Tramadol By Amneal Vs Mylan (Page 4)
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All our pharmacies here have switched to amneal, which doesn't do a thing except give a headache. The brand does make a difference. The mylan works great.

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You are so right. I checked my ibuprofen and it was made in India. How do you get name brand pain meds ?? I got my last tramadol at the hospital, it was Northstar pharamcies, and it was horrible, gave it back to my Doc.

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So, what everyone is talking about and nobody is saying is INDIA! All the brands mentioned here are manufactured in india. Indian manufacturing companies are shut down on occasion after distributing "cornstarch" etc. Instead of actual medication. I am taking caraco (check small print on your bottle.) ingles pharmacy in NC can get mylan - which is s produced in india but so happens to apparently be making a decent drug right now. Go on the internet and check zydus and the PAGES of problems the FDA had with them. Closed them down. There are hardly any generics being made in the us anymore. Are any of your meds working when you think about it? Is your bp on the high side again. Does your thyroid tsh fluctuate a lot. I hate to say, but the first thing i would do if i won the lottery, is buy all brand name drugs. Not a house. Not a car. Brand name drugs for all my family and friends. You can ask your pharmacy what manufacturers they can get. Then choose and have them write "____ manufacturer only." for mail away part d, most are from india. Almost all. If they have one that is usa made, you have to get your doctor to specify the manufacturer right in the script. The US tells us not to buy drugs from india then that is all they buy! I am a dye in the wool democrat, but if trump could get meds made in the US again, id almost vote for him. Btw, they say "its all fda approved." in india there are like 500 manufacturing plants and last i heard, 6 FDA agents! FDA means nothing for india drugs. Its not the government fault. Btw, it can take years for the fda to discover there are no meds in the "meds" then years to get them to fix it. Yes, if you think your meds are not working, its very possible (esp zydus - just reopened - no training even high school for people dispensing the meds, no record keeping, no sterile room in the entire plant (like rat hair in your meds?) and well, they are not really meds. Google zydus fda and read the letter to cease and desist. They were banned from importing to the US for a while - but then a slap on the wrist because drug supplies get short and they are allowed to reopen "with a promise" to make things better. This is all web-based folks. Indian companies are scooping up US companies and greed is running both our companies and theirs. Just read where amneal and aryka merged and moved to india bragging about their now 300 million dollar profit a year. Think their drugs are the same? One question, like customer service? Imagine them making your medications. Some native Indian folks will be pissed i have written this, and usually call american racists by saying this stuff. Do your homework. Zydus among the worst. Lupin is bad, Qualitest isn't bad but the best i can do for trazodone. My tramadol is caraco and doesn't work at all. Taro lamotrigine is about the best you can do - at least you may not having seizures again. My new generic thyroid is lupin and my tsh is through the roof. Is it generic in general or that Lupin really sucks?! My thyroid doc says generic only but its now up to about $1.50 a pill. Do your research. Cancer drugs are the same if you really want a scare. That's how this "its only water" not IV meds came to be noticed. Many died. This is not a joke folks.

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Please let me know what you find out ? I can't believe how sick the new formula of Tramadol made me feel. Thank you for posting !

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Abigale, I just did a search on TEVA USA and found a list of TEVA distributors you might want to check it drug store Rite aid is on their list and it's pretty extensive. Hope you can find what you need. Joanie

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Abigale...The brand of Tramadol I take is TEVA USA. I get mine from a Rite Aid Pharmacy. That's the only place I can find it...actually that's where I first got it. If I were you I'd call a rite aid if you have one near you or call all the pharms near you to find out what their brand is. Hopefully they won't change their brand. I take mine every 6 hrs and during the spring and summer I usually end up getting a shot at the hospital if I need one. My problem is osto and every other kind of arthritis in my right hip and back. Don't know what I'd do without the tramadol! Good luck!

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Joanie.... What is the brand name of the tramadol you are taking? I am currently taking one made by Amneal which has chan ged so much that it causes a new kind of side affect each month, most of the time they are emotional side affects depression, anger, anxiety, etc., I now also have to take Naproxyn and Lyrica, with it. When I first started taking tramadol for severe spinal stenosis, it worked great for pain. But Amneal, and other pharmacueticals have changed something in their tramadol formulation that has made it very substandard. I would try a different kind of pain med, but my other alternative are codones which are worse for so many reasons.

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I have been taking Tramadol 50MG tevo for years. I like it because, for me, it's like taking an aspirin. The pain goes away and I have NO side effects at all. My husband is ill and so I have to do all the running around and work etc for about 7 years now. It doesn't affect my driving ability, or anything else I do. I am able to continue with my responsibilities and not have to worry about anything. If I took Percocet (which I have for a surgery) or oxycodone, I would be a real mess and definitely unable to drive. I am 76 years old and still going strong thanks partially to Tramadol. My doctors agree.

