Tri-Previfem Forums
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Hey! I started this last month on 4/25 and the first week was miserable. I take it in the morning with Zoloft. I had really bad nausea either early in the morning or an hour after I take my pill. I don't usually eat in the morning so maybe that could be the reason why I have felt so awful. I have puked on a bus last month about a day after starting the pill. I finally finished my first pack and I just started a new pack. This time the nausea is worse and I can't stop puking. Especially after trying to eat. I wonder if I just need to eat with the pill, start taking it at night or just stop it all together. I just feel so bad and I want to continue taking it, but if it's going to make me feel like this for a while I'd rather just stop than continue to be nauseous. ## That ...
1 REPLY UpdatedHello, I've been on Tri-Previfem for about 4 months now and have done a pretty good job of taking it consistently. I've never missed a day. 2 questions: 1. I try to take the pills at 1:30p daily. There are times where I'll take it as late as 3 depending on my lunch schedule. Will taking the pill at 3p cause it to lose its effectiveness? 2. Today is a Sunday and I'm supposed to start week 2 of my pill pack this week. I was careless yesterday (Saturday) and accidentally took the pill I was supposed to take today. I see on the pack that pill 1 has .18mg norgestimate, and week 2 has .215mg norgestimate. Today, I took the 'week 1' pill I was supposed to take on Saturday, and plan to proceed with my week 2 pills as usual tomorrow. Will this make the birth control ineff...
2 REPLIES UpdatedHi! I'm going to stop Tri-Previfem to level out my body in order to try to conceive in a few months. I've been on birth control pills (mostly this one and similar to it) for 17 years and I'm worried about what to expect. I'm fine with my period being a little whacky for a few months, but vainly I'm worried that my face will go crazy with acne. I had acne prior to starting the pill, but I was also 16, so I'm just not sure what to expect. Also, if acne does flare up, does it decrease once you do get pregnant? Thanks! ## There is a risk of you developing acne, again, and there is no way to say how becoming pregnant may affect it. Other withdrawals effects may include mood swings, headaches, and weight changes, according to the FDA. Do you experience pimples around y...
2 REPLIES UpdatedOkay so I have searched high and low and even asked my pharmacist but I don't think they understood my question. I was on the implant for years and after bad side effects switched to the pill (tri-previfem). I went a month without any form of birth control between the two to let my body sort itself out and DID NOT have ANY intercourse, remained abstinent. My period started on Sunday and I started my BC pack day one, week one - 746 pill (white/greyish) - on that Sunday that I started. I've taken it for three days now and my period stopped, is that supposed to happen? I know I'm supposed to have my period on the last week (week 4) so is it supposed to stop my period once I start taking it the first week? If I could get an answer I would be soooooo grateful! Thanks in advance! ...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI had my period normally last month, then this month - 10 days before I was supposed to get my period - I started spotting, and just thought it was during ovulation. It ended up becoming a full on period and I still have it almost a week later! I am not supposed to get my actual period for another 5 days, but not sure what this is all about? I have taken my pill at exactly the same day every day and never missed one. Help! ## How long have you been taking this contraceptive? Irregular periods can be a normal side effect, according to FDA warnings. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight changes. ## I have been taking it for a few months now and I have had no problems until this month! ## I had this issue as well! Sometimes spotting and other times a...
3 REPLIES UpdatedSince i started taking this drug, i feel very bloated. Is weight gain a side effect? ## Common side effects while taking Tri-Previfem are bloating, changes in weight, and many more. To view more side effects about this drug click on the link below... ## write down your symtems on a calender. I had severe swelling and bloating on the same days of each month. The fourth day of the month. On my third month on the fourth day, I had a heart attack! I'm 42 years old. I have no high blood pressure and beautiful cholesteral levels. figure that out! ## since the pill makes the cervix have more mucus, making it hard for sperm to get through, does that mean it is hard for your period to get through? please help! im freaking out! ## i just started my new pack of tri-previfem and the 1st week ar...
