Tried Lexapro After 7 Year Hiatus And It's Awful
UpdatedI took 10mg of Lexapro about 7 years ago for a few months and it worked great. I was able to get off it for 7 years and now my anxiety is back and my dr. put me back on 10 mg of Lexapro (because we knew it had worked in the past) and I feel like my heart is going to explode when I take it. I get a constant ache/pain right over my heart and a pain in my left elbow that is constant. I also feel like my joints are stiff and hard to move. I have stopped taking Lexapro for fear that the side effects are dangerous. Any ideas why I was able to take it 7 yrs. ago and now I can't tolerate it?
1 Reply
The only conclusion that I can come to is that you may have been using a different brand of Lexapro that contained different inactive ingredients. Or, perhaps your body chemistry/lifestyle changed over the past 7 years and your body isn't able to handle what it used to.
I hope this insight helps!
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