Tramadol Hcl 50 Mg Tab Mylan (Page 5)
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one side of pill is a M and the other side of the pill is T7

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You think coming off Tramadol is bad? Try Heroin, you will wish you were dead.

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I found absolutely NO relief with Tramadol. The heavier narcotics are just that: narcotics and they only cover up the underlying problems. So: I am completely off all pain medications but have been increased on neuro muscular medications in hopes this will reduce the inflammation and help alleviate the extensive pain from previous spinal fractures. Surgical intervention is no longer an option for me. I don't like mucking up my life with narcotics for pain. I start back in physical therapy on Monday. The more we can stay away from these heavy drugs, the better off we will be. I absolutely do believe that. I take lexapro for my depression and two separate tryptilene medications. So far, so good.

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I can't take NSAIDS due to a severe allergic reaction, so my doctor put me on Tramadol ER, 300mg and after over a year, I'm noticing nausea and a lot of bloating. CT scans of my abdomen show swollen lymph nodes, and now I'm testing as "allergic" to chicken, beef, pork, turkey, and carrots... foods I've always enjoyed. Should I stop the tramadol and see if the nausea goes away? i take it for fibromyalgia and pain in my neck and back. Cymbalta and drugs like that only seem to make me groggy and non-functional, so I'm not sure what that leaves me.

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I am about to have a partial knee replacement. My doctor put me on Tramadol while I wait to see the specialist. It doesn't seem to help the pain and it make me so restless I cannot sleep. Is it uncommon for people taking this medication to be unable to sleep? Since the pain often wakes me up as well, should I request something else from my doctor?

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I have pain in my left arm from my neck (moderate) down to my elbow (severe) I have had moderate tremors in the left hand

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I am 56 yr old I been on tramadol 50mg for awhile now.I notice my stomach is big as well.

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DVM prescribe this drug to dogs and cats after spade and nuetering surgeries.

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tramadol as far as pain relief medications go; provides no relief whatsoever.

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Smoke a little marijuana, sir.

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My husband has back pain from previous operations. He has been given Tramdol50 MG-1 tab every 6 hrs and he is so sleepy he can hardly stay awake to eat.

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Had taken tramadol 50mg for better than 6 months and have now take advil and tylonol. How long does it take to get it out of blood. It works well for what it is ment to do

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I have been on it a long time and I don't notice any effect other than if I don't take it, I become nauseated. In addition to the tramadol, I am also NOW on gabapentin and for a little 'on the side' medicating: marijuana and hyrdocodon and NOTHING takes the pain away....I find it very amusing, actually, that I must self medicate over and beyond the medications I am taking. I am scheduled to see a neurologist on the 13th and perhaps a pain implant might help. THEN I have to worry about my heart coming off the other medications.

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what is Trama-Dol HCL 50MG Tab Mylan effect and for what ???

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My wife is taking tramdol 50, 4 per day in the evenings she has slurred voice its like she is high...
it started I believe from her leg pains

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I would like to know more about Tramodol

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When my lower back pain and/or shoulder- I have a torn rotator cuff and won't be getting a shoulder replacement! -starts bothering me if I have had my 50mg Tramadol hcl in the morning, I take another one...
I always take at least one to keep the pain down so I can sleep. Many docs prescribe Tramadol with Tylenol (aceteminophen- for inflammation - I take 2,000mg in the very well.

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I was on celexa for anxiety/depression and trazadone to sleep. It was a great combo, but then when my back problems started, I started taking Tramadol 50mg for pain. My pain mgt dr was concerned about the seratonin overload so I went off the trazadone. Could not sleep for a while but figured it was from not having trazadone. The tramadol didn't seem to do much for my pain, but helped with my mood and energy level I was afraid I was getting addicted to it because I would freak out if I didn't have it. I am on week 2 and have the shakes, even thought about drinking to get rid of it. I would choose the tramadol over alcohol.

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I wonder if it really is the Tramadol working on your kidneys....because I have just had two antioplastys and stents in my renal arteries and am on Tramadol...the nephrologist and cardiologist both are aware that I am on Tramadol and didn't tell me to get off it. I'd check with a nephrologist (kidney specialist) if I were you!

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I take 6 300mg each neurotin 4 50mg tramsdol 2 hydrocodone5-500 and 2 nabumentone 500mg daily for 6 months for lower back degenerating disc all prescribed.still no releif and days where walking is impossible.Eyesight has gotten terrible now having to wear glasses.sleep only 4 HRS a day.Anxiety.Help me I am only 43

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tramadol withdrawal is just like withdrawing from fentanyl and percocet its the most awful feeling you could have in the world

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