Trazodone For Insomnia (Page 4)
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I have read the leaflet that came w/ my meds. Its listed as an antidepressant but was prescribed to me for insomnia. Two questions now.

1. Do I have to take it every night?
2. How worried should I be about the side effects?

Frankly, I've put off taking it because I've never been diagnosed w/ depression, just insomnia & migraine. Any concise info you can provide would be great! Just speak to me like a person, not a doctor. Thanks!

68 Replies (4 Pages)

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I was prescribed Trazadone 100 years ago for depressikon and the nice side effect was it helped me sleep. But when I told my doc that I would awaken in the middle of the night cuz I couldn't breathe thru my nose; he looked at me like I was green. Maybe that was another side effect. Hee

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My partner was prescribed this medication after sleepless nights following triple bypass surgury. I don't recall why he decided to stop taking it but he ended up giving it to me. I know it is not wise to take anything without seeing a doctor first but that's just the way I roll lol. Anyway... as far as an effective sleep aid is concerned i find it mildly effective at best. Seems like it takes alot longer to take effect than others I have tried. I also find that it is not effective at all as far as staying asleep is concerned. I don't have any of the other side effects that others have mentioned here but I have noticed that my dreams are much more vivid and alot stranger than normal for me. Years ago I was on morphine for an extended period and the dreams and nightmares I experienced then are similar to the ones I have with Trazadone.

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Beware with this medication. I was taking 150mg for 3 years, which was prescribed for depression and insomnia. I was not given any warning by my GP how my mind & body would become addicted to the medication and how bad the withdrawal symptoms are. I'm coming of the drug now but having to reduce the dosage bit by bit as the withdrawl effects are so bad. If you do decide to take the medication becareful that you do not become dependant on it as it's really hard to get off

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ive been taking these tabs 6 weeks now 50 mg however after reading the side affect profile i was put off checked it out on wiki it looks bad on the surface but when u look a little deeper i found a lot of the articles for deaths possibly attributed and the negative side effects and to be fair without sounding to insensesitive
they were all on high doses taking lots of other drugs and in a real bad way check it out google it again and again i have a strong backgound in chemsitry and human biology however im not a doctor thats the disclaimer by the way ha ha ha please sign here
take care ps you cant drink gratefruit juice best to avoid it

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This med is an antidepressant with a major side effect of causing drowsiness. It is much like the antihistamine Benadryl that has a major side effect of causing drowsiness. Thus you see Benadryl being used for insomnia. Also to address the stuffy nose, yes it is an anticholinergic and can cause stuffy nose and dry mouth, and blurred vision. However, it is widely used with relatively few side effects. Everyone is biologically different, and you might want to discusss this with your doctor or other health care professional if you still have problems or questions.

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i just filled my script for 50mg trazadone for insomnia, my doc told me that dose is commonly used for just that and the higher doses are more for the other things.i will only take it after a few nights of restless sleep and he said that's not a problem.i took it monday and woke slept better but, i woke up feeling like every hair on my body was standing on end. it went away after a few hrs...

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I like to respond to your comment and I'll try not to sounds like a doctor but in case I do, I apologize :) It sounds like you are hesitant about taking the medication for insomnia. I would say listen to your self. If you feel uncomfortable with it, then try other routes that are not as invasive as mind altering medications with side effects. For example, mindfulness meditation has been shown to be very effective in alleviating pain, reducing anxiety and depression and insomnia. Look for works by Jon Kabat Zinn. He has authored many books and pioneered a program that I think you may benefit from. Take care.

Ellie Zarrabian, Ph.D.
California, United States

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Trazadone. First off Trazadone is a cocaine withdrawal pill. And I guess it is prescribed for insomnia as well. My doctor gave it to me to help me sleep. It most definitely put me to sleep. But the bad, bad, bad thing about this medication is it stops your nose up to point where its impossible to breath. The first time I took it I knew exactly how it made coke users get clean.

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