Teva Lorazepam Reviews (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I'm seeking insights and reviews on Teva Lorazepam and its comparison with Leading Pharma's version. There's a notable divide in user experiences. Some report Leading Pharma Lorazepam as being less effective or having no effect, possibly due to variations in the active ingredient, leading to side effects or adverse reactions in certain cases.

While there are those who recommend Teva Lorazepam for its efficacy, others find Leading Pharma's version more suitable. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to try Teva Lorazepam since it's not available in my area – no local pharmacies dispense it.

My experience with other brands, post the discontinuation of Qualitest, hasn't been successful in finding a comparable alternative. I'm particularly interested in understanding how Teva Lorazepam and Leading Pharma's lorazepam differ in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction.

If you've had experiences with either or both of these medications, your reviews would be incredibly valuable. Any insights into their efficacy, side effects, or overall satisfaction would greatly help me and others in our decisions.

663 Replies (34 Pages)

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Re: Richard H (# 221) Expand Referenced Message

Teva lorazepam and Actavis lorazepam are exactly the same pill? I’ve been taking Actavis/Watson for years and have been switched to Teva lorazepam. I have a pill phobia and I’m scared out of my witts. Can you tell me if the two pills are excactly the same?

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Re: joe (# 274) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Ativan 3 mg per day for about 20 years and the only one that works for me is Watson. My pharmacist now only has Leading and Teva. Leading is worthless and caused worse anxiety/panic and I have Teva and am reluctant to try it, anyone have any good experiences with Teva? Thanks

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Very interesting/odd that Aurobindo is having availability issues. I'm not usually conspiratorial (really am not), but I have always wondered how Bausch (formerly Valeant and before that Biovail) could get away with charging thousands of dollars per month for brand name. They have a history of purchasing drugs and raising the prices on them. For there to be fewer and fewer lorazepam generics and then this brand name drug that costs thousands a month seems like a good set up for Bausch. Other brand name benzodiazepines are expensive, but more like hundreds per month, not thousands. What would make all these other companies like Mylan want to leave the market? I don't think Benzos are being taken off the market, but if they were, I think it would be a rescheduling (like a Schedule II drug instead of Schedule IV) and they'd go after Xanax first. Yet I haven't heard of Xanax generics disappearing, though admittedly I don't follow the news on that. Either there is something odd about the Lorazepam market economically causing all these companies to stop their production and seemingly the remaining ones to be worse quality, or it's been a strange series of coincidences, as I am on several other medications that have not changed brands or manufacturing sites for many, many years. Ativan is the only one that is like a revolving door.

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 407) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah, I’m going to have to agree with Jibbs55. The day I started taking Benzos is the day I quit drinking and I’ve been sober almost 17 years. Doc warned me how dangerous it is to mix benzos with anything, especially alcohol. With Watson/Actavis going out of the Benzo business, trying to switch to other Benzos with them having the stigma of being a ‘party’ drug and the like and then you mentioning crossfading does make docs more reluctant to prescribe them.

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Re: Henry (# 437) Expand Referenced Message

The original brand worked so we'll it wasn't a joke. Never had one tolerance change in 18 years. When Biovail took over making it that was the end. I took 4mgs a day never needed extra. As far as the 70's are concerned that wasn't me talking. I didn't start on Ativan till 1987. For me it beat out everything else tried. I'm thinking that might have been Richard that had some time at it back in the day. I'm not sure what generic I was given in lorazepam form but it didn't work at all. Doc wrote it for brand name and there was never a magic trick, hoop to jump through, call to the insurance company, drug shaming or any of that trash. Doctors know what we're all dealing with and they also know benzos work and are more effective anything else. Peace y'all abd Happy New Year!

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The key word is addictive. Many new providers only see that as a bad thing. What they won't allow themselves to see is the alternatives are not all for everyone. (SSRI's, SNRI's, beta blockers and so on) Which when we say this we might get labeled a addicted drug abuser. If pharmaceutical companies are allowed to make drugs ingredients either greater or less that can put many of us in a tailspin. Which then raises their eyebrow if we're telling them hey doc something is off here. The new docs aren't listening to their patients. They go by what the FDA says.That all generics are made equal to brand names. So ya when the doc Browns that used to use their common sense heard their patients say man this medication isn't working they'd take the time to research why. Took my doc and pharmacist back in the beginning to say he needs to go back to brand name. But the most important thing here that stigmatizes us are those that use this medication outside of what they are prescribed for. I'm really trying not to repeat myself here. But we get cubby hold into the mainstream world that actually over uses this medication. Bottom line is this medication is naturally addictive. We didn't make it that way. My feeling have always been this. If the bottle say do not abruptly stop this medication without consulting your doctor that's not addiction. We all know what true addiction is without me saying anything else. The two do not go hand in hand. Peace y'all!

