Took A Drug Test At My Doctors For Suboxone And It Showed Negative - Please Help (Page 3)
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I had a drug test with my suboxone doctor the other day and he called and kicked me off the program because the suboxone did not show up on my drug test, but i have been taking suboxone for 3 years and cannot go without it and i took suboxone the morning of the drug test. How is it possible it would not show up?

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The exact thing is happening to me!! I have been on suboxone for almost 4 yrs. and suddenly the suboxone is NOT showing up on my monthly urine drug test. This med. has saved my life and I am afraid my doc. is going to take me off of it. I take my med. EXACTLY as prescribed nut the test result is showing negative. PLEASE HELP ME figure out what is happening!!!

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The did just did the same f***ing thing and I dunno why it is impossible ur test didn't show ul I take the subs every f***ing day, but if I fail for opiates its okay

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The same thing just happened to me. I take 4 M g suboxone every day and took a drug rest last eek that came back negative for sub. This is impossible and makes no sense whatever. I an going to lose my take home priveledges when I've done nothing please

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You should of asked for another test cauze some times their r bad ones and will show a false pos or neg. but it should show up I tested positive for 2 weeks after I stopped taking it. And worst case just go to a new sub doc.

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it kicks in pretty quick it had been about 8 hours after i took when i had the drug test. i just ate a bunch of fried food before the drug test though. My doctor is refusing to ever see me again he thinks i was not taking the suboxone which is so untrue i cant go a day without it. I had the same thing happen a few years back i got a random drug test at work and smoked marajuana the night before and passed the test. I dont knw what is going on

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Hi Scott,

Did you have any other medications, substances, or specific food with the suboxone that could interact with its absorption?

Also, do you notice how long it usually takes to kick in after you've taken it?

From an outside perspective, I can only imagine that if you took it with a full meal (high in fat or calories) that the pill may not have been digested and assimilated until hours after you took the pill. Fat can significantly slow down your metabolism in the presence of carbohydrates, so this is the first thing that comes to my mind in this situation, depending on what you ate or took with it.

Is it possible for you to get retested?

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