Tikosyn And Daylight Savings Time


I take my Tikosyn at 5:30am and 5:30pm. I know it’s important not to miss a dose and adhere to a schedule. Do I alter the times at all when the clocks fall back during daylight savings?

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For daylight saving do I take my tikosyn an hour earlier

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Unless your doctor, or pharmacist instructs otherwise, you can adjust your dosing times accordingly. Generally a change of such a small window is fine.

The FDA warns that Tikosyn may cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, chest pain, back pain, and insomnia.

Ref: Tikosyn Information

Are you on any other medications?

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Re: Toby (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I take dofetelide for afib 5:00am a s 5:00pm. Daylight savings time just started i took one 5:00 pm so how so i take 5:00 am dose now?? It is confusing. Thanks

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Re: Jo (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

With DST ending, the clocks fall back an hour. So if you wanted to keep the exact amount of time between doses you'd shift to 4am and 4pm. Might be simpler to just stick with 5am and 5pm, so you may wish to confirm with your pharmacist that waiting an extra hour after the time change won't affect things.

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