Trying To Find Dr. That Will Prescribe 10/325's In Gainesville/ocala, Fl
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On June 28th, my fiance and I had gotten into a car accident where some kid T-boned us going across a divided highway. Every since the accident, I've had a headache on both sides only centralized in my temple regions. I've had an MRI of my head and neck, CT scan, and a X-Ray of my neck. They found nothing. I've went to a family Dr. and the last thing he prescribed before referring me to a neurologist was Fioricet and Hydro 10/325 but only wrote me a 10 day script. They worked like a charm. For those 10 days, I didn't notice a headache at all. Went to a neurologist after, and said I had post-concussion headaches and put me on Amitriptyline, Topiramate, and Prednisone. After the 2nd day I had to stop taking them as it made my headaches even more unbearable. Last place I went to was a Pain Rehabilitation office. The Dr. there said I had the same thing, (post-concussion headaches). Would not listen to me about saying that the combo of Hydro and Fioricet worked very well for me. He completely disagreed with me taking them saying "they cause headaches." He ended up prescribing me Tizanidine (muscle-relaxant). That has not helped at all since and he's recommending Botox injections in my temples if this medicine doesn't work. I'm not getting that. Need I inform you, since the accident, I've been going to physical therapy twice a week (which doesn't help either). Now that you know the back story, please if someone can shed some well needed information on Doctors that will prescribe these for headaches in the Gainseville/Ocala Florida area, I will be forever grateful. I'm also only 20 years old, which may be a factor in why Dr.'s aren't listening to me, but I'm not some punk kid just trying to score a quick high. I know my body better than anyone else does, and I know what helps and what doesn't. Those help. I'm slightly flexible on traveling outside of those cities, but no place farther than Jacksonville or Tampa. Thanks and all info is appreciated.

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i need to find a dr in leesburg fl to perscribe pain meds

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I'm not sure about the dr sassano location but it might serve you best to get a referral from your current Doctor he might know best a like minded qualified provider willing to rx these powerful narcotic opiates.VERY FEW are willing to especially to new patients. Hope you find your right doc....

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I know this is an old post but I tried to call Sassano and couldn't get thru. I see there's a John Sassano n Melborne Fl and wondering if he moved or maybe practicing n both places. I'm moving from Naples to lake City area and have been on oxy and methadone for a lotta years so I must find a pm doctor up around Gainsville Fl asap. Any help's much appreciated

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I know this is an really old post but I tried Dr. Sassano phone # and couldn't get thru. I'm moving from Naples to Lake City area and have been on oxy and methadone for 8 years or more. I'm in need of a pm doctor by the end of Dec. Anyone that can steer me in right direction will be doing me a real justice

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Watch out for amitriptyline I have been taking for 2 years and it works 150 Mg ,but coming off could be a problem, this is antidepressant and if you try to come off you get depression problems, I had to come off for a procedure it wasn't easy.

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I live in Gainesville Ga I have Occipital Neuralgia I've had this going on 7 yrs I see a Neurologist I get Botox injections and Occipital nerve injections every 3 months this helps but my headaches never go completely away now my neck also hurts a lot I have DDD and a couple bulging dics I need a pain Dr that will help manage my pain with some medicine and maybe something else. I know there's not a lot to do for Occipital Neuralgia but I can't keep feeling like this either please help. Is there any Dr or information? J

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Trying to fond a dr to help me with my pain and my anxiety in jacksonville florida any ideas i think i have fybro so i hurt alot and have anxiety anyone kno of a dr tht will help im 22 and just move here with my sister

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I just moved to Florida from north Carolina were I was put on subutex for chronic pain control. They helped me more than any other pain pill ever had and have been taking the subutex for past 5yrs. Now that I have moved here to Florida I can't find a doctor to give them to me. They want to put me on suboxine films which I'm very allergic to the naloxone in them. If anyone can help me with some info, PLEASE do so. I live in Palatla area but willing to travel and hour or two out of my area. Thanks!!

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I know a dr. Who perscribes xanax in jacksonville,florida,his name is dr. sivanta paul,in jacksonville florida look him up if you already have a script ,and have been takeing them awhile,and have proof like a bottle or something thats empy bring that in to him and let him know your situation and he will perscribe them goodluck.

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Pain doctor in Gainesville FLwho prescribes pain meds is John Sassano. You need to actually be in pain. He is not a pill mill, he is an honest-to-god interventional pain management anesthesiologist

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I know a dr.who will persribe Xanax ,but you have to have your bottle proveing that you have been taken Xanax before, His name is Dr.Sivanta Paul, hes located right off of Salisbury rd. in Jacksonville,florida, close to the st.vincents hospital.When you reach st.Vincents hospital ,you will see a road called south point rd. Make a left their,then go all the way down till you hit the stop lights,you will make a left,you will see grey office building's called Salisbury lakes Make a Left Heres his number is 904-279-1666, Call him Dr. Paul. He prescribes Xanax, if u have your bottle proving you have been taking this med.

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I just moved to Gainsville fl, from the panhandle. I have chronic back pain, due to scoliosis, spondalosis, sciatica, two bulged disk, and more. Plus I lost my 1yr. Old daughter recently and need Xanax for anxiety and PTSD. I also have trouble falling asleep, so I take ambien. I also take celexa for depression/anxiety. I moved here bc my soon to b xhusband almost killed me. I'm in need of a good dr. That will refill my tramadol for pain, and the other Meds. I want to find a good dr. that will help me out in all those areas. That cares and isn't outrageously expensive. I don't need a pain dr. I take tramadol, (8 a day, 50mg) I just want a good dr. Please help anyone. I don't know anyone here. Thanks, Tara

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Looking for someone who is familiar with the Ashton Manual. My physician passed away this month, and want to not be on diazepam. The withdrawal is fierce so far. Am unable to get any assistance since moving here. I am a private pay patient...and with the info I just gave you, you probably just shook your head. Was unaware of the new laws, and certainly did not expect this. I am 55 year old grandmother. I do neither recreational drugs or alcohol. Can you steer me in any direction? Thank you.

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David, I am going through similar issues of having moved to FL and been on Xanax twice a day for panic attacks. The FL Drs seem to be afraid to prescribe this medication, no matter how badly needed. Do pain management clinics handle cases like these or am I just in huge trouble now???

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Thank you, David. I appreciate it more than you know.
I'll look into them for sure.

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Hi Colton,

In regards to finding a local pain doctor, I have listed below a few pain management doctors within your general area. I'm not certain of what they may or may not be willing to prescribe you, but at least you have some viable options here:

Scott L. Lipoff, M.D.
6830 N. W. 11th Place #B
Gainesville, Florida 32605

Robert Valentine, M.D.
330N. W. 76th Drive
Gainesville, Florida 32607

Cesar Euribe, M.D.
2339 SE Laurel Run Drive
Ocala, Florida 34471

Amy Clunn, M.D.
3305 SW 34th Circle
Ocala, Florida 34474

I hope this info helps and wish you the best on finding the right doctor!

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