Teva Lorazepam Reviews (Page 4)


I'm seeking insights and reviews on Teva Lorazepam and its comparison with Leading Pharma's version. There's a notable divide in user experiences. Some report Leading Pharma Lorazepam as being less effective or having no effect, possibly due to variations in the active ingredient, leading to side effects or adverse reactions in certain cases.

While there are those who recommend Teva Lorazepam for its efficacy, others find Leading Pharma's version more suitable. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to try Teva Lorazepam since it's not available in my area – no local pharmacies dispense it.

My experience with other brands, post the discontinuation of Qualitest, hasn't been successful in finding a comparable alternative. I'm particularly interested in understanding how Teva Lorazepam and Leading Pharma's lorazepam differ in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction.

If you've had experiences with either or both of these medications, your reviews would be incredibly valuable. Any insights into their efficacy, side effects, or overall satisfaction would greatly help me and others in our decisions.

652 Replies (33 Pages)

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Re: Gin (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been in medicine 35 years. If anything you are on less fillers than ever and the main ingredient is the same as you had, just much more of it. The flu has started up already, so I wouldn’t be too concerned until it’s more constant. I still have about 2 mos left of the Mylan my pharmacist found a few months back. Then I’m facing getting approval for the name brand. Did you have your doc put in for it or did you call the insurance directly? Thanks

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Re: Gin (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

From what I’ve read and experienced over the decades, if lorazepam hasn’t bothered you in 5 years then taking the name brand shouldn’t be giving you a cough...maybe you would have gotten a cough no matter what meds you take...coughs are pretty common...I know as an anxious person I tend to attribute commonplace aches and pains (and some not so common) to a change in meds or food I’ve never eaten before...but usually it’s just due to being alive...people not on benzos get the same annoying symptoms and just shrug them off and don’t go looking for a cause....I know in the recent past when I was first going to have to switch to Leading Pharma I started to get headaches...I thought’s the new medication...then my wife reminded me I hadn’t started Leading just yet...I thought can’t be the new meds, must be something else.....the headaches disappeared on their own as does every new symptom......that’s one of the major drawbacks to having anxiety/health anxiety (I liked calling it hypochondria better)....normal people may b**** about an annoying symptom then go about their life....people with anxiety google it and feel it’s very difficult when a symptom that comes from a body malfunction or disease presents do you tell the difference?

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Re: Deedee (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Hey . My dr filled out a form saying that i had tryed other generics that made me sick and it took a few days but insurance Accepted it. I still have to pay 60 bucks but thats better then what i thought i was gonna have to pay.

Yeah im hoping im just getting a cold and its not the Ativan. Its really working!!

Speak to both your insurance and drs and make sure you take the right steps so insurance will approve it

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Gin (# 62) --

Thanks for the advice. I’ll be sure to get ahead of it so I’m not without my meds. ??

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Re: Richard (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Richard. I just read this. Thankyou. Your logic makes so much sense. When i first started the New Name Brand Ativan i was like feeling great in one week current day im having so much anxiety thinking this new Ativan is causing me this cough and OH great now im allergic. Im litterly in bed cant sleep with these thoughts. Heart is racing and chest pains. Im trying to convince myself its just my thoughts. I pray its not the Ativan and its just a cold or somthing like you said might pass. And looking on the internet does NOT help!!! Thanks again

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Re: Gin (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

I cannot speak for anyone else here...but I’ve never taken a benzodiazepine where my anxiety suddenly went POOF* and I felt wonderful....anxiety (and it’s subsequent symptoms) are always there ..just less so or less often or both......but the ache here or the pain there or the irrational thought every other minute (okay..i’m exaggerating) are always going to be part of my life...the benzos just make them a little easier to live with....sometimes we do get colds, flus, etc...and sometimes we just feel like we have the flu but it’s our thought process......sometimes that stomach pain really isn’t cancer but indigestion...but the anxious mind never seems to consider the more common of the two choices....I guess that’s what makes us “special”, lol....