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Re: Paula (# 603) Expand Referenced Message

paula you will adjust right now your in withdrawal . when i went from watson to teva i felt terrible for 2 weeks teva felt a lot stronger to me . but in your case you got a weaker med so its like you tapered down your original dose this is why you are having the problems if it does not level off in 3 to 4 weeks you may have to take more of that brand to stabilize

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Here's my thoughts about Teva and Leading brand. I was on Teva probably over a year. It really isn't as effective as Leading brand for me. Here's why... As most of you know I'm being tapered down off from lorazepam. Yesterday I received my fill and got Leading. So I'm at a lower dose still. But this Leading is working much better then the Teva. My body is so sensitive right now that the slightest change is noticeable. But I have said in the past the two worked about the same for me. That's taking under consideration I wasn't being tapered off. Trying to be totally honest that Leading brand is not a placebo or sugar tablet. I'm perplexed that Aurobindo as a few of you have mentioned might have changed their formula. Nothing would surprise me. But dang it worked well few years ago for me. There's more stuff I'd add here but I don't want to trigger anyone what this taper is like. Also it looks like maybe they're going to back down a bit and leave me where I'm at. Can't give the details because what I said above. I did post a link to the Aurobindo chat that's on here. But the admins haven't posted it yet. Just search discussions if they don't post my last reply. Wish y'all the best!

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Re: Henry (# 643) Expand Referenced Message

When I moved full time to Arizona getting Lorazepam was a game changer. I had to go to a Psychiatrist who wanted me off after 30 years after being diagnosed with general anxiety. A nightmare. 2 years of H--L. I had a small seizure. They finally quit weaning me off and put be back on an amount I was comfortable with. I really wish I'd never started on it but after many other drugs it was only drug that worked.

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Re: Kay (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Kay.....I know of an 82 year old taking lorazepam for the last 20 years.>they started getting panic attacks after their wife died....lorazepam relieved it...I have no doubt that lorazepam is not for everyone no matter what their age..but then neither is Dad was on 6 aspirin a day for decades for his arthritis.......never bothered him......but his brother took aspirin for the same reason and ended up with bleeding ulcers.....

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Re: Richard (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks..youve been very helpful with all my questions!

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Re: joe (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

Teva not only bought the actavis brand but also the molds....note the Watson name still on them but a little less distinct....

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just got the teva brand from costco, after 2 years of no problems it seems they have brought out the garbage, the effectivness of this product is nil, the.5 is like taking a sugar pill, its sad these companies can do whatever they want and we are left with garbage medications, as for the fda, its obvious they are in bed with the parma companies

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Re: Doc21 (# 132) Expand Referenced Message

That’s great news. I am currently on leading and it’s the only thing that works since Mylan was discontinued. I wish doctors understood that we take this medication because of severe anxiety. If we were trying to "dope" ourselves we would be taking Xanax. No offense to anyone it’s just much stronger and a "doping effect" lorazepam wakes me up!

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Re: joe (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

Must be me....for the past 2+ years I've been given Leading and first neither seemed effective but I guess I grew into their fillers...also different batches seem better/worse...probably my imagination or they are screwing with the fillers....but nothing is like the old Wyeth brand name..which i started on 35+ years ago...not even the brand name now...

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Re: Henry (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

My pharmacy won't do it here where I live. They've all told me they buy the cheapest and will not switch brands for anyone especially a benzodiazepenzine. My CVS will special order other drugs that aren't controlled substances. The pharmacist are more critical then doctors are about prescribing benzo's Walgreens will to but not benzo's. My new therapist started up on me for being on 4 mgs a day. Told him your not my doc so lay off. Spent 15 minutes telling me all the bad things about the drug Needless to say I fired him right there on the spot. His mouth dropped to the floor. Now I'm back searching for someone new. Everybody getting triggered over nothing these days. Think I read out here someone saying medical professionals were taught to do no harm to patients. Last month I was on Aurobindo and the following month bam back on Leading. Depending on the stock of Leading you get is a crap shoot. This time the old stock. First doze right back in the hole. Telling y'all get the Aurobindo if you can. No joke it's better than anything out here. Least you don't feel like burnt toast. Good luck y'all!

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Re: Henry (# 171) Expand Referenced Message

My pdoc is good. He knows his stuff. Doesn't have any troubles with me being on lorazepam. I started searching for someone to talk to because I've been in a slump with personal issues. Plus struggling with family and friends passing away. This therapist I spoke about told be to read a book on codependency because the pain I was feeling about them was apparently not a emotion you can have these days? Don't answer that I know the answer ;). Talked with a fellow that authorized my insurance to see this guy. He told me many therapist have lost their way. Thank you for the heads up and kind words.

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Leading Lorazepam does not work.

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Re: winjy (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

They use it in hospitals because it works!!! When they send you home you can't find a drugstore that carries it. So now we are back to placebo or deviation of the required ingredients. Another cost cutting savings on their part not ours because we are the recipient of their greed. Think about it, how can the real one cost thousands of dollars and the generic cost a few dollars. Greed!!!

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Re: gsrmike98 (# 242) Expand Referenced Message

When sandoz bought activus about 8 or so years ago, the new lorazapam was garbage, couldn't sleep, like i had taken an aspirin. Called both companies and was told no change was made, a pure lie, as a couple of years later sandoz shut down the production and later came back with another version. The teva issue is the same, we are led to believe that the changing of the mold is where the problem is, been taking lorazepam 30 years and my body can tell me everything. I want to know about changes and the teva brand is lying when they say its the same formula, sorry but just a flat out lie.

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