Tryptomer 10 Mg Dose
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My mom started Tryptomer 10 last Thursday. Took full tablet every night for 3 days. Felt nausea and drowsiness. Doc said to reduce it to half immediately (4th day). Half tablet also not suiting as she is feeling drowsy 24 hours. Can I stop it completely with immediate effect? Hardly been 7 days since shes taking it?
13 Replies
My blood pressure shot up days after taking Tryptomer 10mg... My Dr advised me to take telma 40 instead of 20mg telma, which i had been taking for the last five years, but I continue to take Tryptomer 10mg daily before dinner.... Even after taking telma 40 my BP continues to remain on the higher side (ie 145/94-100). Earlier my BP used to be an average of 125/78-85. Kindly advise whether it's because of Tryptomer which I continue to take daily?
Why would you need such a big dose?
what are its side effect? when we take overdoses 30 tablets tryptomer 25 mg
What will happen when we will take 30 tablets of tryptomer 25 mg in single time??
i was taking libotryp ds for last ten years. now for the last two weeks i have changed into libotryp plain. i want to stop it. please tell me how to taper it. or to stop it.
Hi.I used to take 2 tablets of tryptomer 25 mg.But due to some reason i could not get 25 mg tblets.So i started to take 10 mg. Can you tell me how many tablets of 10 mg would be equal to 2 tablets of 25 mg? is it 5 tablets or not? thanks in advance
My friend consumed 20 tryptomer of 10mg tablet on a single shot and quit normal is there any side effects
my mother is suffering from migraine for the past few months and as per doctor's advise,she is using tryptomer 10mg daily since few month. she is a working women ,she is taking a 1 tryptomer at night but she is looking forward to taking more then 1 to sleep i want to know how many would she take or i suggest her to consult with the doctor.
Hello Verwon,
your reply to monish's problem has helped me understand something about this drug when there is no ready info about it on internet.
My mother is diabetic from last . 10 years. She used to experience numbness in her toes and went to see a neuropath,who gave her 5 medicines namely:
As she took these medicines dullness, dizziness, sleepiness and most tof all heavy swelling in legs, face and other body parts too. Doctor is saying that these symtoms will subside. But i am concerned wether this is effecting her kidneys in any way becoz on enquiring doctor said that these medicines are leading to lesser urination and hence the swelling. Really terrified...please help.Expecting a quick reply. Pls..
In case of Juvenile Ankylosinf Spndylitis, Tablet Tryptomer (Oral) 10 mg can be given or not. what are this effect and side effects
Monish, you're very welcome, I'm happy to help.
Another option that you may want to discuss with her doctor is gradually tapering it up to a higher dosage, if it's needed.
Some people just don't react well to suddenly taking a certain full dosage of a medication and have to start with a lower one, to help get their issues under control. There is nothing wrong with doing it that way and it can help minimize the severity of the side effects that are experienced.
It won't do away with them entirely, but, as I said, it can make them less severe. It's called titrating and can generally be done with any medication of this nature.
It has happened to many people. Sometimes there are medications that are completely problematic, such as blood pressure medications. A doctor may start by giving a fairly high dose, to try to lower someone's levels as fast as possible, but then it turns out to be too much, so they have to drop to a lower one and gradually bring it up.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Thanks Verwon.
Have stopped it by giving quarter tablet in last 2 days. Lets see how it goes.
Appreciate ur reply.
Have you consulted her doctor about stopping it?
Tryptomer contains Amitriptyline, which is an antidepressant and, side effects, such as the drowsiness are quite normal for this class of medications. They can last for as long as 4 to 6 weeks, while her body adjusts to the medication, then they should hit their peak in severity and start to taper off.
As to stopping it, after that short of a time period, no there really shouldn't be any problems with it, if her doctor approves it, but it will still take a week or two for the effects to wear off, as her body processes out the medication.
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