Vicodin Withdrawal
I have taken Vicodin, Tramadol, OR Lortabs OFF AND ON for the past 6 years. By off and on I mean, maybe two months on and four months off, throughout that time period. Over the last year and a half it has been strictly Vicodin, maybe one to one and a half of the m360's a day. Usually one in the morning and one in the evening. And this too has been off and on..stopping for a couple months, starting for a couple months. I haven't taken anything in a little over 2 weeks now and I still seem to have withdrawal effects that I normally never had. Every morning I wake up feeling "hungover", I get headaches almost everyday, my GI tract is always jumpy, I'm shaky and sweaty. It's just really weird to me that I am still going through this stuff..but the biggest thing is DEPRESSION..I am SO depressed. I sleep constantly, I was an active member of a crossfit gym and I can't even bring myself to think about working out at all, I can't focus on anything, I almost feel like I am going to have an anxiety attack quite often. I had my blood work done about a year ago and everything was fine. Liver values and stuff looked great, and I haven't taken nearly as much painkillers from that time and right now then I have in the past. I guess my main question is: How long should I expect these really unfortunate withdrawal symptoms? I did stop taking them cold turkey but I was only taking like one a day! That shouldn't leave me with a timely withdrawal. I stopped Tramadol cold turkey a few years ago and it didn't last this long. Could I just be depressed? I know painkillers have certain chemicals in them that act like anti-depressants.. could I have been treating my depression through painkillers and now it is not being treated at all?? Please give me some input..because I really haven't felt this "off" from quitting a narcotic and that makes me worried..THANKS!
4 Replies
So you got a high from taking the Vicodin?
Then yes, you may have been lifting yourself out of depression and slammed yourself into a bad bout of it, by stopping.
I think you should look into getting help with this, because it's likely that it's not all due to coming off the Vicodin, some of is probably some natural depression you were suffering.
Have things improved, at all?
Things have been improving slowly..but I am taking the possibility of having natural depression seriously and I am going to see my doctor about that soon..
Thanks for the reply.
MY advice to anyone who is STILL only taking 1- 2 pills at a time or per day I think you said, is to man all out quit while your ahead... That is the best advice anyone could give you to.. You are NOT in any real trouble phase as of yet and dont take it there, addiction to opiods , I mean REAL addiction (10 pills plus a day minimum) is no joke... I am NOT downplaying your situation by any means and am not putting a number on this , but 1-2 pills a day or at a tiome..."your very fortunate " my friend.....walk away and best of luck to you seriously!!
SWIM is currently experiencing full blown opiate withdrawal symptoms after only 2 days of taking Vicodin.
This person had previously kicked a daily habit (Roxicodone 15's) and tries to dose only on occasion. However, SWIM goes through withdrawals EVERY TIME they dose [even if it's just a couple (2) of days of Vicodin or Percocet.] The withdrawal symptoms usually begin the night of the first day of NOT dosing.
This makes absolutely no sense to either of us. How is it possible to withdrawal after such a short period of time? Is it possible that it's something in his brain that has messed up?
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