The 3-week Efudex / Fluorouracil Nightmare Is Now Unnecessary!! (Top voted first)


Harvard Medical recently discovered a new treatment regime for AK. This new four-day Harvard Medical protocol is going to save us all from the Efudex & Fluorouracil nightmare:

Adding calcipotriene to 5-FU dramatically reduced AKs

I used this 4-day treatment for AK in Dec '18 and it works!! Save yourself from the 3 week fluorouracil nightmare and do this 4-day treatment instead. I made this Youtube video of my experience with this protocol:


The treatment resolves actinic keratosis in only 4 days. No longer is the pain and discomfort of the commonly prescribed 3 week Flouracil necessary to clear your skin of these pre-cancerous lesions.

Mix 5% Fluoroucil and Calcipotriene 50/50 and apply twice per day for four days. Both of these creams can be purchased through prescription. Your doctor has to prescribe Fluorouracil (5-FU), but you can get Calcipotriene on Ebay. {aff link}

13 Replies

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Re: jacqueline (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Most docs these days rely on big pharma reps to keep them current about new research. I know this because I was married to a doc for years. Both these creams are old and generic and so, as of yet, big pharma hasn't found a way to make money off this combo. Without a profit incentive, they are not informing the docs about this breakthrough. As soon as Pharma can create a patented version of this combo, the docs will know all about it. In the mean time, save yourself from the weeks of pain, mix the creams and do this 4-day regime yourself.

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Re: Jacqueline (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hey there, not sure if you started or completed your treatment. My dermatologist prescribed for me the Efudex and Dovonex combo for five days on my face. Truthfully, I didn’t do much research on it and just went with her recommendation. Of course, after doing the treatment, I started to look into the effects because it was a little alarming seeing how much redness and scabbing especially on my forehead. I am 6 days POST treatment and still have major scabs on my forehead and peeling around nasal region and mouth. Although, my doctor did say the effects would resemble a really bad sunburn, I didn’t expect the scabs. So, from what I can gather because I don’t have an appointment with my doctor for another 2 weeks, is that everyone reacts a little differently depending on amount and severity of your precancerous tissue. The COMBO treatment I recently found out is somewhat new and experimental. Kinda wish I looked into it sooner. But, no matter which treatment you go through, it ALL sucks. Good luck

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Re: Piglet96 (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear that you had such a reaction. Imagine what 21 days of fluoroucil would be like!!! 21 days of application was the docs go-to treatment before the Harvard breakthrough. After the 21 days of hell, it, then, took several weeks to heal.

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How about the disclaimer in the manufacturer's literature that says: "CONTRAINDICATIONS
Dovonex® Cream is contraindicated in those patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the preparation. It should not be used by patients with demonstrated hypercalcemia or evidence of vitamin D toxicity. Dovonex® Cream should not be used on the face."?

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I am about to start efudex- toronto Canada - no one here has a clue bout the efudex with Donovex- really frustrating - I have my prescriptions should I just go ahead - my note from the dermatologist says see me in two months lol

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Great. I have had no help from the dermatologist and found out searching. Maybe because longterm results aren’t out yet. Thanks

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I haven't heard of this... I'm in the U.S. I just finished 4 weeks of putting Efudex on the tip of my nose and a small spot on my chest. I'm now in the healing phase (Day 30 of overall treatment) and the worst things have been the headaches and generally feeling like crap.

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Re: psyched123 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

"After the 21 days of hell it then took several weeks to heal."

It seems that healing can actually take several *months* considering the additional redness the Efudex-only treatment seems to generate. I'm guessing that the longer term and greater amount of skin erosion of the single-drug treatment probably has something to do with it, while the combo treatment appear to more precisely and quickly target only problems areas.

One thing to note with fluorouracil (Efudex/Efudix) generally is that the difference between an effective dose and an overdose is quite small and varies a lot between individuals. Here's a link to a discussion by some oncologists that mentions early-onset toxicity:


(Some of this relates to intravenous administration but topical application issues are mentioned.)

I'm not saying don't use fluorouracil by any means, I'm just saying that you should arm yourself with the known side-effect symptoms, because many doctors simply will not provide all of this information. (And the general advice from dermos about this treatment seems to vary by quite a distressing amount, to be honest.)

And please don't forget that fluorouracil can harm your animals! So keep your dog/cat/ferret/budgie away from your treated skin, utensils, ointment tubes, etc.

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Re: Steve C (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I had absolutely no pain but felt an elevated heart rate and could not sleep at all with my first dose. Any understanding of this?

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I wish I had known about this sooner. My dermatologist prescribed Efudex treatment for both my chest area and cheeks on my face. I am thankful that I chose not to put it on my face. My skin is thin so by day 6 I was very inflamed and crusts were already beginning to form crack and bleed. Mild headache and chills. They had me come back in and gave me a cortisone shot and I was told to stop the efudex and begin on a new prescription of Mometasone Furoate cream instead of the 2.5 Hydrocortisone cream I was to originally use after 2 weeks of Efudex. I have had natural childbirth, several surgeries and shingles but none of these has been as painful as this! Although the Efudex was applied only up to my neck, the burn and lesions are all the way up to my jaw area. I literally have to keep my neck and chest saturated in Cetaphyl cream day and night for any relief. There is no comfortable sleep position because of the the pulling and stinging so a recliner is the only mode for sleep. I cannnot stand for anything to touch my neck or chest. I am very disappointed that I was not given any forewarning from the dermatologist about the severity of the treatment. I can only imagine the pain burn victims endure. This is day 14 and I have still a long way to go. I understand that I should only use the steroid cream for 2 weeks and have been fearful about what the steroids are doing to me. In 5 days my 2 weeks will be up and I am not sure if the lesions will be healed enough to just get by with the Cetaphyl cream. I just want my normal active life back!

This is day 14 and I am still in There has to be a better treatment than this!

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Re: Piglet96 (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I have started using strong home made cannabis oil infused in olive oil on my face. Has anyone else tried this?

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I have used the combo for several years. I found out about it checking on skin cancer research at various universities. Harvard did a study about using both and my doctor was fine with it. Every winter I do Twice a day for a week. The first year I had quite a severe reaction with tons of spots, but subsequent years less reaction. I have had skin cancer since my 20’s and consider this protocol to by yearly “maintenance”

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Re: jacqueline (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

You can google Harvard skin cancer study I believe 2018 for more info and to present to your doctor. I haven't found the second cream lessens the pain of this procedure, but it supposedly increases your number of T-cells. If I recall it is used for psoriasis because people with that aren’t as likely to get skin cancer.

You should not wait two months to see your doc while doing treatment. You should call and drop by if you are in pitiful shape and see if you can stop. My first time he told me to do for 21 days, but I went in on day 16 as I was in agony and he said it was fine to stop, looked like I was done.

I do the treatment with 50/50 both creams once a year, now for I week 2x a day on arms, chest and face. 1st year I had probably over fifty spots showed up! It was like seeing a future I did not want! The last time I didn’t have any real spots just red. I think of this as maintenance, plus I use SkinCeuticals Vitamin C serum daily on face and treat worrisome spots with a dab as I see them. I think the SkinCeutical sunscreen is a life saver and I even put on face before hiking at 5 in the morning. I have struggled with this disfiguring disease for over 45 years. I finally wear sun protection clothes year round, wear a hat or hairpiece and minimize direct sun 10-4! Slow leaner for a girl that grow up on the So CA beach. Hope this helps!

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