Tribedoce Compuesto (Page 3)


Tribedoce compuesto - I was told this Mexican pill would help relieve pain in my legs. I walk three miles daily and it has helped or its my imagination. What is the pill used for? Is it safe?

103 Replies (6 Pages)

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Does anyone know the side effects if it stops your monthly cycle?

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I would be interested in getting some tribedoce compuesto. please let me know if you can get for me. thx

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My husband is in excruciating back pain. I was recommended this product by my friend who takes it but I don't know the difference between The red box andthe purple box. Is one more for pain then the other one?

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We are interested in ordering Tribedoce Compuesto for my back and my husbands recently seriously injured patella tendon. How much is it and how do we get it?

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Tribedoce Compuesto inj. contains 3 B vitamins and Diclofenaco, an NSAID. Since it is an inj., the NSAID does not need to go to your stomach. Personally, I might have trouble taking an oral NSAID.

So in the US, look for diclofenaco (maybe the English language version?) by itself. Not sure if you can get it.

I have severe hip pain and a daily inj. has allowed me to walk more freely until I can get surgery on my hip.

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I think because it is in Spanish on the box. So instead of saying "the Mexican brand" they just blurted the Mexican pill, which is not. :(

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Be careful with this item. It is STRONG. So take it as your own body allows and be aware if in reducing/stopping pain, you take more than is good for you, like I did.

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Look for it in the Medisim drug stores in Mexico. They have some products significantly lower than other stores.

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There is no such race as Mexican. Mexico is a country full of people from the 3 races cucazoid, mongloid and negroid.

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Hello,exactly which do u take? Because i take tribedoce dx is that good .Thank you!

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I totally agree it us a Mexican Pill in that it comes from Mexico

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Mexican is not a slur, it means "of the country of Mexico" Mexican is a nationality not a racr

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I have the Tribedoce 50,000 Complejo B from Mexico...the small ampules appear to be slender glass tubes with a "bulb" like I just break off the top bulb piece to access the liquid? Sorry if this is a foolish question...but I can't see how else to do it.

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Hi, I know this is an older post. But I'll put my two cents here, tribedoce has vitamin b12, in the past I've taken this orally and it worked wonders for my herniated spinal Disc, I had stocked up on these and I guess they expired or something because they stopped working for me, I think I stopped taking them since I was able to do everything I wanted without back pain, but, a year after I stopped taking them and after I didn't find relief on the medicine I had stocked up on, I decided to give b12 a second chance. This time I wanted something stronger, so I bought the inj's., the box comes with 5 inj's. and I'm supposed to take one inj's. every other day, only take two boxes of inj's. in a month. And then rest for 3 months and start another two boxes of inj's. So 10 inj's. a month taking them every other day, once that is over rest three months. The actual medicine causes some kind of very mild and very temporal burning sensation on the inj. site. I am about to open a box that contains lidocaine it suppose to aid with that mild burning sensation. But I will totally take an inj. any day as many times as needed over living a life with excruciating back pain. I have a herniated disc on L5 but I don't want to get spinal inj's. to alleviate the pain, these inj's. I feel that they are working as in the past when they were working for me I used to feel a tingling sensation where I used to have back pain. I'll take the tingling and relaxing sensation over the horrible back pain I get. Good luck to all. I bought me 6 boxes of tribedoce with lidocane at a Mexican pharmacy in Mexico, called "farmacias similares". It comes with 5 syringes and 5 glass containers, I learned how to self administer these and I totally think it was worth the trip to nogales sonora and they are cheap, about 54 pesos per 5 doses about 3 dollars a box!!! I hope I will get my pain completely gone and I will continue taking these after my pain completely subsides since I don't want to make the mistake of getting pain again.

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I twisted my sciotic nerve am in alot pain. Will this shot help?Tri bedoce

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It is an NSAID and should be used only as absolutely necessary. Research NSAIDS and find out for yourself.

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How long can I take tribedoce compuesto? I was told 3 months.

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What is this medication is for and how much does it cost?

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It really works my dad has really bad leg pain and pain in his arms and it worked his pain is gone with the first injection

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It's a very good NSAIDs diclofenac in pill form. In injections are combination of diclofenac and vit b12

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