Transitioning From Opioids To Suboxone (Top voted first)


My hubby and I started suboxone 9/9/16. Been taking opioids for a few yrs and have a high tolerance. I waited 24hrs before taking the sub. 8mg starting out. It did not help with the withdrawal symptoms... My husband waited 36hrs before taking his (same dose) we both were miserable for 3 days... Taking one 8mg a day and still no relief. Ended up relapsing bc we couldn't take it anymore. Needing help to get back on track. Why didn't the sub help after taking three doses?? How long should we wait before taking the sub again? After we took opioids again we did get relief from withdraw symptoms...

3 Replies

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It would help if we knew how much opiate you have been taking and what exactly it was. For example.... Like 30mgs of IR morphine three times a day for five years.

Sub will start to stack in your system but does take a while. What kinds of wds were you still having and on a scale of one to bad were they...for real?

You should try again but might need to really educate yourself on this stuff. You may need two strips for the first week and then go down to 8mgs. Sub is strong stuff and the ceiling is 8mgs.

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Hello, LadyL! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the experience you both had.

However, before taking Suboxone, you have to be in full withdrawal, if you aren't, it can throw you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals, so that is likely what happened, you started taking it too soon after having taken other opiates.

Additionally, as Cheeps mentioned, the proper dose of Suboxone also depends on how much you were taking of the other opioids.

The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

What dose were you told to start off with?

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I want to start suboxone and have been on oxymorphone 40 mg a day. How long do i wait? I dont want to go into precipitated withdrawal. Please help me.

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