Viibryd Reviews (Page 18)


Going to start it tomorrow. Anyone else taking it, and if so, how do you like it?


1053 Replies (53 Pages)

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I was on viibryd for three months and let me tell you it was the worst three months ever. I built up to it with the titrate and it made me feel so sick, but my anxiety/depression/residual schizophrenia is so bad that I was desperate to find something that worked. My schizophrenia is not full blown and only affects me in my sleep...i have horrible night terrors where I can't differentiate nightmares from reality, if I get hurt in my dreams I wake up sore. Its scary as hell and it causes alot of my anxiety bc in my dreams its always the same guy and its always bad dreams. Well after about a month of taking the viibryd it got worse, I was terrified to go to sleep bc the dreams were so vivid, like lucid dreaming. Then I started getting these weird shock things that were in my head and paralyzed me for a second. I told my all this and he just said give it another month. The dreams got worse, I would wake up screaming. I felt like I was going crazy bc I was so paranoid during the d say as well as at night. Into the third month I started seeing s*** in the corner of my eye and thats when I said enough. I told the doc I wanted off of it and he told me to just stop taking them. For three days I laid in bed hallucinating, talking to things that weren't there or so my husband said bc I don't remember most of it. I am now on seroquel and am doing great.

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Going on two months now previous symptoms are gone but I do have aching joints. I am however happier than I've ever been and started working again.......hope it keeps up.

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Yep! That's what I thought! Only naysayers report to boards. And, people way crazier than I. So, ignoring all the boards, even after I started having side effects, I bravely plunged ahead on ViiBryd. It took me three months to tolerate the 40 mgs. I kept thinking, once I get to the 40, I will be fine. Nope. Now I am a week and a half into trying to wean off. Awful. Withdraws are just as bad as everyone says. Thankfully I have not had brain zaps, but otherwise can barely function. My new motto is, if I can get out of bed and I am not having panic attacks life is good enough for me. No more drugs. They aren't worth what they put you for. Mind you, the first panic attack I get I will be running for my xanax!

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I've been on it a few months and other that the aching joints I feel fine

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How long did it take for you to start feeling much better? I have been on about a month (transitioned from Lexapro) and i think i have become more weepy and my brain is non stop worry.

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It took about a month before I started feeling good.....

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and the dosage that you are on? I appreciate any input you have.

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I started at 10mg then to 20mg and that wasn't working so now its 40mg. So far so good. Ask me anything I'll be happy to answer if I can.

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This drug saved my life! I was suffering from major depression, anxiety, obsessiveness and negativity - also suicidal thoughts and sleeping too much which Lexapro was not helping me with at all and therapy either. My doctor gave me this as a sample and it literally saved my life :) All of my symptoms have subsided; yes the first few days I had restless leg syndrome and some numbness, but it went away and I take the pill in the morning so that I'm able to sleep fine at night, which is what all of you complaining of sleeplessness should try - take it in the morning w/ protein. And believe me; I'd rather have slight sleeplessness than the life-threatening depression I was in.

Anyways, I'm just so thankful that my harmful obsessions have gone away and I'm happy and have self esteem, I have NEVER felt this good in my life and its a miracle and answer to my many many many prayers.

The added energy is definitely appreciated too, especially after spending weeks at a time in bed beforehand.

20 mg, only 2 weeks of use, life saved :)

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the negativity is what is really rolling in my's like my brain doesn't want to stop...again, it has been almost a month

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I agree with Grace #343, Viibryd was a nightmare for me that I never want to go through again.

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Been off for a few months now (you can read earlier postings to see my full history). What's most troubling is that the joint pain's still here, bad as ever.

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I have never posted on here, but my horrible experience with Viibryd makes me want to shout it out to the world. The muscle aches and headaches and flu like symptoms have been debilitating. I started with 10mg and was bumped up to 20mg. It didnt help at all and actually just made me worse. I took my last 10mg last night and am so done. Has anyone else experienced extreme muscle aches and how long does it last after stopping the medication. I am also decreasing my dose of serequil from 50mg to 25mg.

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Amy, you are right about the Viibryd. It caused pretty severe joint pain. It settled in my elbow and forearm most of all, although my hip hurts on the same side. The joint in my big toe also hurts everyday. I tried reducing to the lowest dose and it still hurts, but not as much.

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I began taking Viibryd with the 10 mg and was into the 20 mg dosage when I went to see my fiancee that I had not seen in 2 months. The Viibryd totally killed my sex drive and I gained 30 lbs in two months of taking it. Horrible diarrhea, I mean really awful and from time to time intense crying jags. The 40 mg dosage made me feel like a zombie so my doctor had me cut back to 20 but the desire to binge eat all the time was out of control. I went back to my physician who began weaning me off the Viibryd and put me on Bupropion HCL XL 150 mg which I have been taking for almost a month now with no side effects and the appetite is waning, sex drive is coming back as well. Say NO to Viibryd. No thank you!

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I tried the Viibryd for 3 and half weeks 10 mg one week and two weeks 20 mg and weaning back down to 10 mg and quiting. The whole time my stomach hurt all the time constantly whether I ate of not within two hours after taking it I was sick as a dog and had to eat a bit again. I tried eating protein with it and drinking milk and still sick. I had headaches first two weeks. I kept trying to stick it out, because I seemed to have more energy and felt a bit more motivated, but who wants to feel like crap all the time? I did have the waking up seeing things crawl on the wall that were not there and weird dreams at first too. This is why I absolutely hate trying new stuff. You have to wean off stuff and then your depressed or have bad symptoms and then if the new stuff don't work then you have to wean off that and still feel crappy and depressed. I must be having withdrawal cause now I have the diarrhea and sick on stomach and chills with shivering and then cover up and then hot. Feel like crapola. How can a medication cause your stomach to feel raw and ripped up? not worth it.

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I noticed I was mean short tempered and irritable also on this medicine. I was never like that on all other anti depressants.

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are you still doing well on this med ?

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Nothing has worked better for me. I literally responded the very first week however it DOES TAKE TIME to get used to and experience the full effects. In the beginning you have the stomach issues but its really just soft stool, a little hunger but TOTALLY CONTROLLABLE, and the best thing about this med is that is revs up your sex drive! Doesn't cause weight gain, and doesn't cause sexual side effects!! It can mess up with your sleep depending on the dose and what else you take, I've had some scary episodes of brain zaps and sleep paralysis BUT! Both are HARMLESS! Sleep paralysis is just the state inbetween relaxing and being awake, to falling asleep - usually you aren't aware that you're driting into different sleep stages, however some people experience this while on viibryd - my solution has been to take it 1 hour before bed. You guys need to STOP coming onto these forums to freak out! The people that are doing WELL ON MEDICATIONS DO NOT SPEND THEIR DAYS AND NIGHTS POSTING ABOUT IT! Please! Give it a shot!!

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lol Carla!!!

Yeah I love this med too!!! My doctor said she hasn't had anyone with any problems on it.....


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