Urbanol Overdose With Alcohol
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Hi, my sister has recently been diagnosed with bipolar, this was very unexpected since she has never seen a phycologist. She made an appointment with a psychiatrist and after two visits she was diagnosed with bipolar and urbanol was prescribed to her. Tonight she has been out drinking, came home & took 8 urbanol tablets. I want to know what the symptoms of urbanol overdose with alcohol are? And is there a possibility that she could have been wrongly diagnosed with bipolar?
2 Replies
They cant say she has got bipolar after 2 visits. I am bipolar and they monitored me for months.
Why did she take 8 of them? That's very risky, especially combined with alcohol. It can cause depression of the central nervous system, so she could experience shallow breathing, dizziness, drowsiness, and it could actually result in coma, which may be fatal, according to NIH reports.
How is she doing, now? Did she experience any adverse effects? What dose of Urbanol does she take?
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