Using Mirtazapine (Top voted first)


Hi I have been taking Mirtazapine 15mg for one week. I am either crazy angry or crying, my head won't stop thinking about everything I need to get done, I can't remember where I have put things or what I was thinking about, I feel very nervous & agitated, I cannot sit down & relax but on the upside I'm sleeping well.... Help!!

3 Replies

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Hello, Adele! How are you doing? Has there been any change?

That can happen, when you first start taking this type of medication, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes.

However, things usually improve after about 3 to 4 weeks, once your body gets used to the medication. If they do not, or if they worsen, you should consult your doctor as you may need to try a different medication.

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Hi Verwon

Thanks for answering... No changes yet but seeing my gp today to make sure I should continue on this med. I've disrupted my whole household who wanted to put me in hospital.... My partner had a stroke 4 weeks ago & it's changed his personality abit so we have been screaming at each other over nothing which isn't good for either of us... He has gone home for a few days to give us both some breathing space.... Fingers crossed the side effects go away real soon & the benefits start to show have a nice day!

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Hi all. 4 months ago I had a breakdown. I never suffered from mental illness before and I'm 47. A couple of challenging things took place in my life and suddenly I went downhill. I wanted out. Anxiety & depression took hold of me badly. My husband took me to doctors. I've never looked. Guys, all the side effects u have will go away. Please give it at least 6 weeks. By then ur body will have adjusted. It gets worse before it gets better and I know when you're low you feel like you can't wait. Keep going, it's not all negative. These meds have changed me. I'm also on 20mg lexapro. Anxiety is gone and my depression is stable. I have the odd day where I'm low but nothing compared to what I was. Stick with it and don't give up. You will get better, I did. Seems to be all negative feedback. And my experience with this med is that it's an excellent lifesaver. Best of luck to u all. Chin up and keep going xxxx.

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