Use Of Isoxsuprine In Pregnancy


I want to know the use of this medicine in pregnancy, and the dose rate and duration in which it can be used? I'm afraid whether they'll be any side effects to the baby.

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Isoxsuprine is used during pregnancy to prevent premature labor.

If you are having a problem with premature labor, then it means your doctor has decided that the benefits of using the medication outweight the risk. They will also carefully evaluate the dosage and duration of use, so you should follow their instructions.

If you don't, you risk having your baby to early, it could be stillborn or born with severe health problems.


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even my gynac suggested to use this medicine. There is no preterm Labour. I am just about to begin my 8th month of pregnancy. Everything is going normal.

I had done septate Uterus which was operated to remove the septum. This was done more than a year back. I concieved 8 months after laproscopy.

I read on Net, this medicine is banned in USA as they suspect it may have adverse impact on baby.

Above also suggests, this medicine should only be taken only if you experience preterm labour. Not sure why i have been prescribed this medicine when i have no such symptoms.

Can you please help me understand. This is really worrying.

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I am also having the same doubt. My wife is in 16th week of pregnancy. The Doc prescribed to take the injection of Duvadilan IM/ IV (Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride Injection IP). Not sure why so early? Can anyone suggest me.

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Here is an interesting note: The FDA has removed it from markets within the United States. What does that tell you?

Also what does it say when the only people being advised to take this drug are living either in the Philippines or India?

No offense intended ... but stop and think about it.

I am a Canadian citizen, living here in the Philippines, and my wife was advised to take it in her 5th month, in order to "soften her stomach".

Within two hours after taking the first tablet ... she began to experience vaginal bleeding. Keep in mind that up to that point she had no issues of any kind in her pregnancy.

Of course ... we immediately discontinued using the drug.

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i am pregnancy going 14 weeks so, doctor advice me to take this Isoxsuprine Capsules medicine, due to vomiting of blood so, please advice me if its safety for me or not. thanks.

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i am a 8th month pragnant,why are you suffering from abdominal pains in this time?

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Hi. Im 22 weeks pregnant and experienced vaginal bleeding last night. After some research, found out that its used for preterm labor patients to relax theuterus. Are there any documented effects on babies?

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Im 9weeks pregnant.. I have spotted blood that why my doctors gave me isoxsuprine HCl.. Im just worried f the medicine can affect my baby..? Please help me

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hi! i am bothered from what i read on eric's comment. i am 18 weeks pregnant (going 18 when i experienced slight pelvic pains). i told my doctor about it and she told me to take isoxsuprine hydrochloride. i'm really careful in taking medications because i am really afraid that whatever i take may have an effect to my baby. but i just choose to trust my doctor. i live in the philippines. now i am thinking if i should continue the medication until the 7th day. im currently on the 3rd. any advise or comments please?

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I am 30w pregnant and had cramp like pain in on my right side. Doc has advised me d med. U might find this helpful. do note i am based out of ibdua

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Isoxsuprine HCl was banned in other countries, yes. Isoxsuprine HCl was used as a medication of horses' hooves a long time ago. Don't worry about it because a lot of medicine are used both in animals and humans... Isoxsuprine HCl is just one of them. I think it was banned not because of effects on humans. It was banned because of its effect oh horses. It masks other drugs taken by a horse that's why it was banned. The drug has been used illegally before in horse racing. It wasn't banned because of its effects on humans.

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I am 7 months pregant,i am using isoxsuprine hcl from past 2 months...Is it safe to me

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I am Irish and in The Philippines also. Our OP is meticulous in the treatment of my wife since 8 weeks. She had two early MCs previously, so is high risk. She was on bed rest and progesterone for first 12 weeks and now we are at 18 weeks. Her routine scan today (her 5th) has shown uterine contractions. Basically, there is a big hill contracting on one side, making the uterus like a kidney bean shape rather than an oval. This means there is a high risk of a nonviable pre-term labour. Our OP has now prescribed Isoxsuprine for one week to stop the contraction. I think this is what Eric's OP meant when saying 'soften her stomach'. She said if the contractions continue, her cervix will open. However, it concerns me that this drug was withdrawn from the US market, but afaik this is because the manufacturer has not done enough extensive trials. My wife has just started to take the drug two hours ago, and we will monitor her for the coming week. The drug in question is used here extensively (and there are a lot of babies born here each year). The baby looks fine, and is a girl. We actually check her heart beat at home ever 3 or so days with a fetal HB doppler.

