Topamax And Eye Twitching (Page 2)
UpdatedHi, I have been using Topamax for depression for 12 months and must admit that it has been very sucessful. The one major draw back is that I have developed a very annoying eye twitch. It only affects one eye, but is very noticeable. I was taking 100 mg twice a day, but have decreased it to 100 mg daily. The twitch has decreased somewhat, and I realize that I now have to come off this drug completely to get rid of the twitch entirely.
Has anyone else experienced this problem. I read 1 other reader, but are there more?
Yep, just tried starting the Topomax (Topiramate) again for the 3rd time. Wanted to see if the twitching in my left eye would occur. And it did!!! After the first 50mg tablet!!! Crazy...I cannot handle the twitching. And the medicine is a godsend for my migraines. This totally sucks!!
WOW! I have had this left eye twitching going on for months, and it's been driving me crazy!! I am stunned to make the connection now to when my Topamax dosage was increased. This is frightening. I will begin to wean my dosage tonight! Thank you all for your input.
I have been taking the 50 mg twice a day for years for my migraines. When I miss a dose my left eye twitches...I have been out for a week and my eye is twitching like crazy. When I take my pill I don't have the twitches...but when I don't they seem to surface.
As a followup to my post a few days ago.. I reduced my Topamax dosage from 100mg/day to 50mg/day. My incessant left eye twitching has STOPPED. It ceased as quickly as the very next morning after I reduced the dose!
I have a twitch above my left eye which occurs around 9 PM since I've been on topamax. Sometimes the twitch also occurs under my left eye, and rarely in my left cheek. It seems worse when I don't get enough sleep. Why is it the left eye only?
I tried reducing the does, did not work. Only way I got rid of it was to quit taking it.
I have experienced this twitch and tried adding Vit D and potassium to my diet and it did not work past 3 days. I reduced the dose and that did not work either, had to go off of it. No choice.
Yes. I had to quit taking Topomax completely because of the eye twitch...just in my left eye. SO ANNOYING. Great drug but an awful side effect:(
Yes I have a lower right eye twitch and upper left lip twitch thats lasts all day amongst other side effects after 4 months of 100mg twice a day - came off it 2 days ago thinking I will be better off without it.
I've had this under eye twitch under both eyes for months. It never stops. I brought it up to the doctor that persribed the Topamax for migraines and he acted like there was no way it was from that. It really has not stopped...all day, every day. I wake up at night, the things ae still twitching.
Wanted to chime in: I've got the twitch, too. So I think those doctors who are doubting us better listen up... Topomax causes eye twitches. I'm only taking 50 mg a day, and I've never had an eye twitch like this before... but I will take it over a migraine, I guess. Eating a banana just in case it helps.
I have been taking Topamax (Toprimate) for almost 4 years now. I recently developed a twitch in my left eye and it is driving me crazy. On a whim I googled this topic and could not believe the info I found. I only take 100mg a day. I think it is time I try to go without this medication. I also have other side effects, dry mouth, foggy mind and my hair is ruined. I also think the generic form is worse than the "good stuff." Good luck to all my fellow migraine sufferers.
Following up to my earlier posts, my neurologist confirmed that Topamax can indeed cause the eye twitching. However, she said it is not dangerous, just annoying. She recommended that I divide the dose in half each day. That has helped.
I take Toprimate the generic and every once in a while i get the eye twitching but when i do i realize i havent drank enough water or my potassium must be low. Drink a powerade or something like that. It helps. I also am at the ball field all summer and summer times feel like my face is swelling when this happens i know i am dehydrated from swetting but its worth it for the migranines. For the blindness i have a eye appt once a year and my vision isnt changing. So that isnt a factor for me. But the eye twitching can be a little irritating.
I take 300mg / day of the retail version. There are many "authorized" nongenerics... my first was Ortho-McNeil-Janssen (depending on which country I'm in... I'm an American expat in China, so at home in the States its GSK Ortho and at the moment its XIan-Janssen's Topamax). Just want to add that it doesn't seem to matter generic vs. nongeneric in my case; I've had the lower right eyelid blepherospasm for three years and my neurologist assures me it isn't glaucoma, it isn't dangerous, and while its annoying as all hell, its a lot better than peeing my pants and forgetting my name every day for 2-3 minutes at a time, risking permanent brain damage from complex partial generalizing seizures.
Hi, yes since I have increased my does to 200mg a day, I have developed a twitch in my left eye too. I am due to see my neurologist in a week's time and will take it up with him. I am aware that it can impact on the eyes.
I am taking 350mg and my lip is doing the same thing!
Hi, I know this is an old post but are you stil using Topamax and are you still getting the eye twictch. I've only been taking it for one month for migraine. The first week was 25 mg and that was fine just a little tingle in feet nothing too bad then 50 mg at night before bed. The tingle in my feet has got a little worse but about an hour after I take it my left bottom eye lid twitches. It's not painful just irritating but then I fall asleep and forget about it. It's still there when I get up and I've worked out it stays for about 12-14 hours after I've taken it. I've started taking it about 6 p.m with my evening meal and the eye twitch doesn't start till I go to bed about 10.30. So I think maybe the problem with the whole eye twitching thing is don't take the Topamax or topiramate in my case on an empty stomach. As for helping my migraine it's only been a month and I've had to two 72hr episodes which cleared with zomig. I will keep taking the topiramate because I'm sure the side effect will subside like most people say they do.
I would like to read more good thing about this treatment from people but I suppose they are all off out enjoying thier new life's migraine free. That will be me one day.
I was on topamax when I was 18 , for three months. I developed very bad twitching in both eyes lower and upper lids, which affected my vision. I also had twitching in my cheeks and lips. At the time when I informed my doctor of this, he told me to stop the medication. He said he never heard of that being a symptom. A few weeks later he had informed me that he had took topamax himself and also developed a little twitching in his left eye...I'm am now 31 and til this day I still have twitching ,but not as bad as it was while I was on topamax. It usually happenens in the morning or at times when I am real tired.
After developing an eye twitch, I reduced the topirimate to 50mg taken at 4pm. Since then, the twitching has stopped. When the doctor tried putting it up by just 25mg, it started again, so it seems that at a minimal dose there isn't any twitching (at least that's the case with me, can't say if this works for others).
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