Ursodiol Forums
Recently active Ursodiol forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ursodiol and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have multiple gallstones and suffered from a gall bladder attack almost 3 years ago. I have been avoiding getting my gall bladder out. I have been taking Ursodiol for almost 3 years and have not had a gall bladder attack. I just had a scan done on my gall bladder and it is unchanged from 3 years ago and my Dr. reccommends taking it out. While the scan was being done on my gallbladder they also scanned my liver which showed fatty infiltration. My good cholestral was high, but my blood work was normal. My Dr. told me not to drink for 3 months and we will check the liver again. My question is, Could the use of the Ursodiol be causing the fatty infiltration to my liver? ## I had fatty tissue in my liver way before I started using Urso. If the doctor's are telling you to take out your ...
After blood test, doctor said me, I have minor Jaundice. They have prescribed me Udiliv-300 twice a day daily. But i am not finding it is remedy for jaundice, is it the case ? what should i do for minor jaundice then ? ## Udiliv contains the active ingredient Ursodiol, which is a bile acid, and yes, it is normally used to dissolve or prevent the reformation of gallstones. Your doctor may be hoping that it will improve liver function and thus resolve the problem that is causing jaundice. Have you tried asking them for more information? As to more information on Jaundice and its treatments you can check this link: ## I am 19 years old I checked my s.billurubin 7 days ago it was 3.6 and I checked today it is 8.6 and I am taking actimarin fort and polibion syrup and I am also not taking spi...
recently i was diagnoised with fatty liver and gall stones. The doctor prescribed Udiviliv 300 (1 in morning and one at night, after meals) and Cremadiet (2 spoons at bedtime). i am not sure whether its because of the medicines but i have started experiencing chest pain and pain in my throat and nose. Please advise? ## Have you contacted your doctor, yet? Chest pain is not something you should ignore, you should report it to your doctor immediately, so they can check and determine if it is indeed caused by a medication or if it is something more serious. Udiliv contains the active ingredient Ursodiol, it is a bile acid that is frequently used to help dissolve gall stones. Learn more: Cremadiet contains Sodium and Ispaghula Husks, it is used to increase fiber in your body and make sure y...
I have no income. And am taking three medications. Each month it is getting harder and harder to pay for these. I have been told that manufacturers offer assistance helping people in need to be able to get there meds at no cost. I really do need some help, I have even tried to stop taking these to see if I could go without. I have a failed back surgery syndrome. And am takind meds for spasms, pain, and anxiety because of ## In order to see if there are any assistance programs, I would need to know what medications you are taking. Such programs are provided for the name brand medications only, not the generics, since they are already cheaper. Can you post back with more information? If so, I will gladly check for you. ## I WAS WONDERING IF THERE IS A PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR THE DR...
My SGPT is 90.0 U/L. I was wondering if URSOCOL 300 is prescribed to reduce my SGPT level or not. How does URSOCOL 300 help? ## From what I was able to gather Ursocol is a product of India. I did however locate the active ingredient which is Ursodeoxycholic Acid. Ursodeoxycholic Acid is listed to be in the US product Ursodiol. Ursodiol helps regulate cholesterol by reducing the rate at which the intestine absorbs cholesterol molecules while breaking up micelles containing cholesterol. Because of this property, ursodeoxycholic acid is used to treat (cholesterol) gallstones non-surgically. For more information about Ursodiol, please follow the link below... Hope this helps! ## for what purpose ursocol 300 used for? ## My wife was diagonised with enlarge fatty liver .She is having blood pr...
ursetor tablets ## I am suffering fro fattay liver,Doctor suggeted me to take Udiliv tablets.I want to know the function of Udiliv ## Udiliv contains Ursodiol, which helps your intestines metabolize fats. You can read more about this medication here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## Thankyou very much for your valuble informatioon.My parents r plannning for my marraige,My SGOT level is 60,SGPT level is 50,I am suffering from Fattyliver,pls tell me do I able to marry ## i want to buy tab. udilive 150 mg in saudi arabia how i can get. please replie us ## i Am suffering from ulcerativecolitis my ESR has been increased tell me how to reduce it ## liver disorder,please guide us how to recover from this ## Am a diabetic with Dubin Johnson Syndrome and E trait Serum Bilurbin now ...
