Trintellix Review (Page 2)
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Why did I read that you should not take this medicine till 2020? I was just given a lot of samples of 5mg that my doctor wants me to start for my depression. I am scared to death to start because of the horrible reviews & side effects that sound horrible. I have never heard of this drug. Can you please help me with this. Also if I do decide to start when is the very best time to take it?

23 Replies (2 Pages)

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Where did you read that you should not take this medicine till 2020? Perhaps there may have been a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of what was really meant? If a doctor prescribed this to you, it would be very unusual to have him/her tell you to wait for 3 years before taking it; especially if your doctor is expecting this to help your depression in the immediate term, not 3 years down the road when your depression might be at a different stage altogether. At any rate, I just wanted to add some clarification there...


Have you considered talking with your doctor about developing a tapering schedule? Gradually titrating down seems to me like it may be your best bet for playing it safe if you find yourself to be hypersensitive to abrupt changes in the dosage.

Hope this helps!

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I've been on Brintellix/ Trintellix for going on 2 years. Saved my life. I am on a low dose, with buspar piggy back, but no longer a handful of drugs. If you've failed the rest, give it a shot. Start low. I am great on just 10mg, and I was suffering from major depression. Good luck!

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Has anyone else gone down from 10 to 5 mg of trintellix? I am afraid I will have some anxiety doing this. Can anyone give me advice?

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