5 REPLIES UpdatedHello - I take Tri-Sprintec but it has recently changed to Tri-Previfem. Anyways, I was wondering if missing the last 2 white pills in the package (for Friday and Saturday [yesterday]) made any difference at all... and if it's okay for me to just ignore those and begin my next package of Tri-Previfem which starts tonight (Sunday). I wasn't sure if the white pills were really placebo and if it made any difference? Or if there's a very small amount of hormone in them that does matter? Also, I had unprotected sex (he didn't ejaculate in me though) today... would that make any difference by missing those 2 white pills? ## No difference I never take sugar pills .Just take on Sunday as planned. ## That is correct, the last week of tablets only contain inactive ingredients and ...
7 REPLIES UpdatedHello, I have been taking Tri-Previfem for a couple of years now. Unfortunately, and as much as I don't want to admit it, I've had a record of missing anywhere from 1-4 pills in a row or missing 1-2 pills in a row and then taking them on time, but then missing another 1-2 pills in a row. As you can imagine, I've lost track and dont know if missing this many pills so on-and-off means I should just start a new pack every time. I realize I need to start taking these more regularly and find a way to stop forgetting. During my most recent pack, I think I missed somewhere between 3-4 days of pills in week 2, and on the day I remembered I took the first one I missed, the next day I took the second one I missed, and so on and currently I am almost done with the pack, but I am very b...
4 REPLIES UpdatedTook a pill during week 3 around five hours late, and this Saturday, I had brown discharge with some light pink. Is this implantation bleeding? However, I took two pregnancy tests and they both came back negative. Is there any chance I could be pregnant as a result of the late pill? (False negative) ## If two tests came back negative, it is not likely that you are pregnant. But only a medical professional can confirm this. Usually, you have to be more than 12 hours for it to be considered a late pill, and 24 hours, before it is considered a missed pill, according to FDA information. The discharge and spotting can be normal side effects of taking hormonal contraceptives, or taking a pill a bit late. Has there been any change, yet? Did you get your full period? ## I got my period!! Thanks...
3 REPLIES UpdatedHello, i take tri-previfem. I have for a while now but last month I accidentally skipped my placibo pills and went straight to a new active pack. I skipped my period and now I'm on the sugar pills of this pack of birth control. I was just wondering if anyone knew how I could calculate when my period may start. I know for a fact I can't be pregnant but does anyone have any ideas that could help me? ## Hello, PandySue! How are you? If you are taking the inactive tablets now, then your period should start within a day or two of taking them. When taking OCs, your period is actually caused by withdrawal of the hormones, which is why you skipped it last month. If it doesn't start, then your hormonal balance may be off and you may need to check in with your doctor. Is there anythin...
8 REPLIES UpdatedI'm on my second pack of the pills and I've been taking them everyday around the same time. I probably shouldn't let there be a time gap on weekends but I take them when I wake up, which is a few hours after my normal time during the week. Would that mess up the effectiveness of the pill? And when I first started taking them, I started my period and forgot to take the pill the first day but my mom told me to just take the first pill on the second day instead. So technically I've always been a pill behind. Is there anything I can do and if I've had intercourse, am I at any greater risk? And finally, my last period started at a really strange time and lasted a full 5 days but I kept bleeding for another whole week, is that normal? And is there a large risk if I had unp...
1 REPLY UpdatedHi I take tri-previfem and i had stopped taking it for a month because i forgot to take my pill, i tried to double up pills to get back on schedule but instead got my period early and then i had breakthrough bleeding for a little less than two weeks after that. i have been off of the pill for a little over a month now due to the mess up and just got my period yesterday 10/28, this is the heaviest period ive ever had since my very first time having a period. i have a huge weekend starting tomorrow at the beach and id like to skip this period. The Tri-previfem has different dosage of hormones for each week. Should i start a new pack like normal today to try to skip this period? if i start with the second week pill which has a higher dosage of hormones will this increase the % of stopping ...
