Tramadol By Amneal Vs Mylan (Page 5) (Top voted first)


All our pharmacies here have switched to amneal, which doesn't do a thing except give a headache. The brand does make a difference. The mylan works great.

109 Replies (6 Pages)

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Hi i am a long time tramadol user. And i move to P.A and i been looking for a mylan and amneal tramadol but i can not find. Please if some one know? That will help me tanks

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Hi am recently move to PA, and i can not find the mylan and amneal if some one know that can help me thanks

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The FDA has to do some kind of quality control check of the overseas manufacturers of Tramadol and other drugs. As a person who has constant pain from damaged nerves, back, osteo arth., etc., I "chose" to take Ultram/Tramadol because I can't handle the "high" from codones. In about 2010 I started getting Tramadol prescribed and at that point it did exactly what it needed to, killed the pain, with little to no bother from dizziness, sleepiness, equilibrium problems, etc. But shortly after this the FDA reclassified it, and everything about it changed. One month I got a prescription that caused depression, the next sleepiness, or anxiety, animosity toward others, etc. My alternative was morphine, so I decided to take the tramadol along with antidepressants and naprosyn. Other people complaining about their other scripts, causing similar problems. Since then I found out that the overseas manufacturers are using substandard ingredients, probably in the fillers, and maybe poor substitutes for main ingredient. I recently decided to buy Ultram instead of Tramadol to check if there was a difference between the, and there was a HUGE difference. I didn't get any weird side effects, and I could take LESS, and didn't have to take as many naprosyn. Now I'm wondering if our government requested changes in the manufacturing of certain medications because my Lyrics has started causing a deep sleepiness similar to a narcotic/codone side effect. The Clonidine has started doing the same thing. So I can't take them according to script because I would stay asleep for days. I tried talking to the pharmacist but they don't seem to care.

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My CVS carries teva. Thats where i get mine filled. I live in Hagerstown md.

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Re: Kathleen (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

My pharmacy was great when I requested a different generic...they got Teva and it worked much better than what they had. You can always request a different generic when they next order. Some pharmacies will believe you and change. Good luck.

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Just came to read about Tramadol because it seems that lately my scripts don’t work well enough. I don’t really think everyone should be doing all this complaining, just change don’t complain, too little is done about complaints, but when large numbers of people stop spending money on a particular product they notice and adjust. Just change, together, for the right reasons.

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I have been taking the Teva brand of Tramadol and it's the only generic brand that actually treats the compressed nerve damage in my back. I have also found that in the 2 other medications I am prescribed, it's rather scary the difference between the generic brands. In my opinion, Mylan brand for tramadol, adderall, and tramadol, acts as though I took a sugar pill. However, every one responds differently, and that's clear due to the fact that there are many highly profitable generic brand drug companies. That's all well and good, but when there comes a time when Teva has a dramatic issue in production due to a mechanical issue, for example, that would mean that I would probably need to be under hospital care due to the seizures that can come with sudden stoppage in both tramadol and clonazepam. It's no wonder why so many people whom are now experiencing the reality of having a pain medication that they had taken daily, without incident, for years, are now looking to India for help with tramadol- a medication with t he strength comparable to codeine. India is a top purveyor of tramadol, and many believe that the quality of tramadol produced in India is abo e and beyond anything made here in America. While the opioid epidemic leaves those with well documented medical issues as the true victims, lumped in with the darkness that is heroin, more and more will have no other option but to look to another country to provide the medicine they need to simply function as a human. I never thought I would see such a day here in America. Well, here's to India and for that matter, Switzerland! Heroin was made legal in Switzerland 12 years ago. Can you guess how many overdoses there have been when they made pure, regulated heroin legal? It's a fact that needs to be made known to every graduating high school senior. They should know the reality because unless they let the truth be made known in a way that's loud and clear, then they will be mired in the devil's playground for all their days. They need to know that in the 12 years since Switzerland made heroin legal for personal consumption, that there has not been a single overdose death from heroin. Why is that not known here in America?

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Re: Hank P Honk (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

It's not easy to "change" when you live out in the middle of nowhere (me) and there are just two pharmacies with in a 45 min drive.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Does anyone know which pharmacies sell mylan tramadol?

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Re: Lynn (# 81) Expand Referenced Message

You may be on to something. I've now started getting very depressed and crying a lot. I'm also not sleeping more than 3-4 hours a night and sometimes a nap during the day. Nothing in my life has changed that much. I'm going to see the doc for a med check. This is ridiculous.

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Re: howarderay (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Yet "they" rescheduled this drug. It's ridiculous, if they want to change it to a Schedule IV substance, why change the formula to a lesser working one? Tramadol used to help ease my tinnitus, it no longer does. It also does very little for pain but I refuse to up my dosage from 2 50mg every morning. Taking it at night keeps me from a deep sleep which is very important for us fibromyalgia sufferers.

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Re: Daisybug (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

Have you found out which pharmacies Carrie them. I don’t know which ones you are getting but I get the ones that are shaped like a football I use to take the an 627 I guess the started me out with them that’s why I guess I felt like they worked for me. But now they give me the ones that are shaped like football & I feel like that do t do nothing for me.

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Re: howarderay (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

What if the amnea doesnt work? Do I go back to pharmacy and tell them? I've always been given Mylan but today it's different so did some research...

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I find that TRAMADOL manufactured by Teva is more potent than Mylan or Amneal.

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I thought it was just me & thanks.

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Re: Lynn (# 81) Expand Referenced Message

Me too. Will never get Amneal again, my Walgreens orders a bottle of Teva and has a note in their computer "Teva for Tramadol" that pops up with a flag when they refill it, but I still check every single time because Amneal is the same shape and the pharmacy has floaters come and go who IGNORE the flag; this just happened yesterday, and they told me that was probably why. I didn't realize until I got home, called them right away to say I was bringing back the unopened script. They agreed that a fill-in employee had ignored the flag, and the refill was delayed because of it. Amneal is horrible.

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Re: Pea (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

My Walgreens only carries Amneal. No Teva. But today I got a refill and it's Tru Pharma.

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Re: JR (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, my last script filled by my local Walmart was TruPharma, now polyoperating under Advagen as well - long white, 018 imprint. Their parent company is Rubicon Research, mfg in India. To me they’re similar to Sun Pharma also mfg in India. I have found Teva brand to be most effective, mfg in Czech Republic. Anything but Amneal’s crap! I also had problems with their codones when I had my other hip replaced. It also has to do with body chemistry - what works well for some may not for others, just as colognes/perfumes differ in smell from one person to the next. But I sure read a lot of gripes about Amneal!! I’ve not tried Ultram or Mylan, but with the continual revolving of suppliers everywhere, I may try what others have mentioned on here about having the pharmacy order the well reviewed brand of choice. It seems there’s a shortage of tramadol lately, some mfg’s having discontinued production, and possibly connected to the fentanyl crisis from what I’ve read.

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Re: Tina (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

It seems to work well for me !! The ones that don't work for me are unichem and trupharma!! Wish you Luck though !!

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Re: Ray (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

The trupharma gave me headaches and the annual works for me interesting!!!

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