Tussigon Bitartrate Vs Hydrocodone/homatropine (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy 13 year old yorkie mix has had a collapsing trachea since I adopted her 12 years ago. She has always been on Tussigon Bitartrate 5 mg (1/4 tablet-4x daily). The vet no longer carries Tussigon so he wrote us an Rx for the pharmacy. They gave us Hydrocodone/Homatropine 5/1.5 mg. We are to give 1/4 tablet 4x daily.
I'm concerned that these may not be the same Tussigon she has been on for 12 years. We have been slowly switching her over as we have some Tussigon left. Her tracheal collapse is very bad and I'm afraid to go full Hydrocodone/Homatropine. If her trachea collapses, the closest ER vet is over an hour away.
I need to know if these are the same medications? Has anyone switched from long term use of Tussigon Bitartrate to Hydrocodone/Homotropine? Any problems? Different side effects?
She is also on Temeril P and Vetalog for allergies and breathing issues.
4 Replies
While I have not given this medication to my dogs, I found a veterinary medication guide on it. It appears that Hydrocodone and Homatropine are the same active ingredients and doses that are in the brand name Tussigon. So it looks like you got the generic version of the drug instead. I hope that this helps your pup and think you're taking a good approach by slowly switching her over.
Here's the pdf:
Re: Maggie (# 2)
Sorry to hear that she's not doing well! I think you're right and agree that generic drugs are not always the same due to fillers and manufacturing. I wonder if the pharmacy can order the proper brand name in light of this? I didn't find anything about a Tussigon shortage on the FDA's animal drug shortages page.
Re: Roy (# 1)
Yes. Thank you.
She is at the vet right now. She can't breathe. Her nose is stuffed up and she is coughing from her trachea collapse. We gave her new meds for 3 of her 4 doses yesterday. She was very sluggish and not like normal. Gave her the old pill for 4th dose last night. I overslept and "Sophie's" dad gave her new pill for 1st dose. I was going to give her old pill but I overslept. She has gone downhill and so he took her to our vet.
I am thinking they are not the exact same medicine and she is allergic to whatever is different. Even her Vetalog didn't help with her nose, which is why she takes it.
Thank you for your reply. I had read that article too. Sometimes generic drugs use ingredients that are from different countries or are manufactured differently. I have noticed with some of my meds I cannot use generic as they don't work as well as brand name.
I am so worried about Sophie. If we can't get the Tussigon Bitartrate, and she continues to go downhill, I don't know what we will do. I just lost my 17 year old chi mix in September.
Because of drug addicts stealing their pets meds, my little angel is suffering. It's not fair. :(
Re: Roy (# 3)
The pill looks the same as old. Has same letter and numbers on the new pills as old. New pill looks exactly the same as old pill. Took bottle to vet. Vet said "That is the exact same bottle we get when we order from manufacturer". Still "weaning" her into them.
With the weather changes now in TN, maybe I assumed it was pill when it was really an irritant like cold or air quality. I never assume anything and question everything when it comes to dogs meds. She seems OK but not on new meds 100%.
Thank you for your reply. It is so true about generics. Some Drs act like I am crazy when I say it must be brand name because generic doesn't work as well, etc. But they don't and if you look at all the FDA drug recalls due to ingredients in them that are not supposed to be, it's scary. I have gotten email notices for food recalls, drug recalls and dog food recalls for years. Lately, it seems I get 10 recalls a week. I highly recommend signing up for them. I know I get them thru drugs.com, Dog Food Adviser website, and I think the FDA recall notices too. Better to be safe than sorry.
Thanks again
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