2 REPLIES UpdatedHello I am a Sunday starter and have been on birth control for a few months. On week 3 last month I missed two pills in a row and did not have a new pack. So I took two pills on the next day and two pills the day after that to catch up. I read I was supposed to start a new pack, am I messed up now? I haven't missed since and am almost finished with my current pack for this month. ## It isn't that you mess up, but that it could increase your risk of getting pregnant, according to the NIH, as well as experiencing other side effects, such as spotting and cramping. Is there are possible risk of pregnancy?
1 REPLY UpdatedHi I'm starting to take previfem birth 5 out.and on the pack it says start that Sunday of your period. But I never did.when should I take my first pill? Do I need to wait till I start my period again? I started my period last Friday and ended Tuesday night. ## Hello, Jessica! How are you? Unless your doctor has some reason for you not to do so, you can actually start at any time. However, if you are not on your period, when you start it, you need to use a backup method of birth control for the first full 7 days of taking it. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, breakthrough bleeding and PMS-like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I just had my baby in September and had my first period on November 11...
2 REPLIES UpdatedIm trying to push back starting my period by one week bc I will have it on my honeymoon ?? - I currently take tri-previfem. If I delay starting my new pack by a week (after having a period) will this work? ## Hi Olivia, Congrats on getting married! My best wishes for your honeymoon... From what I understand it is possible to pre or postpone one's menstrual cycle with the use of hormonal contraceptives. However there are certain ways to do this with different brands/generics and forms of treatment. This is not to say that your method may or may not work, but because there is a diverse range of applications to achieve this, I think it would probably be best to work closely with your prescribing doctor in order to ensure that dosing and administration timing are done properly for your ...
1 REPLY UpdatedI lost one pill (Tuesday) on the last week of active pills and just took the next days pill in replace of Tuesday's lost pill. I ended my active pills a day early and started taking the placebo pills on Saturday instead. I had intercourse on Saturday when I started the placebo pill. Did I need backup birth control when having intercourse? Should I take Plan B? I also plan on starting the new pack on this upcoming Saturday now. Thank you. ## Hi Lala, Sorry to hear about the lost pill. To my understanding each and every one of the active / inactive pills contain an equal measure of hormones or inert ingredients. So taking Wednesday's active tablet should not have caused any discernible differences from Tuesday's active tablet. Concerning the possibility of becoming pregnant, i...
1 REPLY UpdatedI accidentally switched my week 1 day 7 pill with my week 2 day 1 pill and had unprotected sex during that time; I switched them on Friday and Saturday with sex happening on Saturday. I have taken 2 more week 2 pills since and am back on track with my days but I need to know 1. If those weeks are the same doses of hormones? 2. If I should be looking at other options like Plan B? If I should be looking at Plan B, how do I take that in conjunction with my birth control?
UpdatedI'm on my period and I was told to start my pills today...I have never taken them. Will it help prevent bleeding? ## Hello, Netta! How are you? It can help regulate periods for some women that take it, but it may take 3 months or so, before you will know if it will do that for you, or not. The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability and PMS-like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedI have taking this pill for 4 months and I never broke out on my face and I'm noticing an acne is all over my face like certain spots: chin,cheeks and jaws ## Hello, Nakeisha! How are you? Your natural hormones can also play a role, here, as reported by the NIH, because they will still fluctuate. Taking an oral contraceptive doesn't completely turn them off. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may include nausea, dizziness, headache and PMS-like symptoms. However, if it is severe acne, it could mean that this just isn't the right one for you to take and you may need to try a different one. Is there anything else I can help with?
1 REPLY UpdatedHello, right now I am a Sunday starter but due to upcoming events I would like to change my start day to Thursday so that I don't have my period over the weekend. Would I still be protected if I finished my active pills but then started my new pack on Thursday instead of Sunday? This would allow my period to start but it would stop on Thursday when I start the new pack. ## Hello, Alex! How are you? There is no guarantee that your period would stop, when you start the new pack. If your doctor approves it, you may be better off just skipping the period weeks pills altogether and starting a new pack immediately, which may let you skip your period, altogether. The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes,...
1 REPLY Updated