Use Of Nurokind More Tablet
UpdatedSir i am using long time neurokind more tablets it is good for health there is any side effect please give me a useful advice
17 Replies
Nurokind-More is a nutritional supplement that contains Methycobalamin, Zinc, Calacium, Folic Acid, Nicotinamide, Chromium and Vitamins B1 and B6.
These nutrients are all important to your overall health and a lack in them could cause some serious medical problems, however, it is also important not to take too much, because that can also be dangerous.
Since this is not an actual drug, its side effect profile has not been studied, as is done for medications, but some people do report experiencing some nausea after taking them.
Are there any other questions?
when is nuroking-more tablet is to be taken ( morning,afternoon or evening)
what kind of disease nurokind more tablets prevents
Dear sir,
I was advised by a Dr. to take NUROKIND - OD.for vitamin 12 deficiency. I have purchased 140 tablets of NUROKIND - MORE RF which I cannot change.
CAN I TAKE NUROKIND - MORE RF INSTEAD OF NUROKIND- OD for the same benefit and no side effects? What are the DISADVANTAGES OF NUROKIND - MORE RF? Awaiting your advise.
m.v. dhopte
My son is 8 yr old and he is getting white patches on the skin and also the hair are getting white , my doctor suggested. Nurokind - more . Is it effective pls advice if any side effect
Sir, I am 70yrs old. I have burning irritation in feet, severe pain in legs. During walking sever pain starts from hips gradually goes down to feet so that I had to sit some where for a while and starts walking again. What is the treatment for this and what medicine shall I take.
If your son has grey hair at this age chances of deficiency are high. Specially b12,nurokind more helps but other deficiencies like calcium cannot be ruled out.
Please try Naturopathy and train your son in 'natural living' like what is advocated by Dr. Manthena. You may also take him to his Arogyalayam near Vijayawada to get him trained in that kind of living.
Sekhar, {edited for privacy}
For what diseases neurokind is used
I have ear problem (blurrr sounds from left ear) i have consulted doctor and after testing.
Doctor said my nerves are weak and he has prescribed nurokind to me.
Once i stop having tablet same problm arises.
Is it good to take neurokind daily?
My mother is 65 yrs and she has severe pain in her heels and feet since one month. She is diabetic and now she is anemic and has a nerves problem too.
I am 31 year young, Married, having problem of early discharge, it embarrassed me, please suggest any thing. Foreplay takes time as much I do, but insert make in just a moment.
Is taking a nurokind tablet helpful for intimacy problems? And does it require a doctor's prescription?
My mom is 54age having backpain and thighs pain dr consultant suggested nurokind Pls reply is there any kind of side effect of it..
I have sciatica for four month nurokind od will help me or not
I'm 50 age women When i take this tablt i get unconsious and sleeping for long time why?
Dr prescribed me nurukind plus three times a day for one month its ok or any side effect I am 54 yrs
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