Using Suboxone To Get Off Pain Pills
UpdatedMy cousin has started using suboxone to get Off pain pills. I'm not really sure how long he has been on it but his girlfriend (April) is very anxious to see him cured of his addiction.He has to kids of his own and she has six counting one she has with him, do as you can tell neither of them had a choice it was either get him off the pills or give the children a hard time. She is scared that he will become addicted to the suboxone and she really doesn't know much about drugs nor does she really want to. I guess what I'm askIng is for you to tell me all you know about suboxone. How long he should be on it? Any long term damage? How do you get off of suboxone with lIttle incovienence because of the kids? Just anything and everything you thInk we would need to know please tell us thank you.
2 Replies
The best thing he could do would be to seek advice and assistance from a medical professional.
Suboxone can be addictive and habit forming itself, if not used properly, because it contains a very potent narcotic, Buprenorphine.
You can learn more about it and its use at the above link.
Does anyone else have any advice to add?
Look at the scenario you describe in this way:
Suboxone is an extremely potent and long acting synthetic opiate and the very fact this pharmacotherapeutical (drug to replace a drug of addiction which allows the addict to think about getting their life back on track rather than how/when/if they will get their next hit) is not being overseen by a doctor.
Suboxone contains Buprenorphine and Naloxone. In Australia they are used exclusively for treating a narcotics addict. There is another inject-able form of Buprenorphine used for pain management though it is not as popular as the various ...Contin preparations.
A few facts about Suboxone: the tablet CANNOT be swallowed. It has to be held under the tongue so the drug can be absorbed sublingually. For an average dose of 40mg (5 x 8mg Suboxones, usually crushed and handed to you by the pharmacist in a folded piece of paper, this takes about 10 minutes).
If swallowed, the Bupe is absorbed by the stomach and then passes in the bloodstream to the liver. Here it is rapidly broken down or metabolised to inactive compounds and there will be little, if any pharmacologic affect.
A small amount of Naloxone is combined with the Bupe in each Suboxone. This has no effect if the tablet(s) are dissolved under the tongue or even if they are accidentally swallowed.
If the Suboxone is diverted and injected at a later time, the Naloxone, which is an opiate antagonist i.e. it '' antagonises'' the analgesic/euphoric sensation of the Bupe and any other narcotics which are in your system at the same time.
Before Suboxone was approved in Australia, Subutex was used. This is the same in regards the Bupe, though there was no Naloxone.
Junkies being the hedonistic, short-sighted species they are, gave the appearance of emptying the crushed Subs from the piece of paper, then screwing the paper up and pocketing it. 10 mins later, the powder was reclaimed and hastily despatched through a slightly recovered vein. So long as this was a seldom practice, the reward was well worth the risk.
I enthusiastically embraced Oxycontin back in 2000 - 2005 with a few relapses until 2008.
I doctor-shopped my way through thousands of Oxycontins, MS-Contins, Durogesic patches, Fortral (a very strange drug), and any other opiate right down to sickly-sweet cough medicines containing dihydrocodeine. These days if you ask for some Rikodeine (gone are the days of Fortuss Linctus, Paracodin, etc) they want a scan of your retina, Photo ID - license number is recorded and you are subjected to twenty questions - get one wrong and it is a ball-breaker to walk out of that apothecary with a bottle of strawberry flavored, fart-inducing sorbitol.
Much easier these days to extract some DMT from a suitable acacia plant's bark, feign depression (No need feigning after this tale's memories return) and suggest an oldie but a goodie, Parnate works wonders compared to the mania activating SSRI's, not to mention the tricyclics.
Parnate is a MAOI and prolongs a DMT experience a hundred-fold.
...And our methyl-mercury affected friends in federal government is considering banning the sale of all Acacia/melaleuca plants from all Australian nurseries.
What do they plan to do with all the parks, forests, reserves, gardens where there are untold numbers of these insidious corrupters of youth, mental welfare and a jolly-good time?
Apparently. if you mix equal parts Glyphosate, Tang, White oil and sweat from a Peter Garret head, the resulting mixture will act as a general defoliant, possesses amazing in-vitro fertilisation properties and even is rumored to possess hallucinatory properties.
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