Use Of Folsafe-l And Fetus Viability Scan
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I am 5 weeks pregnant and my doctor advised me to take folsafe-L tab.. He also recommended a fetus viability scan. I want to know what this scan is for?

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Thank u..I am 9 weeks pregnant and have been suffering from lower back pain for the last 2 weeks. Please advise whether this is a common symptom for pregnant women?

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That tablet is a vitamin that is given to help insure that you receive enough vital nutrients to ensure the health of both you and the baby. But the NIH warns that it may cause nausea in some people, due to its potency.

The scan is just to see the baby, check the amount of amniotic fluid protecting and etc., in other words, just to make sure that all is okay.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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