Tramadol Controlled Substance? (Page 2)
UpdatedIs Tramadol considered to be a controlled medication? A narc med?
I totally agree!!! I was on just percocet 5/325 for four years from a car accident with three slipped discs in my back. I totally agree that adding tramadol (two pills 50mg) one to two times a day greatly increases the ability of the percocets and I absolutely hate taking anythiing at all but with someone in so much pain they cant move. OF COURSE THEY WILL BECOME DEPENDENT ON THEIR MEDICATIONS!!! THE PAIN IS ALWAYS THERE WHETHER THEY WANT IT OR NOT, its not like we just woke up one day and said, i think id like to take drugs. I actually cant move in the morning with out my percocet and I hate the fact that people look down on this situation as someone who is addicted because they have never felt pain like that before and have no idea what it is like to deal with. I recently started at a pain management cllinic and they want to take me off of all of my medications!!! Tramadol, Soma (one at bedtime) and only allow me the percocet! i dont know what to do!! I live in PA so i dont know what else to do and i am afraid of going through withdrawal and then having to deal all over again with that immense crazy pain! I am only alloted 4 percocet a day and in order to make that work, i need the other two medications! i have no desire to take percocet but it is what i have to do to function. Without the other medications i will be needing to take 3 times the amount of percocet, which is NOT OK WITH ME! I AM DEFINITELY ADDICTED TO HAVING LESS PAIN. it is just such a shame it has to be in a catch 22 world! i have tried homeopathic medications and everything and i just cant get rid of my pain! I really feel like i cant go on like this! all because of my horrible doctor who wants me to stop cold turjkey, the soma and tramadol! or else i will be kicked out of the pain clinic when i have been on all of those for almost five years!!! Help!!! what should i do, where should i go!!
I totally agree!!! I was on just percocet 5/325 for four years from a car accident with three slipped discs in my back. I totally agree that adding tramadol (two pills 50mg) one to two times a day greatly increases the ability of the percocets and I absolutely hate taking anythiing at all but with someone in so much pain they cant move. OF COURSE THEY WILL BECOME DEPENDENT ON THEIR MEDICATIONS!!! THE PAIN IS ALWAYS THERE WHETHER THEY WANT IT OR NOT, its not like we just woke up one day and said, i think id like to take drugs. I actually cant move in the morning with out my percocet and I hate the fact that people look down on this situation as someone who is addicted because they have never felt pain like that before and have no idea what it is like to deal with. I recently started at a pain management cllinic and they want to take me off of all of my medications!!! Tramadol, Soma (one at bedtime) and only allow me the percocet! i dont know what to do!! I live in PA so i dont know what else to do and i am afraid of going through withdrawal and then having to deal all over again with that immense crazy pain! I am only alloted 4 percocet a day and in order to make that work, i need the other two medications! i have no desire to take percocet but it is what i have to do to function. Without the other medications i will be needing to take 3 times the amount of percocet, which is NOT OK WITH ME! I AM DEFINITELY ADDICTED TO HAVING LESS PAIN. it is just such a shame it has to be in a catch 22 world! i have tried homeopathic medications and everything and i just cant get rid of my pain! I really feel like i cant go on like this! all because of my horrible doctor who wants me to stop cold turjkey, the soma and tramadol! or else i will be kicked out of the pain clinic when i have been on all of those for almost five years!!! Help!!! what should i do, where should i go!!
Yes. Ultram tramadol is a controlled substance in about 10 states, including the US Military.
It is not federally controlled.
There is more pressure for other states to follow.
An accurate account of the states where tramadol is contolled can be found on Wiki
i ran out of my tramadol for a week and could not sleep and experienced restless leg dr. said it was because of my back injury but after looking it up on the internet im convinced it was because of not taking tramadol. since ive gotten my sript refilled ive had no problems sleeping.
Hi jr! No, Tramadol is not a narcotic. Some people can become addicted 2 it and experience withdrawal symptoms, though.
