Viibryd Reviews (Page 3)
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Going to start it tomorrow. Anyone else taking it, and if so, how do you like it?


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After less than a week weaning off Viibryd and Remeron per my nurse-practitioner's instructions, I am feeling more clear-headed and the diarrhea isn't as bad. My appetite is getting better, too. But today I am exhausted. I am already looking forward to getting home from work and crashing. Last night I started taking Zoloft. I hope that is a better med for me.

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Thanks for the message friend. With some of these meds the sides are so drastic we are quick to change. I switched off V after month. Just didn't work for me. Back on lexapro and so far so good.

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I called my Dr yesterday. Don't know if it got worse, or I just figured out the cause and noticed more (maybe both) but I was getting nauseous in the mornings. It started about an hour after breakfast and the dose of Viibryd, and after another hour or two, gradually improved, until by lunch time I felt pretty good, and from then on, the days went pretty well as a rule. I had cut back to 20 mg/day, because the max recommended 40 mg dose only made me feel worse with side effects, no more benefit in depression relief.

Dr and I worked out a plan to try taking Viibryd in the evening with a late supper. I will try that tonight. Didn't take any Viibryd this a.m., of course, and didn't get sick.

If this tack doesn't work, then we'll have to look for a different med. I'm reluctant to switch away, because for me, Viibryd has had the best impact so far on my feeling like I can keep on.

I only write this in case it might be helpful for someone else struggling. Reading that so many of you have dropped Viibryd influenced my thinking to take steps to get relief from the nausea and fatigue side effects. We have to do what works for ourselves, but maybe ideas shared here would be effective for someone else. Best of luck to all of you; to all of us.

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Please do not take this medication! At first it seems like the miracle drug for the depression, until eventually all the horrid side affects appear. Read all other patients experiences with it, and research as much about the drug as possible. I've been on antidepressants and other Psych drugs since 1988, viibryd has been the worst. I do know different meds work differently for each person, but just saying, I'd pay very close attention to other viibryd users comments first. Good luck

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I've decided to return to lexapro. I'll deal with the sexual side effects. I'm just so very tired of being a freakin subject. It's obvious these doctors don't know s*** about depression.

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Wow! With what I keep reading on these pages, it really makes me want to get off Viibryd. I have been on it for about 6 months, in conjunction with Remeron (intended to enhance its antidepressant capabilities) and Atavan (as needed for anxiety relief). I've found this potpouri of pills creates more problems than they relieve. The Remeron seems to intensify my anxiety, so I end up taking an Atavan. If I don't take the Remeron, my mood and anxiety are okay for about a day, then the next day I feel like crap; physically; fatigued, generally out of it. I'm also tired of the diarrhea, which I've found listed as a side effect for both Viibryd and Remeron. I miss the person I used to be and I am really hoping I can get off these meds.

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Hey, Monty. Sorry to hear you're not feeling so well. I had a similar response to the 40 mg dose of Viibryd. Back at 20mg, doing as well as on 30 and 40. Are you sure you don't want to check with your Dr. about dropping by half all at once? With a pill splitter, it's possible to cut a half in half . . . . Just a suggestion. Keep us posted on how you're doing? Someday, science will look back on these meds the way we look back on frontal lobotomies. So I hope, anyway. Hang tough, man!

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Overwhelmed by the 40 mg Viibryd. Felt awful. this drug has my mental state fluctuating almost daily. I will break the 40 down to 2 20s and see how that works....or not.

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If I were to pick a stellar anxiety removing AD, drum roll, it would be Cymbalta. Reason being, it really works well for GAD. But for some weird reason, I began to feel depressed on the CYM (after 8 mos?)

It "was" labeled for depression, but it works poorly in that category, works perfectly for anxiety (you will love the sleep, but people around you won' & surprisingly helped my allergies & erased much of my back & neck pain. My neck is back to feeling tight all over again 3? wks. off cym. It didn't help my feet pain neuropathy, as it's advertised for, but that could be because mine is from a toxic nerve damage, vs. the neuropathy that diabetics experience.

Lastly, Effexor & Viibryd are similar (per neuro). She was so mad when showing me the similar names, as if she was upset that drug co. tweak chemicals this way & that & stick a new name on it.

I see AD's in a whole new light after trying Lexapro. What an artificial feeling that drug gave me. By day 3, I felt tremendous, but then too many pockets of not feeling covered by any AD while on Lex. Def. not a long acting AD.

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Thanks for all the constructive feedback my partners in crime. Will stay the course until otherwise instructed. Dr. Appt next week will keep you all abreast. I think together we can all find something out there that works. Can't help but feel like a subject in a psych ward!!