Have been hospitalizid 4 times in one year. The diagnosis is gallstones. Had my gallbladder removed years ago, drs say stones r formed by the byle in liver and carried to byle duct. The problem being my system keeps forming stones made from chloresherol. Now on chlor. Free low fat diet. My question is, im now on ursodiol for 2 months but lately getting very naus. And bloated and pain. So, if its not stones again, can it be side effects from the ursodiol? T.y. donna ## Hello, Donna! How are you? Yes, those can be side effects of this medication, according to the FDA. You may also experience back pain, runny nose, headache, and diarrhea. Are you on any other medications?
Hi, My daughter 3 years old is been advised to give udiliv 150mg twice a day. She is diagonised with biliary atresia at her birth. I want to know what are the sideeffects of giving this medicine for a long time. ## Udiliv contains the active ingredient Ursodiol, it's a secondary bile acid and, unfortunately, there really isn't a lot of information on it under such circumstances as your daughter requires. You can read the information on it here: And her condition: Have you discussed her using it with her doctor? What other treatment options did they suggest? ## Thanks for the reply. Doctor has not suggested for how many years but it is required for her till Liver Transplantation. If she is stable with it, he has told to continue without any time period. ## My LFT have shown sligh...
i would like to know the side effects of udiliv tab my SGOT is 385U/L and SGPT is1240U/L and serum bilirubin is 13.96 ## kindly tell me why my alkaline phosphate isincreasing ?Isit iam on udiliv 300mg bd .which was started after my RFA.LFT is getting deranged after this procedure,also iam on tasb denorm 40mg (glcalzide)especially alp,and alt.KINDLY SUGEST ME,thankyou. ## Udiliv contains the active ingredient Ursodiol, which is a bile acid, it is most commonly used to treat some liver problems and gall stones. Common side effects may include: nausea, body aches, chills and back pain. Learn more: Wilma, have you discussed he problem with your doctor to determine a possible cause? They would be the best person to advise you in this situation, since they are familiar with everything you...
my sgpt was 210 5 month ago. my doctor suggested me to take ursocol 300 mg two times daily. and he also suggested me to test two month later after taking medicine. i tested and the result was found 47. i also taken medicine 1 month. but now i am not taking medicine. doctor suggested me to continue medicine . now will i take ursocol 300mg or not. i am not taking since 1 month. please reply me urgent. ## Hello, Tuhin! How are you? It would be best to follow your doctor's advice to ensure the best possible outcome for you. The FDA lists the possible side effects of this medication as including nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, headache and indigestion. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Doctor my sgpt is 128 and sgot is 66. Dr prescribed me ursocol 300 1+0+1 n evion 400 0+1+0...
my son 4 yrs old eat ursocol 300 at a time any side effect in future in our life ? ## What is he taking it for? This contains Ursodiol, it's usually used to help dissolve gallstones. However, I don't have a lot of information on the side effects it causes in adults and the details state that is has not been approved, nor tested for use in children. ## I have eat URSOCOL300MG Tab every day 3tabs my age 31year old I have fatty liver and also Trigliserid193 and LDL 110 ,HDL 29,VLDL 38,also I have pain in my stomoc but in ultrasound no strone.please suggest me is it good for me or not? ## i am suffering from mild fatty liver and Dr. prescribe ursocol 300 twice daily after meal. & Normaxin tab before diner i have been completed 1 month of the course but right side abdomen pain is...
I have removed my gall blader 8 years ago. Now having grade 2 fatty liver problem. Dr suggest me to take ursocol 300 for 15 days morning & nite after meal. Will it really works? ## Hello, Dominic! How are you doing? Ursocol contains the active ingredient Ursodiol and yes, it can be used to treat bilary cirrhosis, so it may help. Learn more Ursocol details here. Side effects may include nausea and dizziness. Is there anything else I can help with?
