Unusual Side Effects (Top voted first)


Years ago I took some kind of steroid pill that my ENT dr.put me on for a sinus infection. I don't remember what dose or how many days I was suppose to be on it but the first pill I took made me feel really weird like unusual and un clear thinking. Kinda like crazy feeling in my head. Now my ER doctor gave me a a pack of Methylprednisolone 6 day supply =first day 6 pills 2nd day 5 pills 4th 4pills etc, but I am really afraid to try steroids again after the first experience. I told this to the ER dr but he told me they make everyone kinda feel weird, so I really don't know what to do with his answer to my concern, and if I did take the first dose and it made me feel weird, what should I do?

4 Replies

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Hello, Diane! How are you?

Generally, the side effects you feel that make you feel weird are nothing to worry about and don't require any medical intervention. They are too be expected and usually only last while your under treatment.

The FDA lists the one for Methylprednisolone as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, weight gain, nervousness, anxiety and acne.

The best thing to do would be to go lay down, if you can, for awhile, until it passes.

The ones to worry about and seek medical attention for are hives, trouble breathing, fainting and swelling.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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Thank you for responding. It's kinda scary to feel like a whack job from meds.

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Hello, I know this is late, but I was also prescribed the exact dosage of methylpredinsolone that you were. I took the first two pills and have had severe isolated stomach pain for almost two days now. It hurts so bad, I refuse to take anymore of the pills. I am hoping it will be out of my body soon. There are alot of side effects, so I hope you don't get any and if you did or have can you let me know? I'm researching right now just to be 100% sure it is the steroids.

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I did go ahead and take the pills and it went pretty well. I at least won't be afraid of them in the future if I ever need them again. They made me jittery but it was tolerable.

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