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Glad to hear from you again, Monty, even though the frustration and disappointment evident in your message is not good news. I'm sorry for that. I'm back to 20 mg Viibryd, too. Similar results to what you report at 40, although my complaints were mainly just being sleepy too much of the day. When the low part of my depressive cycle came again with as big a wallop as ever, then I knew there was no point to taking that much Viibryd. My Dr prescribed a low dose of Abilify to boost effectiveness, but like you, I'm not sold on taking more meds, so I didn't fill the Rx. Been down to 20 mg/day for 2 weeks now. Another low has arrived, but no different than the usual, and I feel better most of the day than I did at 40 mg. Viibryd is still my best bet on an anti-depressant, not so much for the effectiveness, but because the side effect profile is less bothersome. The cost is the one thing that makes me consider changing to a different med.

In any case, I hope you'll keep on trying to find whatever works best for you, and I hope you will keep us posted as to how the search is going.

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I have just discovered that all the SSRI's & SNRI's are a waste if time to me. I do better w/ 150 mg. Wellbutrin (taken at nite), 1-2 (.25 Xanax) a few x's/wk, & then 5mg. of Ambien for insomnia.

Bottom line is I don't need a mood stabilizer (other than PMS times--which SSRI's work nicely) but I do appreciate the SSRI's, etc, that help w/ anxiety.

Viibryd made me gain 30lbs., sleep paralysis....
Prozac eventually caused tremors, kills libido, hardly worked
Cymbalta caused more wt. gain, exc. w/ GAD, but too sleepy, also killed libido...
Lexapro...kills libido/yet visual (weird), & stopped due to being so exhausted from the nonsense vivid nightmares!

Rather freaked out by any AD med. at the moment. It has been so long since I've had a break from them & skipped the 20 mg. Prozac last nite, in weaning process (had to take to wean off of combo CYM. & Lex. withdrawals (I had NONE...weird!!! Because Viibryd was HeLL!!!!) and anyway, I felt like I could SPEAK normally today. Lexapro has a way of almost altering personalities.

So Monty....perhaps you also need a break. Vii at 20 mg/ for me was nothing. Then 40 was obviously too much w/ the sleep disturbances.

Also. If you've found your libido is high for the 1st mo. on Vii, & then it drops off, you're not alone. That's common w Vii. I swear they lace it w/ Viagra & reel people in on the drug because they feel like a porn star the 1st mo. Hahahaha Then the libido is uncontrollably dropped like a bad habit.

Sneaky little coinkidink with the name, eh. Viibryd/Viagra.

Ready to start slamming the pharm. co's for screwing w/ so many people. Just need to get my hands on a few books. Until then, still staying somewhat on course, will be seeing my Dr/ soon enough to proudly tell him that Lex. was a big NO for me.

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Up to 40mg friendo with weird affects. Waking up 4am just about every morning for no apparent reason. No problem getting back to sleep nevertheless. I felt pretty damned good on 20mg, since taking 40 resulted in extreme memory loss, low esteem, increased anxiety. Bottom line is I don't like this drug!!!!

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transitioned from 20 to 40 a week ago. past couple of days i've been feeling slightly disoriented. Thoughts are scattered, no continuity. Weird. I think 20mg is appropriate.

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Sorry to hear about that, Monty. Those days always seem to find their way to us. Hoping that tomorrow will go better for you.

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Definitely an increased libido due to being off the Lexapro. Now that it's out if my system still waiting for the viibryd to kick in. I sure hopes it's soon. Today was a disaster. I feel like I did before these treatments began.

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Hey, Monty. How's it going now? In re: the libido increase-- do you suppose maybe the previous meds suppressed it, and Viibryd doesn't? I haven't noticed any change in that area (Yes, I'm old, but not THAT old!)

My dr. was emphatic about taking Viibryd in the mornings, and apparently for the dreaming stuff. I have some pretty vivid ones, and once in a while, they're horrible, but probably no more nightmares than the general population would have, especially given a history of abuse.

I'm hoping to hear from you that you're getting some relief from depressive symptoms soon!

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Dear fellow Viibryd researchers, takers, or survivors...

I have been following a few Vii threads since I googled Vii & sleep paralysis. I've found that these threads are easier to follow, because of the email alerts. I went thru hell while on the med. & the discontinuation symptoms are serious. I hope Forest Labs is one day investigated for their products.

To anyone out there on Vii...I'd love to hear your + or - feedback on the drug! Last I heard was that they've discovered (per Dr) that the drug is causing part of the brain to wake up during sleep. I do not have exact medical terms for you, but Forest Labs & the FDA are well aware of this "problem" w/ the drug. So take at your own risk. I suffer from PTSD just thinking about Vii. But I am a fighter in many ways, & still speaking out! :)

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Interesting side effect. While on lexapro/Wellbutrin combo I had zero interest in sexual relations. Now my libido is elevated way beyond expectation. The first couple days I did experience vivid dreams but now back to normal (8th day, 1st day on the 20 mg) they seemed to have regressed. Probable due to my shifting the med uptake from late afternoons to mornings. Thanks all for the constructive feedback!

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Hi, Monty. You probably weren't expecting any results on mood yet. It's early, as you know. It was in the second week of 20 mg, I think, when some improvement showed up for me. Any side effects? I hope you will stick with it & give it time. It's a good med. Thanks for posting.

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