Variations In Losartan Manufacture
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I have been taking losartan for approximately a year and a half. I have found a very wide variation from month to month in the performance of this generic. The Teva losartan made me so ill that I had to be hospitalized. I recovered practically overnight after going on the hospital's losartan. Since then I have been on a losartan made by Aurobindo. I am going to request that my pharmacist find another company because I find that my blood pressure varies with each new bottle of pills. Not good. Given the recent article in the New York Times about the problems the FDA has had in policing generics from both India and China, I will try to avoid manufacturers from either country. Except for neurologists, I find most medical professionals are not well informed about the problems with generics of foreign manufacture.
2 Replies
I usually have a blood pressure ranging from 110/70 to 145/90, however, when I get a bad batch of losartan, then I go to 200/110 or even higher at times. Last year when I got a bad batch of Teva Losartan, I was waking at night with my blood pressure running 185/95 and up and during the day it would range from 140/75 to 200/110 fairly often. I had started a new bottle of pills about March 22. 2013. Within a day or two, I woke in the morning and found it difficult to walk because of dizziness (not ______), vague nausea, and a general sense of being very unwell. My blood pressue was frequently high (over 160/90) and I found it difficult to carry out my regular tasks. My nephrologist added clonidine to my medications and that helped somewhat. After about 2 weeks of the above, I consulted my Ear Nose and Throat physician found nothing wrong and recommended that I see a Neurologist. A neurological exam was negative except for my difficulty in walking because of my unsteadiness. My Nephrologist hospitalized me on April 12 because of confusion. On April 12, I took my own medications but started the hospital's medication on April 13. On April 13, I required assistance with walking. On April 14, 2013, I awoke feeling much better and my blood pressure had remained in reasonable limits since April 13. I was advised to see a psychiatrist since there didn't seem to be anything wrong at that point. Over the next few months the nausea cleared as well as the other symptoms (bad dreams, waking at night with very high blood pressure and anxiety.) I no longer had difficulty walking and was able to discontinue the Clonidine. I have continued to feel well except for the times when I receive a bottle of Losartan that seems to be poorly made. I had one period in January 2014 when my blood pressure readings went into the 170/90 range but this ceased immediately after I discarded the Losartan that I had been taking. I have at time resorted to buying Cozaar in an attempt to assure that I am getting the proper medication. I am planning to ask my pharmacist to provide me with either Mylan or Ciplo as I understand that these companies are well run and I have not found any FDA problems on the Internet with these companies. I have taken another Mylan product for several years with no problems. My husband, a neurologist, is familiar with problems that epileptics have had with generic drugs.
Hello, Maggie! How are you?
How much of a variation are you talking about?
It is completely normal for your blood pressure to vary, you can check it within 10 to 20 minutes and get a different reading each time. You will never hit 120/80 and see it stay there consistently. It will vary from day to day and throughout the day, depending on the time of day, you activity levels, what you've eaten, what you've been drinking and etc.
Your doctor should be able to give a range for normal that you can use to tell if you should worry or not, but you can't expect it to alway hit the same numbers, every day, all day, that would actually be a sign that something is wrong.
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