Viibryd Nightmares (Page 4)
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HI I am on Viibryd for 4 months now and i have these terrible horrific nightmares that i am dyng or sufficating a kind of sleep parasis and it happens a few times a night to where I am aware this drug is causing it. However it happens maybe once a week or once every otherweek so should i just stay on 20 mg i decided to bring it down and go on prozac but i want to make sure i am making the rght dec w doctor of course. I have been on cymbalta 2 years and ristiq 2 years prior and they were terrible to get off i notice that if i am 2 hours late for viibryd i have a night of hell with the nightmares. Does anyone else? Is viibryd going to be a nightmare to get off im very nervous. ;/

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Me again. LOL.

I wanted to clarify the ? from you about the diff. between side effects & discontinuation syndrome. Definitely google it, becuz I didn't know about discontinuation syndrome until I was going thru it. My neuro explained it to me. I think people need to talk more about that. As so many call it withdrawals & we all think about drug addicts having withdrawals....but discontinuation syndrome is different & there's help with that. As I've said many times, thank God Prozac nips Vii discontinuation syndrome in the bud.

Vii side effects---an example would be stomach upset. So many have diarrhea. I became really regular & didn't mind! Except I noticed my belly was bloated. Then I switched to Prozac & quickly gained 10-15 lbs.

Vii d/c syndrome---ie: brain explosions, hallucinations, wave feeling to left side of head....(common! But Forest Labs have yet to acknowledge this & note these side effects!)

One other thing to note is that Vii has a short half life (? if I am saying this right?) So that's why there was no rhyme or reason when my SP would hit. Prozac is long acting so I found I could take a 40 mg comfortably every other night, but if I went to 20 mg. a night, I never felt like 20 mg. was enough during the day. Weird.

Wellbutrin is long acting too.

So because of that, she shouldn't have to worry about major Vii d/c syndrome for weeks as you feared, as long as she's on the Prozac.

Prozac is the libido killer.

But a little secret.... Wellbutrin & Buspar combo made me feel like I was 17 again. :) She could try that!? Buspar is harmless. I took about 10mg./day for a long time. There's Buspar in Viibryd. Which explains why I felt like a teenager for the 1st 30 days on Vii!!! Then that feeling went away. But libido wasnt affected as much on Viibryd. Prozac is the great libido killer because SSRI's work better on anxiety.

Just like taking Xanax for anxiety is also a libido killer.

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I just realized that I missed the detail that she stopped Vii cold turkey. I would say that if she went from 40 Vii to 40 Prozac & it has been a week, then have her continue on the 40 Prozac & if she's doing better, or drop down to 20 Prozac and add in 10-20 Vii. hours apart if it has only been a few days off of the Vii to see if the floaty feeling subsides. She's lucky that she didn't have brain explosions dropping Vii like that. I was on it for 4 mos. b4 I had the horrible side effects.

If she has any back pain or body aches in normal daily life and if she's in her 30's+ then I recommend Cymbalta or another SNRI. From my experience, the SNRI's work better for anxiety/depression/mental clarity & doesn't give the zombie feeling like Prozac. And also not as much as a libido killer as SSRI's.

How is she doing?

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Hi JohnD: I know from experience how these kinds of issues can wreck havoc on a relationship. My husband and I have been there too many times. As far as Viibryd is concerned, she got put on one of the craziest (in my opinion) meds out there. I, too, went from a well-known SSRI (Zoloft) to Viibryd and found out all these wacky side. effects. I experienced itchy skin, horrible dreams, and an emotional roller coaster while on "V", and found the withdrawal symptoms to be somewhat similar. There aren't cut and dry answers but I bet once your girl gets back stable on Prozac or whatever med works for her she will be fine. She definitely took the hard road crashing off her medicine like that, but I would be there for her because she probably needs you.

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Look up the more detailed discussions on Viibryd & Sleep Paralysis.

I would encourage her to stop the Viibryd after a few days of 10 mg. & then go back on the Prozac (20 mg) either at the same day she's taking the 10mg. of Vii. (spaced out at least 4+ hrs) or the day after. And I'd take the Prozac at night w/ food. I had horrible Reflux from Prozac.

The truth is, Vii. causes nightmares & for many, SP.

The good news is that SSRI's stop the SP dead in its tracks. :). And don't worry, your wife's libido will come back, but for many, only after she's off of the SSRI/ Prozac.

