Tramadol By Amneal Vs Mylan (Page 5)
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All our pharmacies here have switched to amneal, which doesn't do a thing except give a headache. The brand does make a difference. The mylan works great.

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I have been using Tramadol HCL for about 5 years. I started by using the Generic I got at Rite Aid (Teva) and it works just great for me. However my physician called my last prescription in to WalMart and I got (Mylan) which does absolutely nothing for my pain. It's a waste of money. So I have ask my physician to specifically order from Rite Aid or if I get the prescription I take it there myself.

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Be aware that the FDA can do nothing about it. They used to be able to. But, no more. Thank your nice Republicans and their buddies in Congress for the changes to FDA funding and oversight. I called my pharmacy and asked if I could get a different brand. They said their contract was all tied up with Amneal for the next year. They went with Amneal because they bid so much lower for a Medicare contract. Amneal has been on a marketing campaign and under-cutting everyone else's price. One guess how they are under-bidding contracts! The best you can do is make sure your doctor is aware and specify on the Rx that he does not want Amneal. If enough people/doctors do that, then Amneal will clean up their act or else go manufacturer toilets or something more to their expertise.

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There is also a difference in inactive ingredients. The one that makes the biggest difference in generics is the "disintegrating agent." This is something that attracts liquid and causes the pill to fall apart, so the active ingredients can be metabolized. If one generic uses a less effective (cheaper) disintegrating ingredient, the pill can be in larger clumps and just pass through the GI tract without as much actually being metabolized. So, when someone tells you that there is no difference between generic and brand names, well, that isn't really accurate when comparing all ingredients. When the comparison is only between active ingredients, there isn't a lot of difference. But bioavailability can differ greatly that is caused by the inactive ingredients. If one doesn't work as well for you, pay attention to that and request a different manufacturer. It's your health.

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Methadone is the last drug you should consider, It's super addiction on steroids. See if you can get branded ultram Good Luck

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You're probably right about them withholding, or substituting the ingredients of the way it was originally formulated.

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I TOTALLY agree with ALL negative comments posted concerning the AMNEAL Brand of generic Ultram and their oxycodone tablets. I have NEVER had ANY other brand as ineffective as this brand. It's as if there is no pain relief, but medication to initiate awful headaches. I think the CEO and their cronies are withholding the active ingredient for themselves. OR, the government is playing with all of our well being and lending a Blind Eye to ALL drug makers. The REAL war on drugs is patients that need the correct medication can't get it, while the dealers and smugglers are getting what the patients need to get along. AND, the government knows it!!! This war on drugs, is a losing battle. I requested my Dr.write my prescription for name brand Percocet so that I would know what I was getting month to month. He did, but found out my out-of-pocket would be 987.00. Amneal brand for my month supply was 8.00. Now, tell me we aren't being lied to. AMNEAL needs to be banned. Fake medication!!!

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I find the oppsosite to be for me. Walmarts Mylan was worthless and I switched to Walgreens and its 100 mg ER and was taking 2 50s from Walmart ant it was like no relief but I'm getting much more relief from the Walgreen's version.

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Sonia thank you. I tried Mylan once a few years ago, i'll try it again. I don't have my lists with me, but Amneal & Zydus script that they claim is tramadol is NOT tramadol. I am very angry that our FDA doesn't seem to care that these pharmaceutical companies are selling defective medications. For me it, has caused great emotional swings a few times so tormenting that I didn't know what to do except take a tranquilizer. Even after switching to several different pharmacies. Not as dangerous as it is for others whose prescriptions must be accurate as a matter of life and death. I just found an address for Amneal, but I'm going to try to find some kind of legal advocate to check this out. I know there are people who have suffered because of the neglect and/or dishonesty of these pharmas.

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No, the long thin white caplets with the imprint "377" they were referring to are manufactured by Caraco Pharmaceuticals.

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I have Celiac & have been gluten free for 5 years. They say the Amneal are gluten free but I'm having a terrible reaction to it. I have joint pain like I have with gluten & I've become depressed & so sleepy that I can't work. My pharmacy is going to get Teva in for me. I just have to pay out of pocket for them. I've had Mylan before & never had any problems. Amneal brand is questionable.

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Brandon, I "know" that Generics companies are now producing medications that are even below substandard in quality and benefits. The companies that produce them obviously do not fear that the FDA will actually check enough samples to tell the difference. And, IF the FDA is conducting reviews they, themselves, must be doing a substandard job and are not comparing the Generics formulas to the brand name formulas. The Generic companies are substituting essential components of the medications (I know it's true for tramadol, gabapentin, & clonidine) with something that is far from what made the original formulas beneficial enough to be approved, by the FDA, for the Brand Name. Or, the are omitting it all together. In any case they have basically been producing "knock off" medications with fake substandard, nonbeneficial ingredients. I know several people with very serious issues who are having weird problems with generic medications that they didn't have before, and like some of us, tested them against their left over meds of the same generic brand and have experienced extreme differences between them. Someone mentioned, on this feed, or another, that some of our generic meds are now being made in mass quantity, in other countries like India, who have no loyalty to, or concern for the health and welfare of American citizens. If that's true, we have ALL been downgraded to substandard welfare style healthcare in America. If anyone know if anyone has started some kind of group FDA complaint, I would like to add my name on it. I'm sure that many others would too.

