Torrent Pharmaceutical Zolpidem


I had this 10 mg from torrent and the pharmacy could not supply a refill. I do not like the substitute mfg. How can I get torrent zolpidem?

86 Replies (5 Pages)

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Have you tried asking your pharmacy if they can order it in for you?

This is a generic for Ambien and the one that a pharmacy carries can change, at any given time, depending on who was offering the cheapest price, when they had to restock their supply. This is how the keep the price as low as possible for customers that don't have insurance.


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Torrent is a Co. from India By local,hell I'd rather be broke n at least know that my $$ was still in Country Semper Fi'

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Recieved RX of 30 tabs Some are Peach-Yellow in color Others are white in color. Isn't that odd? Should they be 2 different colors in the same order? The inmprint on the Peach colorder ones is 10 MG on one side The other side has 5 dots congained in a square.
Are these pills for real or what 'cause they too don't work. The White one's have a # 6469 on one side and a sigle letter V on the other. All pills are oval in shape. b

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Wasn't aware of where it came from....I agree with you. Thanks for the info!

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Babara, both of those tablets contain 10mgs of Zolpidem, the active ingredient in Ambien.

And getting 2 different tablets in one prescription fill is not really anything to worry about. It just means that your pharmacy didn't have to enough left to completely fill your prescription from one company, so they had to open a new bottle and that one has a different manufacturer.


Are there any other questions or comments?

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I have had to take Zolpidem for quite some time, always got ones manufactured by Quality Labs. The last refill I recieved was different, made by Torrent Pharmaceuticals. They were totally ineffective. I think some inert pills were sold to pharmacies at discounts here in US, a quick way for pharmacists to turn a buck. I will be specifically asking for the name and country of origin for my generics from now on. After a month of sleepless nights, I'm tired, but smarter.

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I want Zolpidem from Torrent only and can't get it and now am only getting 3 hours a night on the other generics and on ambien with Torrent Zolpidem I could at least sleep for 5 hours I've checked with all the pharmacies around me

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I have taken ambien for 4 years and sleep like s baby. I recently receivef a new order from express scripts,mfg by torrent. These are totally worthless,. Where are these made?usa or india.. Worthless, and i am awake and pissed


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I'm not sure where you live but I live in New England. You can get Torrent Brand at CVS or Stop & Shop. Those help me sleep the best as well.

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I have been paying 7.00 at rite aid in NC for 5 mg zolpidem in Jan. 15 and Feb 15. Suddenly the price is almost 28. I am told the mfr. was qualitest and is now torrent. Both the pharmacy and the insurance co. claim that is the price from the mfr. Surely it is inconceivable that there is a 400% increase in costs of manufacturing. Could it be that Qualitest is an American company and Torrant manufactures it in India. I would love an explanation.

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I take it you are paying out of pocket and not through insurance which is why you don't have a set generic zolpidem price? In any case, I've looked up the SRP costs of various brands of generic zolpidem and if anything Qualitest is on the very cheap end. Having said that, Torrent is one step cheaper. It is absolute bottom of the barrel crappy Indian generic cheap. Thats probably why all the pharmacies are switching to them. But to answer your question, the SRP price of Qualitest isnt anywhere near 4 times the cost of the Torrent, but when youre paying out of pocket who knows who sources the various brands for your pharmacy. If you went through insurance, you could request any generic brand and provided they could get it, itd be the same price.

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I have taken just about every generic Ambien they make. Some really suck but I have amazing results with the Qualitest brand, The Torrent brand did nothing and these came from Kroger pharmacies, mainly down south. Now I need to figure out what to do as taking Torrent a month will be a waste of money and sleep. So frustrated.

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Kanetta Pharma zolpidem 12.5mg went from $21.00 to $245.00!!!

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I have been extremely satisfied with the Torrent zolpidem tartrate 10 mg....oblong peach in color.....but my local cvs pharmacy can no longer get them....they have replaced by a lavender colored pill manufactured by Mylan....the Mylan brand is not worth the drive to the drug store to pick up. The Mylan brand Zolpidem Tartrate is worthless.

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I totally agree with you. The current manufacturer that cvs is using does not work as well torrent nor does it break as well (I only take half). Very discouraged and annoyed that cvs does not tell you that they made this change.

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CVS in the southern longer has access to the TORRENT brand of Zolpidem Tartrate has been replaced with a crappy Mylan Brand....round and lavender in sucks.....Torrent was the better of any zolidem tartrate I've taken in the past.