From experience, it's more important for your wife to have balanced seratonin & a so-so libido than be struggling daily w/ mood swings & then 10 min. of bliss a couple times/wk. :)

Sorry....not what you wanted to probably hear, but it's true. Prozac is the best AD from my perspective that covers all (mood swings & anxiety).

If she doesn't have anxiety, then I'd have her talk to her Dr. about Wellbutrin. But Prozac & Wellbutrin can be taken together. Even WB can be taken w/ Vii. But I advise against it. After starting on Cymbalta, which is a SNRI, kinda like Vii. ( but w/o the crazy Buspar added!) & I do not feel the need for WB anymore as the SNRI acts on dopamine levels too.

Good job looking out for her by doing research! :).

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My girlfriend 40 days ago switched from prozac to viibryd hoping to be able to sleep better and feel better. However after completing the ramp up pack from 10 to 20 to 40 mg she abruptly quit and switched back to prozac. I didn't know about this until after it happened. Then I started reviewing these posts to look for answers and am worried that she will likely endure some of the symptoms you all are writing of. She did not and has not yet told her physician what what she's done. She's already experiencing symptoms of extreme itchy skin, nightmares, insomnia, feeling of motion or floating, and a low libido and is no longer enjoying the passionate intercourse we have always had. She's terrified that that passion may not come back, and so am I.
Is there a difference between withdrawal symptoms and side effects? If yes then which of these are either and is there and estimate on how long these will continue? I guess that the side effects would continue until the chemicals have been absorbed and are gone from the body (3-4 weeks?? or longer?). Are the itchy skin sensations really itchy skin or just he brain's interpretation of a mixed signal? Is the itchy skin a withdrawal symptom or side effect? Do withdrawal symptoms last as long or longer?
I have read hundreds of these posts now and cant find these answers (maybe I am looking in the wrong places?) If so would someone direct me?
Thanks for reading and helping.

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Oh isn't it FUNnnnnn. And I get called HYSTERICAL on the other thread about Viibryd. (Check out the Viibryd & Sleep Paralysis thread). I just shared my story as you did. Demonic dreams. Being suffocated by the demons. Awful stuff that I did say last year that would make millions for Stephen King if he were to hear all of our stories or try it himself!

But have no fear. A 20mg. Prozac daily in replacement of the 20 mg. of Viibryd, will or should take you right off the Viibryd w/o side effects. But IMO you need to wean off Viibryd now or the demonic carnival of pulling you in & out of SP will only get worse. And the auditory hallucinations (like your brain explodes in stereo sound) is no fun. Scared the hell out of me.

I didn't like how Prozac made me really sluggish, so I just started Cymbalta the other day. I suffer from chronic pain.


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Wow I just had my first too Demonic Nightmares. I woke up and was terrified I was ready to smack myself to wake me up out of this after dream effect! I really Like how viibryd has helped me... Now I have to live with Noghtmares wow! This drug is crazy.. I'm new to it but read somewhere about sticking to 10 mg or I think I'll try 20.. But to hear all of your experiences being so similar I'm shocked and lol it's kind of funny! I guess we should all pull out a pen and paper and write the dreams down like Stephen king:/ anyways it isn't funny it was scarier then hell.. But I've been on everything I've never had anything help me with all of my problems!!

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I agree Beth. And Jasmine you are far from abnormal for having horrible nightmares from Viibryd. Sleep is make-or-break to a person with depression, so these severe sleep-disruptive meds like Viibryd can be awful. I don't know why they would give such a wacky thing to treat depression. I'm now off of Viibryd and slept a lot better last night. If it is causing a ton of problems don't be nervous to speak up!!! There are other options.

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I stopped Viibryd right after my post in January. I must have responded to another list about it but I wanted to let people know here that I went on what seemed like a manic episode and turned into a b****y shrew without a memory. It has been truly awful and I could not get it out of my system fast enough. What followed was an incredible low. I went on Prozac after topping out on Lexapro. Now I am back on Lexapro and 450mg a day on long acting generic Welbutrin has helped me to feel better but it could not have come fast enough. This drug has a therapeutic dose closer to 20mg a day. As soon as I got above that my life became hell. It promises a lot but it delivers nightmares and way too many side effects.