I have scleroderma and use tramadol two tabs three times a day with Tylenol. I have gone through the withdraw two times it lasted one day with restless leg and brain zaps sort of a spasm in the leg. But nothing like being addicted to OxyContin for four months the withdraw is a horror that lasts a week. With out Prednisone and tramadol I will have a miserable life for the time scleroderma allows me. I only hope the FDA understands this
I was givin tram four years ago it has givin me a new lease on life lam 65 I am afriend of bills I havent abused it I can continue to work and play why must we pay the bad guy wins
I agree with you. I feel like a legal suit is in order!!
I was told 8 years ago, by my Dr, that tramadol was fine to take for my arthritis pain. I wanted to get better relief than Ibuprofen offered but did not want narcotics. My Dr suggested tramadol and now, here I am.. physically dependent on this medication. When I attempt to just stop taking it..I go thru horrible side affects. Agitation, restless legs, central nervous system goes haywire, severe headaches, sneezing, every fiber of my body hurts, oh and lets not forget the flu like symptoms.
I discussed this with my Dr and she said I must not quit the tramadol cold turkey, and she can help me wean off. And then, Friday..I attempted to refill my Rx and was told I now have to call my Dr for refill because it has been listed as a controlled substance as of August 2014.
I truly believe my Dr was not aware that this drug would eventually be considered narcotic. History of public use and studies have now classified it as such. I want OFF this stuff now..but its impossible to just quit. The sickness is unbearable. I have read that many people have different variations of side affects from nearly zero to the most horrible. My body is one that is affected badly and I fear the withdrawals. I think I fear the addiction more with my doctors help..I'm beginning the weaning off process, which can take weeks! So yes is addictive. Once off this medicine, I won't ever take anything stronger than OTC again unless its life threatening or surgically necessary. It has run my life..and I want to be the only thing in control of my life. It won't be easy, I know. God help all of us who didn't know how the long term use would affect us. For many people, this medication has been a huge benefit for their pain and I understand that completely but please be aware it can change to "needing" it very quickly. I started out years ago taking only one 50mg a day..and now I have graduated to 4 to 6 per day. It happens before you realize it. Read and educate yourself about the thousands of people out there that have graduated to addiction, without intending to. That's what seals my decision to get help before its more out of control. Good luck to anyone who shares this knowledge of fact.
Thank you!Finally someone that speaks with accurate information.
I do not have any withdrawal issues with Tramadol except the return of pain. I'm allergic to hydrocodone and throw it up! (Hydrocodone made my oldest daughter have a seizure and the you the younger daughter also throws it up.). I've had many, many injuries and broken bones throughout my life. While driving down the highway, I was broadsided and my vehicle rolled over. I had to have cervical spine surgery from herniated disks from the wreck. I was doing ok until the surgery was injured at work and now I'm back to only being only being able to use my thumb and fore finger on my left hand again. Along with all of this and many years of not feeling well, I've been diagnosed with autoimmune disorder, Temporal Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rhumaticica. Now, through further blood work, I have the diagnosis of an Igg deficiency. I'm still working through all of this because I need to keep insurance to keep paying for all my medical bills. Yet, now, it's difficult to get enough rest due to all the pain so life in general is a daily hell for me. The type of Igg deficiency I have causes lung infections and the glands at the sides of my face, my lower jaw area, under my chin and down my neck are swollen. This also includes the lymph nodes and the ones ones under my arms which are about the size of small eggs. Anyway, I cough, choke and strangle through most of the night. I have to prop myself up to breath. Can't tell you how sore I am after all these years of coughing. (And NO I DO NOT SMOKE!). So between the arm pain, arthritis, coughing, facial pain, and on and on and doctors are afraid to prescribe something like Tramadol even though the statistics quoted are really extremely low compared to the national numbers? My husband works for the Sheriff's department and believe me, there are much worse.
I had it called in for my DOG and I had to show my ID in order to pick it up. I am sure the vet told me that it is a controlled substance and ID is required.
