Vaginal Pain After Taking Long Term Bactrim (Top voted first)


I took low dose Bactrim for 5 weeks for a UTI. While on it I started having vaginal burning. Called Dr about it who advised me to stop taking it. That was almost 4 weeks ago and still having vaginal pain and burning. Vulva is all red and inflamed. Very little itching. Tested negative for yeast and bacteria. Can't understand why it's gotten worse when I've been off the drug for 4 weeks!

2 Replies

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Are you on any other medications? Are you actively engaging in intercourse? Do you frequently take tub baths, or use a hot tub?

There are various reasons why this could occur, according to FDA and NIH reports.

Are you diabetic? Do you have any other diagnosed medical conditions?

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Was also on Uribel at the time for bladder pain. Went off that 3 weeks ago. No to all other questions.

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