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I refilled my prescription for zolpidem yesterday. I have always gotten the qualitest brand from my local pharmacy. When I opened the bottle and saw it was from different from what I usually get I was a little worried. I did some research and found out it was manufactured by Torrent. I kept reading and found out it was a company based in India and that a lot of people were having problems with it. I decided I would try it last night and if I had problems with it I would contact my pharmacy and Dr to let them know the issues. I took 10mg last night around 11:30, turned off the light, and I didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning. With the qualitest it would usually take an hour to fall asleep and I would usually wake up around 6:30-7. The qualitest always worked for me but in my case the torrent worked faster and better. I guess it just goes to show that everyone reacts differently to different generic manufacturers and you'll only know which is best for you by trial and error.

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CVS in the southern states now has the TORRENT BRAND of Zolpidem Tartrate back in stock.......Thank you CVS...Great job on restocking a sleep med that actually works.

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CVS carries Ambien by Torrent. It is far better than the ones by other companies.

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I'm in Florida and I cannot find the torrent ambien at any pharmacy. Do you know a store that carries them here? Thank you.

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Re: Noel (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Your only aloe 10 mg if you take anymore yes your doctor will say you are over the amount your allow to take

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Here is the deal. In the last 8-10 (specifically about 4 years since 2020) almost all controlled meds are as good as placebos. Adderall is a primary example, the literal only decent generic that even feels like it contains the active ingredient is Teva. And even they’re hit or miss now. Large corporate pharmacies are now contracted legally with certain s***ty manufacturers or are at least not allowed to order ones they want, those days are way over. Small independent pharmacies have the power to order most brands, however, the insurance companies such as Blue Cross are also contracted at set prices with specific generic manufacturers and will force pharmacies to pay exorbitant prices in ordering from other vendors, so they make no profit or lose profit. It’s all about money and cutting corners to save $ in production yet yield more profits than ever. The FDA also does hardly anything to regulatory these days. They approve literally every generic MFG that applies for an approved drug (one in which they use 80-120% of the active ingredient of the original brand drug, and they are free to add whatever fillers they want, and also don’t even have to provide their own trial/study data to prove efficacy, they can just copy the original brands data and are actually not allowed to change the label in the form of warnings or disclaimers. The FDA is one of the more corrupt 3 letter government agencies in existence today next to the CDC, WHO and HHS. They are absolutely in bed with big Pharma and get kickbacks (hello Covid vaccine). Why do you think every day something new and hardly studied is approved? Drugs they know they are super dangerous they let flow freely and ignore safety signals in adverse event reporting databases. Finasteride, SSRI’s, Accutane, Singulair, Spironolactone, Ozempic, mRNA vaccines are all examples of thoroughly documented dangerous drugs and they do nothing at all. As for why specifically controlled medications don’t work anymore - I am not sure but I’ve 1000% noticed myself as I have been prescribed Adderall, Xanax and Ambien in the past. The ones on the market now basically make you feel almost worse than not taking them, with no therapeutic benefit. My guess is it is more control over the public efforts, but it’s probably the fact they were so obscenely late to the opioid pandemic they’re overreaching their bounds and slowly removing addictive ingredients. Also, most generics are sourced from foreign countries now (Torrent is India, Epic is Chinese) and torrent in particular is one of the many MFGs that they regularly find violate the conditions of clean or acceptable production conditions, time and time again yet all they do is send them a letter as a slap on the wrist and nothing changes.

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Re: Fran (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Torrent Zolpiem is mostly placebos.
I have got Torrent brand a lot I hate them. I got Teva this time every pill put me fast asleep. Ever since the DEA started messing with opiates people have been made to suffer with sleeplessness and people pain suffer.
Contact your DEA they are not doctors why do they have control of opiates? People need to stand up and fight this drug control with DEA

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Re: Deb (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely different balance in the system, Even Publix Farmacy change to Torrent Farmaceutic because they more sheep they do for others medication as well ; today were are the Thrust?

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Re: Verwon (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Yes but they shod have put an ancillary label on it explaining g the reason

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Re: Noel (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Doctors will not prescribe more than there is a 12.5 mg but if you are over 65 years old they will not give it to you I been trying to get 12.5 and they keep telling me NO
Doctor suggested going off Zoldpiem all time. This drug works differently and it not fair to the one that have no problems taking them and the Torrent brand does not work for me

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Re: Amillion2juan (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is a LONG AGO post but I see you need 15mg of ambien for it to work! I do too, but haven’t told my dr yet. Is your dr okay with you taking 15mg to sleep? Do they prescribe more pills to supple that extra amount? I’m scared to tell my dr because I’m scared she will take me off all together.

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Re: Luis sanchez (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Check Walgreens or fry's. Cvs no longer Carrie's it unfortunately

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I need the yellow pill Zolpidem 10 mg from torrent pharmacies

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