Use Of Methycobal 500 As Nerve Pain Killer (Top voted first)


prescribed for me to help the pains of nerve inflammation [nerve between L5 & S1

3 Replies

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Methylcobalamin is a form of vitamin B12, a deficiency in it has been shown to cause or contribute to some forms of nerve pain.

The only way to see if it will help you is to actually try it, for awhile, and see if you have any improvement. Just like anything else, there are people that get great results from it and there are others that it doesn't help.


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I have severe feet pain at night, age 67, been having it for 8 years, now hands are doing same, if I'm upset, or work hard... (I'd rather be working anyday as sitting) would this help me... without sleep you stumble around during the day time... I can sleep from 7-am to noon well, without pain... why? but around 1-3 during night time sleep i wake with horrible throbing pain in severe pain meds do little

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My mother is having a problem in her 3rd optical nerve, her right eye is completely shut, what doctors are presuming that the nerve beside this nerve has swollen and suppressed the 3rd nerve. She has been prescribed to have Methycobal 500. What's the chances of recovery with this medicine?

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