all of you feel better. Much Love.
My phycologists took me off Viibrad cold turkey I was on it for 3 weeks I still have very dry mouth
My doctor took me off Viibrad cold turkey I was on it for 3 weeks to many side affects now I'm day ,7 I'm still very dry mouth
Hey guys the headache symptom sounds veryyyy familiar to me. I decided to stop Viibryd three to four months ago and noticed that my headache around the time of my cycle for three to four days is now excruciating. It must have been masking that or some hormone is now triggered. I have no idea. Thoughts? Nothing really helps
Re: Scout (# 17)
I ran out of my viibryd a week ago. Just thought, whatever, i will get some from my doc when i can. Little did i realize the profound negative effects this had on me. Nauseous, dizzy, confused, foggy, angry, messing up at work, trouble driving, etc. All the things all you people are saying. I got more pills and took one yesterday (friday) i took one this morning (saturday) and i feel more clear headed. But until i saw all these posts, i didn't know that viibryd has been the reason why i feel like i could cry my eyes out about anything, all the time. Its also probably why i have no motivation to get out of bed in the morning to go to work. Then when i get to work i dont want anybody anywhere near me the first half of the day. Also, my libido is at level zero. Been taking viibryd for four years now and dont even remember how i was before i got on it. I thank my wife for sending me this site to read. I just learned a lot from all you people. I would never go cold turkey off this crap. I wonder what else this drug is doing to me that i dont know yet?
I'm debating weining myself off. Thinking about is makes me very upset. It is the ONLY drug I have taken that keeps me from being nasty and my anxiety not going off the charts. I am very very worried. My insurance is insane, the price of the meds is insane.
Hoping you are feling better. I hate knowing I can only be a nice person on meds : (
Re: Connie (# 20)
I have been on Viibryd 10mg since Nov 2017 for anxiety...don’t like it but figured I have to give it time to work...about 12 wks out approx 2-4 hrs after taking it my heart is beating so fast I could first I thought it was anxiety but now I know it’s not. I told him I didn’t like it He told me to quit taking it....stopped 10 mg yesterday....fatigue seems to be the worst w/ d symptom and feeling flushed w a slight headache.....hope it goes away soon
Re: feeling insane (# 10)
Vibryd has the same withdrawal symptoms as the Effexor
Hello! Please help. I have been on Viibryd for 6 years and and now tapering off to TTC. I’ve been on 20mg the whole time, 2 months ago I cut down to 10mg, and 2 weeks ago I cut down to 5mg cutting them in half. I have had the absolute worst fatigue, but besides that the most awful body aches. I feel like I imagine someone with fibromyalgia to feel. My joints and muscles just every time I move. Is this a normal symptom? When I stop taking the 5mg per week will this go away?
I have taken viibryd for a total of 2 months, with 1 month on 40. My doctor described it as some miracle drug. I was hopeful at first but then I didn’t feel much of a difference, maybe even worse (which is why I increased to 40).
I began reading more about the drug and omg, all the negative feedback from it is CRAZY. So I decided to stop cold turkey. I don’t ever want one of those pills in my body ever again. It has now been 5 days, it’s tough but bearable. I like to see it as a challenge to test my psyche when it gets tough. But mostly I just get angry, that a-hole who described it like the best thing since sliced bread who probably gets paid to prescribe it, doesn’t give a s***.
I’m having trouble controlling my thoughts. They are going haywire. I can’t stop thinking that I’m putting myself in danger. Not because I will do anything to myself but because of the sudden disruption. However, it’s been 5 days and the half life is like 25 hours, which means that I should be down to having ~3% left of viibryd in my body. So I should be fine right? Like if it would have killed me it would have done it already right?
Re: feeling insane (# 10)
Hi I'm going through the same thing. I don't think that I can take it much longer. How long did your symptoms last?
