Torrent Pharmaceutical Zolpidem (Page 4)


I had this 10 mg from torrent and the pharmacy could not supply a refill. I do not like the substitute mfg. How can I get torrent zolpidem?

84 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: Margot (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

Zopedem by Torreny does not even make you sleep

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Re: Hollis martin (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

I hate Torrent Zolpiem I swear it’s a placebo I am tired of not being able to sleep. They made ambien a narcotic I like to know why generic brands from Torrent are placebos out of prescription of 90 maybe if I am lucky 20 works.

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I’ll be honest I am in Pharmacy school and contrary to popular belief (even in my field) there’s a ton of new crap generic manufacturers for all kinds of controlled meds now and I’ve had brands that totally suck, I hear a customer when they complain about certain things because I’ve seen it myself. And believe me, i KNOW it’s not fair when you end up with a horrible generic for a whole month of a controlled med
Because it can’t be changed once picked up.
However, torrent was one of my more favorite brands (Teva is the best of course- surprise surprise) but lately I’ve been getting the skinny oval white tablets from Aurobindo (actually surprising) and they knock me out, thought that was interesting,

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Re: Alex (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

How can I get zolpiem by Teva
I take torrent and most of it is a placebo does not work they need to be checked into before someone takes an accidental OD of this brand zolpiem out of 90 tablets 10 mg around 20 are the 10 mg dose the rest is placebo. Where can I get Teva Zolpiem please help

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Re: Hollis martin (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Well what’s going to happen is someone going to keep take another and another till someone OD on Zolpiem by Torrent because out of 90 pills 20 made be full strength.
The rest are placebo that have to be placebo if they do not work

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Re: James (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Where can I get Teva or Mylan brand zolpidem? I live in Arizona.

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Re: Margot (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

I'd like to know that too.

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I've taken Torrent zolpidem for years and it's been great. However, the 90 pills I got on Monday seem to have no medicine in them. They don't put me to sleep at all. The pharmacy gave me the batch number - 4EN2H051. The expiration date is July 2025, so expiration is not the problem.

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Re: tiny bubbles (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Same exact issue. It had no effect at all. I really think they stopped adding the medicine last month. Torrent is a placebo now.

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Re: Joanie (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

I think they are describing this accurately. Torrent did work for a while but the last few months it's like taking a placebo. There is nothing there that makes you even a tiny bit tired any longer.

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Re: tiny bubbles (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

I think Torrent manufacturer of Zolpiem a lot of people are getting fake pills with no medicine at all in them.

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Was taken zolpidem by torrent pharmacy gave me another brand. How do I get this one back

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Re: Alex (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for confirming what I suspected about generic controlled meds - that you don't know what you are getting. Recently, Walmart ran out of Aurobindo zolpidem and so they gave me Torrent - which didn't work at all. In my experience, Torrent has been all over the place - they were terrible at first, then seemed to get their act together, and now I get another terrible batch. Obviously, these drugs are not adequately regulated.

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Re: Scott W (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

I've been having the same problems every couple of months. They don't work at all

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Re: Scott W (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

I've been taking aurabindo with great effect. Now I've been given Torrent which has absolutely NO effect and in fact i feel more awake as if it was a slight stimulant. Generic brands are hit and miss the last 5 years. I've never had so much trouble with numerous different meds.

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Re: Sandien (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

Crush it and put under tongue. That's what I had to start doing 3 years ago. Make sure you aren't swallowing a lot of saliva while it is dissolving.

Any food in the gut will effect the absorption rate...after getting tires of having to avoid eating 8 hours before I took it...I decided to crush it and put under tongue..Make sure you go straight to bed and don't stay up. It hits quick and you can easily force yourself to stay up if your moving'll stay up past the peak go straight to bed

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I need the yellow pill Zolpidem 10 mg from torrent pharmacies

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Re: Luis sanchez (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Check Walgreens or fry's. Cvs no longer Carrie's it unfortunately

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Re: Amillion2juan (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is a LONG AGO post but I see you need 15mg of ambien for it to work! I do too, but haven’t told my dr yet. Is your dr okay with you taking 15mg to sleep? Do they prescribe more pills to supple that extra amount? I’m scared to tell my dr because I’m scared she will take me off all together.

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Re: Noel (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Doctors will not prescribe more than there is a 12.5 mg but if you are over 65 years old they will not give it to you I been trying to get 12.5 and they keep telling me NO
Doctor suggested going off Zoldpiem all time. This drug works differently and it not fair to the one that have no problems taking them and the Torrent brand does not work for me

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