Teva No Longer Manufacturers Clonazepam (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Teva No Longer Manufacturers Clonazepam, and I personally feel it is a good thing. Teva, in my opinion, is a low-quality company who actually manufacturers 70% of their products overseas, in cities and communities I don't think you would want to live in. I find the change-over, in terms of most of my medications, including clonazapam 2mh hs to be more effective than before. There are, of course, individual differences, but this is how it is for me personally. Would anyone else care to comment?

113 Replies (6 Pages)

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Per call to TEVA on 4/1/19 they are strongly considering bringing back OLD FORMULA (povidone) clonazepam.

We ALL need to CALL TEVA customer service at 888-838-2872 (option #3 then option #5) for customer service asking them to bring back old TEVA formula ASAP bc it’s messing with our lives

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Re: Klonz (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Im not calling anyone...this is total BS. If they wanted to they could change the current Actavis pills to the teva fomulation. Someone at teva/actavis customer service is playing you hard if you believe this. Call day and night but nothing will change.

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Re: Klonz (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Hurray! Please check if Teva will be making capsule form gabapentin, too. If so, the lives of lots of us will be better.

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Re: Dystonia Patient (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah... see if they’ll bring back quaaludes too. Apparently some people here think this is legit but it’s not. Either someone in customer service is playing you or you’re trying to form a personal army against teva.

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Re: Klonz (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

They confirmed that the TEVA formula is coming back, but it could be 4-6 months. Chack back for a tighter time frame.

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Eric (# 56) --

Right. I’ll check back here in 6 months

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Re: Sureeric (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

Takes longer to ramp-up than to discontinue. Perhaps there are government difficulties, legal difficulties transferring older formula to newer ownership, then they have to produce enough to fill the distribution channels. It sounded a lot like 1/2 year

What did they do to make you mad?

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Kevin you’re a liar.

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Re: Klonz (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

I talked to Trump and he would restart if he won the 2020 elections. Fingers crossed

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TEVA is THE best company that made my two 22 yrs of Rx's for the same medical problem. When I was given a look-a-like at my former pharmacy...and not told...I was deathly sick. So bad, a friend picked up my second month's worth. She, they told. A light bulb went off THEN that I needed to find Teva. I did get my doctor to write another Rx for another pharmacy that did have it. Within hours of taking, I was able to get out of bed. So DON'T speak of what you don't know, nor have suffered through. They each controlled my condition until they, alternating, stopped making both. Nothing since has worked as well. Also, to my knowledge...Teva was made in Israel. Quality.

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Re: Iheartklonopin (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

They’ve already verified via text, email and voicemail that it’s coming back, the only question is when. You obviously don’t understand how the process goes, they can’t do it overnight, there are massive procedural changes needed for this to come to fruition.

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Re: Eric (# 58) Expand Referenced Message

“What did they do to make me mad”

Oh, they just sold out their customer's wellbeing to profit for themselves. You know how many struggles people have went through because of their actions on this? That’s what gets me. You're only on 5 other drugs and don’t notice the difference but I take just this and it has been like changing meds since they got cheaper with their customers.

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Re: Rob (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

Wrong. CV put me through a withdraw for no reason in 2011. Pretty awful, and according to my doctor, 80% withdrawal, 20% return if my anxiety.

Your reasoning doesn't fit the facts, either

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Eric (# 66) --

What’s CV? Never heard of CV.

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Re: Wut (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry, That is CVS.

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Re: Eric (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

What brand or combo of drugs are you taking that seem to work better for you?

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Re: Klonz (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

My pharmacy just happened to have received a big container of green TEVA 1mg tabs, which I split in half. Splitting pills isn't that easy so you end up with one half bit bigger than the other.

When TEVA stop making their products,, I was on the half milligram tabs, which became immediately unavailable.

But we have been working through their last bottle of 1 mg tabs, and we are nearly to the end after a year.

In discussions with my psychiatrist, we have discussed what we will do when the pharmacy supplies out. We will either move to the brand name the brand name klonopin, or we will move to a different benzo.

I hope that answers your question.

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Eric (# 70) --

I'm in the same situation...I have like 60 tevas left and tried last month to change over to xanax. Do not try totally screwed me up. I have tried brand name before and it was terrible but the generics are not working out. I go back tomorrow to the psy and am going to try brand name again at full price. Does your insurance cover brand?

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Re: bandy (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

We don't know, but we also don't know.

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Interesting because my Dr said TEVA was better than other generics. Luckily I no longer take it.

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