Re: Charlotte Smith (# 1)
I believe that tramadol addiction is controlled by the individual. In other words, it's in your head. When I first started taking tramadol for restless legs, the doctor told me it was a synthetic pain reliever and non addictive. I've been taking it for over ten years and it works well. I have had various issues where the medication was not taken. Prescriptions expired, doctor on vacation, etc. When that happens and I cant take it for a week or so at the most, I do not get withdrawal symptoms but the restless legs do return. I believe that the opiod description is not true Why would the FDA classify it as a synthetic medication and then change it to an opiod based medication aside from the obvious political reasons? It's interesting that some states say it's an opiod and others don't control it at all. In my state (Florida) the attorney general says it's in a level with hydrocodiene but in another state, you can get it as a maintenance medication without any problem. If it's truly in a hydrocodiene classification, why would this be the case?
Re: Charlotte Smith (# 1)
Hi Charlotte. My orthopedic surgeon prescribed Tramadol for me five years ago, & it turned out to be the FIRST anti-depressant that ever worked for me after a lifetime of clinical depression. I think it's because it is a Dopamine-type med. Unfortunately, it is very unreliable and easy to build up a tolerance to it. But I wish they would do something with it to make it a conventional anti-dep. Does anyone know any anti-dep. out there that works on Dopamine? Twist & Shout, Helen
Re: shawn (# 17)
So Shawn, Where are you a Pharmacist? Maybe Mr. Rogers Neighborhood? Part of being in such a career makes proper grammar and spelling mandatory; all of which you are lacking in skills. Why would you impersonate a pharmacist? To get your personal point across? By the way, there is no proof that Tramadol is addictive. Each individual acts differently. Some show addictive symptoms, others do not. When it comes down to brass tacks, some people are addicted to Bonbons. Does that mean bonbons should become a controlled substance?
Really, Jim M, there is no need to be petty about Shawn's remarks. In fact, you are both wrong. Tramadol IS categorized as a controlled med now. Because it is extremely addictive; I know from experience...
Re: Helen (# 34)
Hi Helen,
Tramadol works on serotonin actually. It also binds to the opiate receptors even though it is not an opiate. I thought it was garbage for my pain, and it gave me a horrible low blood sugar type shakey feeling. Adderall is the only thing that helped my depression, and that one is a dopamine stimulant.
Yeah, you are correct, Maggie. With the problem being that docs are too wimpy to prescribe a therapeutic dose of Add XR. So now I am looking into "Nootropics." Ever heard of them and if so, any recommendations??? Thanx for your reply, by the way, Helen
Re: Helen (# 36)
Hi Helen! I'm sorry if my reply to Shawn was interpreted as petty. I really didn't intend for it to be that way. I have a particular problem with people on the internet being misleading and less than truthful. Shawn projects himself as such a person. The 'petty' stuff was not intended to be mean but to illustrate my point that Shawn is not who he says he is. Unfortunately, there are people out there who read these articles and believe everything in them. People like Shawn, who are not who they say they are, can cause significant physical and psychological damage.
On another note, the classification of Tramadol as a controlled medication is different in every state. Some consider it controlled (10 states) Others do not (40 states and many countries). It's interesting that you say Tramadol is "Extremely addictive; I know from experience..". As stated in previous articles, Addiction to Tramadol is primarily mental, not physical. Some find it addictive, others do not. My research shows that Tramadol does not contain any ingredients that are physically addictive. Tramadol allows the chemical messengers norepinephrine and serotonin to block the transmission of pain to the brain. This makes Tramadol a synthetic pain reliever. It contains NO opiates at all. I am in the beginning stages of studying Tramadol and, hopefully, I'll gain a much better understanding of it's properties and actions. Thanks for reading this. - Jim M
Re: Andy (# 5)
It is an opioid medication and worst it has in it also a serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor like antidepressants (Effexor/Cymbalta). You could get two different rebound phenomena:
1- Opioid withdrawal
2-Antidepressant withdrawal with risk of suicidal ideas, chills, dizziness, vertigo, anxiety, malaise, muscle pain, fibromyalgia like sx.
The medication has to be taper down slowly and supervision is recommended.
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