Trazodone 100mg Tab Myl
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is this an antidepresant & what side effects? I also take 300 mg wellbutrin

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I am taking 300 mg trazadone for depression it totally knocks me out and it is prescribed to take 100mg 3x daily I cannot function taking it during the day I just want to sleep is anyone else taking it during the day?to answer your question I also take well but rin and that knocks me out also as I am taking it with the trazadone I am going to talk to my doctor to.orrow good luck and I wish you well. Loretta I also get very blurry vision that scares me I hope these side effects go away.

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Trazdone makes me sleep and dream non-stop,usualy good dreams and not nightmares.No side effects on my end...

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i wake up with my torso, hair and neck drenched in sweat. I take a loit of meds. could this be the problem? Can this be serious other than annoying. I also get this way just for no reason during the day. Have you any suggestions.

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You are on to many drugs this does not work ,Tramadol works as a anti depresant..Trazadone Is a Antidepresant All thease drugs should not be takin together.Unfortunatly shrinks keep adding and half the time they dont know what there doing!!! Look up your drugs and put them together. Before you realy have something to cry about ,Drs get a cut on scripts Remember there Practicing Medicine

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stillsearching, the only ones in respect to that, that I am familiar with are St. John's Wort and Valerian Root.

The St. Johns has long been claimed to be a natural antidepressant, with less side effects than the prescription medications. However, before you try it, while you are still taking the other medications, be sure to talk to your doctor or pharmacist, as there are certain ones that it can cause bad interactions with.

You can learn more on it here:


Valerian works more like a sedative, so it's claimed to calm anxiety and help if you have trouble sleeping.


If you're looking for more information, there is a ton online or you can o to almost any vitamin or natural product store and the people there are usually happy to help and often have some information that you can read over, as well.

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This forum is terrific, as there is nothing for better understanding a problem, Like having been there. I have found that every one who has answered my queries has done so with heart felt honesty and understanding.My special thanks to Christopher, right on, I do not have to take medicine that makes me sicker.!I would like to stop using these drugs, I do understand, slowly! And suggestions to transfer to more natural products, would be so appreciated. I've a therapist calling these spasms, PTSD. She says it can be like a DNA strand, where series of unresolved trauma, get's all wound together and , that your must face them to resolve it. The drugs are a quick fix untill , we can do that.Or it's possible for some people to use the natural herbs..Presently I'm using Wellburtin 300mg.& Liberex2.5, for spasms in my throat & esophagus & depression.I have stopped all else, that made me sicker. No more Trazadone! Anyone know about holistic methods?...Again, my sincere thanks for listening.

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Sorry you're feeling like that. I've felt strange things like that on Trazodone, too but not as bad. One night I was watching TV and saw something funny but instead of laughing I got choked up and almost cried. Strange pills.

Keep your head up and don't be afraid to stop pills that you think might be making you worse.

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I have suddenly started weeping uncontroably, . I suspected my doctor has over proscribed my medication for depression and perhaps PTSD, I stoped using the one called trazodone100mg. as well as the ryzolt 300mg. and the tramadol50mg. (1) X3 daily. I became disorented & confused, It's been 3 weeks, now and I am still feeling overwelming depression I have kept the welbutrin 100mg(1)X3 & Liberex (1)X3. Whatdo I do now? I am so very depressed & crying. HELP!

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Yes, Trazodone is an SARI antidepressant.

Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight gain.

Learn more:


You should also know that taking it with the Wellbutrin can cause a slightly increased risk of experiencing seizures, though the risk is very low, at 0.1% of people using it.


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