Touching Suboxone (Page 2)
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Hello. I'm trying to prove a point and figure this situation out so I need as many suggestions and help that I can possibly get with this question. If you handle quite a few Suboxone wrappers and had even handled Suboxone itself but have never taken Suboxone, is there any way that could get into your system without taking it? Thank you so much this means a lot to me. It really does. And yes I have tried to research this question and I get so many different results so I thought I would come to this wonderful MedChat and try to get a lot more information. Just trying to prove a point. I'm so desperate to figure this out. So please help me.

24 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Marv (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

If you were going to be rude why did you even waste time to type back something so rude? I thought this is what MedChat is all about is helping others. So rude. A big thank you to the rest of you nice people that tried to answer my question. Thank you.

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I really do doubt it. I'm 99% sure it doesn't get in your system transdermally.

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Your question is way too vague and I’ve seen too many episodes of criminal minds. I'd call your pharmacist to know for sure.

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Hi Annie,

I'm not an expert in the forensics of touching a medication like Suboxone. However, I am under the impression that Suboxone tablets would certainly not get absorbed into your system unless they were ingested. When it comes to Suboxone 'film strips' I can only suspect that it may be possible if one's fingers were wet, but can't say for 100% certain.

My hunch is that if someone said they didn't take any Suboxone tablets but has it in their system, then the odds of them lying are high.

On the contrary, I have heard about cases with certain types of medication (not pill form) that could be absorbed through the skin.

Hope this helps! I'm interested in reading what others may have to say about this as well.

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