Valprol Cr 500, Side Effect (Top voted first)


i am 33yr male used valprol cr 500 BD for epelipsy since a 10yrs under medical practitioner, now I am feeling erectile disfunction, kindly clear that it is side effect of the medicine or epelipsy

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My name is usama abdul kader . i am 27year old.i am consuming the tablet valprol cr500 mg ,oleanz5mg.usually night.but my father is telling me to take the tablet cromacid forte.i took so many medicines for cause i have bipolar what should i do? should i take morning also valprolcr500mg.My actual problem is i used to take One each the medicine "ValprolCR500 and Oleanz5mg"at night only for 3weeks.later i stoped the medicine for a week continously cause i thought i will get cure with-out medicine also.later i hit my dad and mom and i was hospitalised for 13days.still i know i can eat the medicine valprol and oleanz.but my father said to take cromacid forte too.I GET FEAR SOME TIMES AND HAVE TO CLOSE MY EYE FOR 10MINITES minimum or 5HOURS maximum.for the fear to go.I dont know what is this fear .i have this fear from past 8years.but last few days the fear was vanished.when i told u before 3weeks i took only night VALPROL CR500 and OLEANZ 5MG.but after hospitalising yesterday in mosque i got the fear and come back and sleep for a hour .so please let me know which is my proper medicine and what should i do to make this fear delete from my body completly.inshaallah

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i am suffering from schizophrenia as my doctor told . it is 22 years passed i am taking medicines
now i am taking valptol cr 500 1 morning 2 evening
trinicalm plus 1 morning
trinicalm forte 1 night & anexepose 2 mg 1 night daily
currently these drugs are taking since 10 months
i feel very sleepy and all other symtmo too.
my age 50+
pl suggest what more i should do

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I haven't come across any specific details stating that valprol (valproic acid) is associated with erectile disfunction, but there are a large number of side effects that could potentially lead to or indirectly cause "ED" in my opinion.

I would suggest taking a look at the list of side effects, to see if you think any of these could be related to erectile disfunction:

Additionally, erectile dysfunction is noted to be a common problem for men with epilepsy. But in my opinion the side effects of this drug could also contribute to the factor.

I hope this helps!

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My daughter 15 years old. She take VALPROL-CR-500,Levipil 500, Lacoset 100 having morning nd evening. she has poor memory,loosing hair,nd disturbing monthly period also. So I want to know that it is the side effect of these medicines or she has suffering another problem. She takes these medicins last two years.

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Mi dad is using the med is loosing his mind

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Hi, I've been using Toplep 100mg BD for 7 months and lost amost 2/3 of my hair. Now dr changed me to Epilim CR 500mg BD. (Temporal Epilepsy). Does this also have a side effect OF HAIR LOSS?

Secondly I would like to know Epilim have a negative effect on one's Libido?

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