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If you speak to one let us know. I've been thinking about doing the same thing and having some of my pills tested. Everything changed in, I'm thinking 2012, when the FDA changed tramadol to a different drug classification. It's very frustrating because whatever they did didn't help any of us who actually take pain med FOR pain, it only encouraged manufacturers to put out a substandard product. Amneal, is one of the worse pharmaceuticals and it's the only one that my pharmacy offers.

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Has anyone had vitrus pharmaceuticals generic tramadol 50mg? I switch pharmacies and this is the brand they used for my new prescriptions. It's horrible how I feel when I take them! I worked in pharmacy so I immediately thought it's the inactive ingredients but what can we do?

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Mylan makes me sick as a dog in fact It makes me so ill Im sure if I kept taking it after 2 days It would have killed me. I'm considering a legal suit against the drug maker. Im saving the pills to have them examined by a company who can provide a report on the ingredients as well as an attorney who specializes in this type of case.

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YES. I totally agree. I got my prescription Wed of this week. By last night I was in so uch pain I couldnt lift my head, I was vomiting, blurred vision very angry and irritated so sleepy I couldn't keep my eyes open. I took a flexeril, and 1/2 gabitin and 2 benadryl. Thank GOD my husband takes the same med and he has some with the A on them not the M and I took 2, then fell asleep. I woke this morning exhausted and barely able to make it. But after 2 hours trying to wake up more of the A tramadol by 10am I was awake now it's 4pm had my doses can think straight again and feel like I was literally druged with poison. Mylan what the heck are you doing? Your going to kill people. How are you able to do this? How is this legal? How do the pharmacists not care and how do the Dr.'s not care? Why doesn't anyone care?

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The new mylan tramadol is poison too, it made me so angry and sick. Tramadol used to be my pain killer with no side affects

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The new Mylan formula for tramadol is poison ! It makes you feel so sleepy for two days and in miserable mood. I know this pain killer has been changed in status , but why change the formula for people who are in pain and need to get through the day ? I can not even work on this new version of tramadol ! Please Be WARNED about how this pain killer has changed

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I agree with all of you on the Amneal. I took that for a long time, because that was all the pharmacy offered, and it caused nausea and headaches...not what you want from a pain medicine.

I also agree with what someone here posted about the Caraco generic, the long thin pills with 377. They're useless. Just useless. I have those right now and I am in a substantial amount of pain. They take the edge off, but they don't really work. I talked to my pharmacist and they have a note on my account never to give me those, or Amneal, again.

The best generic I've found has been Northstar, but according to my pharmacist, they're out of stock a lot.

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I think the only place I found Zydus brand was at Walgreens 2 years ago. When I first started having problems with tramadol I tried changing pharmacies and Walgreens= first had Amneal, then Zydus, but then back to Amneal, Fry's (Kroger)=Amneal, Target=Caraco, CVS=Teva. But none of them are working for pain the way tramadol worked before the FDA changed the status. It's substandard, not just because of the pain issue, but because every batch causes something different. One month it might cause extreme tiredness, another month, severe emotional aggravation, or anxiety, just to name a few. Sometimes I get a month that it's almost ok, except that I'm trying to stay at 1 tablet , two or three times a day, but it does very little for the pain, so I have to take my normal dose of 1 or 2, (usually 2)every 4 to 6 hours. Not knowing how the side affects will be every month is nerve wracking. Anyway, I've repeated my self again.

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I've been taking Zydus Tramodol 50mg for many years, just recent Walgreen's changed over to Mylan with is doing nothing for my pain,and making me sleepy and easily irratated. I called CVS and they carry Teva, I'm wondering if it will be the same as Zydus?

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I also have Celiac and was taking trams manufactured by Teva. I just filled from my Walgreen's which carries Zydus. Sure hope it's GF. Within just a few minutes my tummy started making a bubby gargling sound. *fingers crossed*

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Update...I haven't tried again, to compare brands. So if anyone is having better results from a different brand than Amneal, and the one Target carries, please post. Thank you. I'm still taking tramadol by "Amneal" and dreading each new prescription because I never know what new negative side effects it will cause. I can't just stop taking it because my heart and blood pressure go ballistic, and I haven't switched to another prescription pain med because I don't want to take any of the codones or morphine. It would be great if the pharmaceutical mfrs. who produce generics would return tramadol to the original formulation, or at least back to pre 2009 change, when it actually helped the pain without causing so many negative side effects..

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I've been getting the Tramadol brand Mylan from Walmart. I've just switched to City Market where it was filled under the brand Amneal today. I'm hoping it works ok.. I wasn't thrilled with the Mylan so wasn't worried about a different brand. The problem now is that City Market charged me $8.20 whereas it was 65 cents at Walmart. Good luck to me to get that straightened out. Why did I switch? City Market has a drive through.. lol, albeit a very expensive one apparently.

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I have noticed an allergic reaction to the Mylan brand of Tramadol - itching and wheezing. Whereas with Teva brand I was ok. Anyone else or just me?

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