I will look at those threads but I'm afraid I won't be able to make it much longer. My doctor said TWO WEEKS! She said every day would get better. Every day got worse and I literally have confined myself to my house and my bed when it gets really bad. There is no background/understanding of "withdrawal" in my family as no one smokes, drinks or is even around drugs. I'm the only one that has suffered from major depression/anxiety so I don't get much assistance although they love me I know that. I have no one who cares enough to be with me but I have friends. I just can't ask anyone. I did with one and she didn't show up. I am praying tomorrow will be better. I really don't think I can take this much longer.
I cut the 40mg to 20mg in July and I am now on 10mg until I feel ready to cut it to 5mg and then I will try skipping the 5mg every other day, but this will be a few months from now. My body is still recuperating from the doctor cutting me off the Soma that I had been on for the last 7 years 4 times a day. What I found from this is that at first I felt like I was dieing and then I realized that the oxycontin was not killing the pain I live in, it was the Soma. I see my doctor tomorrow and I plan on talking to him about this. OTC pain meds are like taking sugar pills. I don't want to be on the oxycontin at all or any kind of ant-depressants...not after being hospitalized for serotonin poisoning from them..the more research I do the more I see they are dangerous...but my ankle will never heal, nor will my spine, and degenerative disk disease does not go away so there has to be something that is not so dangerous to control the pain. Living in pain disrupts the natural balance of the chemicals in the human body just as much as dangerous drugs. I've had it with Allopathic (Western) doctors and medicine. I am going to go back to seeing a Naturopathic MD.
I won't go into grave detail about my experience with antidepressants( 7 years on them, I am 28 now), however I am/already have tapered off of 20mg viibryd. I was originally switched to viibryd from pristiq about 1 year ago due to hormone issues/stage 4 endometriosis. During this time I gained about 10-15lbs (during viibryd and grueling Endo treatment). The beginning of August this year my doc and I decided it was time to do something about the weight gain and get off of the antidepressant. The plan was to taper off of viibryd (from 20mg to 10mg for 7 days, then to 5mg of celexa, then nothing), and be put on 37.5mg of Phentermine for the next 3 mos. During this tapering process I was admitted into the hospital for kidney stones, ended up having surgery. With all the pain meds I didn't even notice how the tapering off process was effecting me. Also, 2 days after my surgery I was on a flight to Costa Rica to visit my brother. Needless to say there was a lot going on so like I said before I did not notice how the tapering process was effecting me. Fast forward to this past Monday( prob about 1.5 weeks completely off the anti deps), I get home from vacay and start to feel a brain fog set in. Like a light switch in my brain has been turned off. Physically I feel great. Mentally I feel completely drunk and out of it. I was started on the Phen this Wednesday and I still feel the same. So my thought is that maybe I'm having Viibryd withdrawals?? No other side effects though. Just the brain fog. Today was so awful, I just went upstairs about an hour ago and took 10mg of my left over viibryd. Maybe not the brightest choice but feeling helpless at the moment. Any encouraging words or advice would be so great!!
So, I'm not quite sure how long i've been on viibryd, 40mg. I noticed that I was becoming a hermit. Didn't want to see anyone or do anything. I would lay in bed at night trying to figure it all out and finally decided, it's the viibryd! Cold turkey 4 days ago I quit! Feeling excited, crazy dreams, itching like a crazy lady and vertigo. I'll take it! I already feel, in my head, a hundred times better. Funny thing is, I have always been very weight conscious and went through a spell when I got very sick and was put on steroids as well as going through menopause at the same time. Needless to say, I chalked my weight gain off to that. Anxious to see what tomorrow brings for the first time in ages! Cold turkey probably isn't the way to go but, I'm sticking with it! Bump on a log no more!!!!!
Hi gistell,
Sorry to hear about your situation with Viibryd. There's actually two other very active discussion threads here related to this medication, if you're looking for more advice or support from others who may also be going through something similar...
I would encourage you take some time browsing through either of those threads to help get a better idea of what you might come to expect during the withdrawal process. Some people state that withdrawals can last weeks or months depending on how much and how long you've been taking it for. But I do believe there are ways to make it less severe.
Have you talked to your doctor about taking anything to help manage the symptoms you've been experiencing?
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