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m 8 month pregnant. I had little pain in my abdomen so my gynec suggest me to take isoxsuprene twice a day. after 2 days I got severe urticaria.... I don't know its due to isoxuprene or anything else.

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hi i m sweety i have 7 month pragnency . i am suffering from abdominal pain and placenta is low lying dr. advice me isoxsuprine hydrochloride tablets Duvadilan 10 mg

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Hi im 4weeks and 6 days pregnant my doctor told me to take isoxsuprine hcl is it safe for my baby ? May i know the reason why i should take this drug ? I dont wanna loose my baby pls answer my concern

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Hi we are both experiencing the same scenario, I'm 8 weeks pregnant and taking that Med because I'm bleeding and it's heavy, I'm kinda worried because they say that Med is banned from other countries..

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I am a gynaecologist. I have stopped using isoxuprin orally since 20 years! None of patients have suffered because I don't use this drug. Most of the time complaints of pain in the abdomen in pregnancy are NOT related to the uterus . So simple antispasmodic will do in most cases. This drug will not harm the baby but is quite useless when given orally. Standard text books now don't even mention the drug. Hope this is useful!

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I am from the USA. I was given this medication in 1984 to stop preterm labor at 26th week of my pregnancy, then kept taking it until my 36th week when the baby could be considered out of danger. My son was born at 38 weeks, 7 lb 7 oz. He had low blood sugar but that was due to my gestational diabetes, not the isoxsuprine. He is now 30 years old and healthy. I was actually looking this up just to see if there had been any studies. When I took this medication, I had to sign a release because it was not approved for pregnancy at that time. I was told back in 1984 that it was a medication for asthma. I hope this relieves your fears!

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I too had the same problem. I was feeling extremely tired during the course. I had for 3 days and then with my gynec's permission I stopped using it due to the fatigue.

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Duvadilan 40 mg suggest in 32 weeks prenecy
Complain :- minor back pain and trevalling 120 km by train tomorrow. Ten days course .one time at night .

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Re: Vipul (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

May i know what is the outcome of the medicine? Does it affect the baby? Im currently 6 weeks ang taking this med...

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Re: Lovely (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

May i know what is the outcome of the medicine? Does it affect the baby? Im currently 6 weeks ang taking this med..

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Re: Sophia maffei (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Whats the effect of the medicine?? What is the outcome? Im taking this med now im only 6 weeks..

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How long can isoxsuprine be given to a pregnant lady?

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I am 20weeks pregnant and having signs of pre-term labor on my 18th. My OB gave me this med to be taken for 10 days, 3× a day. I'm on my 6th day. No bleeding at all. The cramping stopped and less pelvic pressure and contraction. I am worried about the posts I've been reading about this drug but so far, it has been a great help to me in terms of pain and discomfort. I'll be seeing my doctor after a week. I hope my baby is ok bec I can feel his/her movement from time to time.

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Im from philippines ... My wife 32weeks pregnant nw, we advised for isoxsuprine tablets .if any side affects or affect our baby in future ...?

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Hi Im 7weeks pregnant, I encounter spot bleeding before but today was not ordinary spot bleeding but I dont feel any pain. I'll try to consult to a doctor and she prescribed me the isoxsuprine tablet. May I ask if this medicine can help me to stop the spot bleeding and to avoid to lost our baby?. I just wanted to know because this is my first baby.

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My wife is about 4. 5 months pregnant. She almost always experiences abdominal pain and gync advised Isoxsuprine. Is it safe?

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Is there any side effect of this drug like vesicles in hands and feet kn pregnancy

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