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I am on my last ween-off day of Viibryd and just started the Amitriptyline. I have noticed a slight improvement in my sleep and content of my dreams. I think I'm realizing that this class of meds works drastically different than SSRIs like my old fall-back Zoloft. Viibryd is relatively new and I guess all the kinks aren't worked out. Anyway I have read some great reviews about it but personally it wrecks havoc on me. I think another point is that we are not weird for going on these meds and trying to find the answer. We should never be scared of a medicine because neither it nor depression defines anyone.

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I was replying back to #21 or 22.... about spiritual experiences.... :)

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I've been following another thread on Viibryd ... discussing more of the Sleep Paralysis side effect of the medicine. Everyone...take a look...many more stories there than in this thread.

So anyway, I wanted to add that I think this person is on to something. When I stopped the Viibryd, I stopped going to church. I've had no desire to go. And suffer from extreme fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis? (at a young age), anxiety, & I guess depression goes hand in hand with the other things.

I am Spiritual....and just want to feel normal & happy again. I had to go on Prozac to get off of the Viibryd. I stopped it & then restarted, because I felt so awful. I can tell that I don't feel positive, like I was on the Viibryd, b4 the side effects hit. Ho hum.

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Hi. Good to finally find an up-to-date message board! I've been on Viibryd about 2 mths now and only 2 nights now (in a row) have I experienced extreme nightmares. I don't find them demonic in nature, more like just twisted stuff you'd read in disturbing fiction mashed up into dream format. But they are really scary and my heart is pounding. I actually found out this drug is in the class with Buspar, which also gave me nightmares and I hated. I told my doc I wasn't approved for financial assistance for expensive Viibryd (in reality I never applied because I knew it wasn't working great). He's trying me on the old tricyclic Elavil, which also reports a bad dream side effect (ugh) but also helps insomnia?! So confusing! Anyway, any feedback about anything would be appreciated.

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Thanks, Marie, for your wise words.

As for my screen name, it is not really Assad's job to run the list or say who should or should not change their name. It really does not matter whether I am a doctor or not because you should be listening to your doctors who know you and your history, not taking medical advice from someone posting on line.
Hopefully all of you are wise enough to know that. On this list we are sharing our personal experience with the medication. There is no medical advice.

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Who really pays attention to names when it's not capitalized to actually impersonate a Dr. She's Drbeth....not DrBeth. And....I am pretty certain that people aren't assuming she's a Dr. She could also have her doctorate in about anything. IMO... ;)

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Dr(?) Beth.
My main concern here is that people who use the title Dr. before their screen name, are , in MEDICAL CASES, REAL DR'S. If you are a real Dr, I am sure you would agree w/ me, and if not, PLEASE, in order that people take your advice with all the seriousness it deserves (and not more), please either change your screen name or make a note in your msg that you are not a real M.D. There are very good reasons why it's illegal to impersonate Dr's.

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Hi Battle Medic...

I am having to debate Viibryd now on the Sleep Paralysis & Viibryd thread. We had similar experiences. Read back on my posts if you want. Would you mind checking out what a couple of the individuals have to say about Viibryd & tell me if you think they could have connections w/ Forest Labs? I say this because this site is #1 on the Internet for Viibryd discussions. And most people like to read up on their prescribed meds. Thx!

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I just read your posting.....I have been on Viibryd for two is making me crazy. I am really not nice to be around and I have nightmares but it starts in the afternoon around 3:oo I become extremely sleepy, cannot stay awake and then become paralized ( ) but feel I am trying to scream for my husband, cannot move. I think it last about 15 or 10 mins then I wake up and I am fine.....really, really upsetting and scary. I am seeing Dr in two days....I want off it!!!

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I'm officially starting my Taper OFF this drug. It messes with your mind. The dreams are absolutely crazy. I'm nervous about any lingering side affects. There is no upside to this drug to endure one more night of these dreams.

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The dreams make me feel like I am loosing my mind. Demons, monsters, ghost. In my dream I know its a dream and I try to force myself to scream to wake up. After I wake up I sometimes fall right back asleep into the same dream.

Like others I notice this occurs when I am late for a pill.

It was too much at 40mg so I dropped to 20. That seem to tone the dreams down for about 5 months, but now they seem to have returned with all their horror.

How can so many of us be dreaming about demons?

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