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Amneal (aka 627's) are absolutely HORRIBLE! I had been taking tramadol 2x/day in the am and occasionally 2 in the afternoon for 6 months with no ill side effects. I then picked up my prescription and the pills were different. I thought nothing of it until I actually took a dose of my usual 2 and I barely felt any pain relief, I didn't get the usual energy associated with my previous tramadol use, and my mood went hostile and complacent instead of happy like the tramadol normally use to make me.

The long oblong pills were the best I have taken so far. Consistently effective...this amneal garbage should be pulled from the market.

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walmart carries the mylan but I get no results at all from it. Walgreens carries Zydus for tramadol and I find it is the best I have ever tired and kills my pain so much quicker. I couldn't get it so I am now tying the teva form CVS I hope it works as well because it is 125 w/o ins where my at Walgreens using my card from them its 15 dollars for the same amount of 180 tramadol so that killed me but what are going ot do. Hope my replies helps someone and good luck to everyone is so much better than taking those really hard narcotics. don't get wrong the tramadol are addicting for me though I take a subscribed cause they work and I don't feel any high off them. Thank the good Lord above Amen.

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You're right Jackie, and some of them are causing very dangerous side effects. I take tramadol for spinal stenosis, osteo arth., and the pains that they cause in legs, back, joints, etc. At first I was given codones, hydrocodone, oxycodone, etc. But the "high" from codones were restricting me too much. In about 2002, and again in 2005, I broke bones in my feet, the 5th metatarsal in each one. Anyway, I asked my doctor for an alternative to a codones and he prescribed Ultracet. It was great because I was able to get relief and still function because it didn't cause any weirdness. Each time I took it for about 6 months. After that, in 2008, I suffered a vision loss, my site is now 20/400, and very distorted with no visual acuity, which caused many life changes, including the ability to drive. I was too young to settle into being completely restricted so I began to learn to walk, ride the bus, etc. Consequently, pains that I never felt before started manifesting, my left leg would go numb and "disappear", pains in elbows, shoulders, knees, etc., all " woke" up. After the analysis I was diagnosed with severe stenosis in my spine, osteo arthritis, Morton's neuromas in both feet, damaged knees. (I was an outside technician when I worked) Anyway, I besides not wanting the weirdness I felt with the codones, I, now, also had an equilibrium problem, so requested tramadol and naprosyn for pain, instead of the codones, and it controlled the pain fairly well, without causing further disruption in my functional abilities. I was able to cut down on the prescribed doses, so I always had a few left, which I saved each month. About 2 or so, years ago, I noticed that the tramadol was causing me to become depressed. There was no other reason for it, but to be sure I went ahead and took some of the tramadol I had saved, from older scripts, and the depression stopped. The next month, I switched to a different drug store of the same pharmacy group, to see if it was a bad batch.

The depression started again, only this time it also caused "unwanted and increased thoughts", which interfered with sleep, concentration, etc. The next month, I switched to a different pharmacy "group", this time the tramadol caused my feelings to be " gone", I felt stifled and indifferent. I tried to go without the tramadol, but I was unable to just stop. My heart started palpitating very fast, I was panicky, my body felt like it was becoming a gnarled cramp. I talked to my doctor and he offered to switch me to a codones, or methadone, but I decided to try different pharmacies again instead. Since then I have tried 6 pharmacies, and have had problems ranging from depression, and indifference, to animosity, impatience and anger about even the smallest things, like not having any lettuce. I finally returned to the original pharmacy and even though they say not to, because of the similarities in the components, I have had to counter the side effects with anti-depressants, or anti-anxiety meds. I have had nothing, NO, negative drug interaction. I know the "tramadol" formula that is being dispensed throughout (my city anyway) has been tampered with at the production level. At one point the script that I picked up caused bad thoughts and hostile feelings. I was able to work through this logically because my emotions were affected from a physical standpoint and not because of any circumstances, but it is still miserable. Lately the scripts have not been as bad, they remove the pain, but they still cause similar side affects, so I don't know what to do except consider going the metadone route for the pain :( Does anyone know if there are any group complaint actions with the FDA about the substandard medication that the generic companies are pumping out? I can only imaging what's happening to those with life and death situations who must rely on their medications to work.

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The long thin white ones are Teva

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My CVS carries Teva which works well too.

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I have never tried Mylan but I am using Teva now. Teva works pretty well, but Amneal is HORRIBLE. I have been getting the Teva at CVS

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Hate to say it guys but i've been on Mylan for several years and it has always worked but the last two prescriptions havent worked. They must have changed their formula. To prove it i have some of the older ones I've saved over time and i can take them and they work just fine. Now my dilema is finding a brand that does work or pay the extra cost for Ultram.

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I find absolutely NO difference between the Mylan and Amneal brands.
I'm a long time tramadol user due to arthritis, and I KNOW tramadol
well. There IS NO difference in the two, and only a slight difference
between Ultram and it's generics. I find Teva brand tramadol to also
be a quality generic, equal to the other two mentioned. A generic
tramadol I don't particularly care for, because the caplets are so
hard that I don't think they are well absorbed, is the long thin white
caplets that have "377" imprinted on one side. I don't even know
the manufacturer of these.

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