MY SGPT AND SGOT LEVELS ARE VERY HIGH IN FIRST TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY.I AM PRESCRIBED URSOCOL SR 450 .IS IT SAFE DURING PREGNANCY.WILL IT REDUCE MY SGOT AND SGPT LEVELS AND HOW SOON.PLEASE REPLY.THANKS. ## Hi, Garima! It has been shown to help with some liver issues, but there is really no way to say if it will help you and how fast it will help, if it does. Does your doctor have any idea what has caused the problem? Have you been on any other medications? Learn more Ursodiol details here.
I had been for my medical test an the doctor there told me that i have blood sugar and fatty liver he gave me medicine for liver is udiliv 300g and stimuliv syrup 200ml pls advice what are the side effect and what type of diet has to be done, will this above medicine help to reduce fatty liver as after 1 week i have to go back and do the test to pass my medicals.. ## Stimuliv is just an ayurvedic remedy that is claimed to help support liver function, but it isn't actually proven to do so. Learn more herbalism details here. And the Udiliv contains Ursodiol, which is a type of bile acid and it's usually used to treat gall stones. Learn more Ursodiol details here. So neither may be very helpful. How did your return test turn out?
Udiliv, is it prescribed for cirrhosis of liver or for a sluggish liver or for any other reason. That are the consumption uses. How about a person having Diatebetes-2, also? ## Udiliv contains the active ingredient Ursodiol, it is a bile acid and is mainly given to dissolve gallstones. As such, no it is really not going to help treat Diabetes, which is a blood sugar condition. Learn more: It will not, however, negatively affect someone who is diabetic, whose doctor has prescribed it. Are there any other questions or comments? ## i have been asked to take 2 hepamrz [morning & night] also razo20. and udlive 600 at night. kindly let me know the details
Which medicine containing Ursodeoxycholic Acid is most used to reduce Bile Reflux? ## Ursodiol is the brand name of ursodeoxycholic acid that I hear of most, so I'd personally suggest giving that a try. Other brand names worth considering are: Actigall, Urso Forte, Urso 250. I hope this helps!
my sgot &pt is currently flexuvating like 38 , 63,102&94 with in a 3 month time and birubin is always 1 ,Doctor suggested to take ursocol 150mg for 3month male @46yeas ## I take it urscocol 300 two time in one day pls advice me side effect ## @Rajnish, Ursocol (also known as Ursodiol here in the U.S.) contains the active ingredient Ursodeoxycholic Acid. The link below provides a pretty detailed list of the potential side effects from taking this medication: mayoclinic.com/health/drug-information/DR601407/DSECTION=side-effects I hope this information helps!
I Was Using This Tablet. Now Came To China from India. This drug is not available in china. How to find the alternative tablet with the same chemical formula that is available in china ## This contains the active ingredient Ursodiol, which is also known as Ursodeoxycholic Acid, so you may find it under either of those. Learn more Ursodiol details here. I am not sure what the name brand would be there, but a pharmacist or doctor should be able to help you find it. Are there any other questions or comments?
Big Round Orange colour tablet ## I want the use of this Tablet Ursocol 300 ## want ot know chemical composition and use of this drug ## From what I was able to gather Ursocol is a product of India. I did however locate the active ingredient which is Ursodeoxycholic Acid. Ursodeoxycholic Acid is listed to be in the US product Ursodiol. Ursodiol helps regulate cholesterol by reducing the rate at which the intestine absorbs cholesterol molecules while breaking up micelles containing cholesterol. Because of this property, ursodeoxycholic acid is used to treat (cholesterol) gallstones non-surgically. To learn more click on the link below... Ursodiol Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Please tell me the side effects of URSOCOL 300 ## pLEASE W...
Liver Cirrosis treatment ## Are ursocol 300 and udiliv 300 the same formula? ## Is this the treatment your doctor has recommended? And yes, they both refer to the same medication, the active ingredient is actually Ursodiol, which is a secondary bile acid.