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Re: Richard (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

Thankyou richard. I really should turn my brain off for tonight and see what the dr says tomorrow. Thanks for all the advice

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Re: Richard (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

I defiantly thought this New Ativan woukd help me out but i guess i was wrong. Its only keeping my anxiety at bay. My brain just wont let me relax on my own and i just want to pop a pill to do that.. what have you found that helps you. For me its looking to God. I find comfort in the scriptures. What about you?

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Re: Gin (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

I'm jealous! I'm agnostic at best....but I am serious... I really am jealous of those who can find comfort in their religions.....(that ended for me in college when I read the Bible from cover to cover...then again 2 years post wasn't a hasty decision)........for me- meditation works wonders......., painting, pulling weeds....anything that occupies the mind and puts it in a non-self-evaluating state......prayer is a form of meditation..go for it!

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Re: Richard (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

Wow. You have read the bible that many times. Very impressive. People who dont belive in God also facanates me! So we probably have more in common.
On a side note i went to the drs. He does not believe my Ativan is causing my cough. Of course my OCD think it does so all i can do is wait and see if it will clear up. For somone who was on both generic and name brand did you notice they worked the same? I know you said it never fully helped you but im wondering If In your opionion Name brand Ativan is better then generic? Thanks for all your replies. It helps more then you know!

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Re: Gin (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

Well, as far as the religious part....I’m an artist who revels in the wonderful aspects of nature..but I don’t ascribe their origins or design to a higher power...they just are the result of evolution....but there is so much more to that but I do not understand it........I do understand the more developed minds who are aware of their existence needing an explanation of how things got here.....but I prefer the answer of “I don’t know” to “some all powerful being created everything imaginable. But I think the real reason Man created God was to both explain and give hope to that universal fear- what happens next after this life? I’ve spoken to priests, nuns, religious philosophers about this....but all they can tell me are “facts” that have been told to them over and over.....which fine-for them..I never try to convince them otherwise......I think ‘faith’ is wonderful...I lack it......and truly am jealous of those who have it.

As for generic versus brand- 6 years ago I went on generic lorazepam after taking brand for nearly 30 years....I was hoping the Watson made would did as soon as I forgot to be aware of whether I felt different. This year when my pharmacy changed over to Leading I looked it up and found this forum where I found everyone quite upset it was not working for them..I naturally freaked as my prescription was for 270 2mg tablets......I immediately walked to Leading Pharma (yes, walked...they are literally around the corner from ,me on Oak road in Fairfield, NJ.). I spoke with a rep.....who advised me while the active ingredient is always the same (at least in the USA), the inactive ingredients can differ in content and %. .that could lead any generic to affect people in different ways.. two pharmacy managers confirmed this.......

Turned out...for me - Leading worked just naturally my pharmacy switched back to Watson....only now it read Watson/Actavis...again I freaked...doesn’t look the same- whiter tablet......I called my pharmacy manager - she said while the color may be a whiter brighter tablet, Watson-in 2012 after being purchased by Teva was joined with Actavis with Actavis doing the distributing and Watson doing the manufacturing on the same molds they used in 2011..but now in India....I’m guessing it’s my imagination but it’s effectiveness seems to last a slightly shorter time but it could be my imagination.

As for brand name Ativan, it used to be made by Wyeth but now is made by Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. who are in Canada.

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Re: Richard (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

By the way. Are our comments for everyone to see. Or just us? Dont want to offend anyone by bringing religion up

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Re: Gin (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

I think everyone sees these posts....I wish there was a way to exchange emails so we could further discuss privately....... {edited for privacy}.

Editor's note: While we always wish to encourage a free and open dialogue on our threads, we also have to uphold our stated privacy policy. As such, we cannot allow the exchange of any personal information or links to pages which would reveal a user's full identity.

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Re: Richard (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

Oh really.. ok well I was just really interested in what you were saying. Can i ask have you ever spoken to One of Jehovahs Witneses? Like how you say you paint things that are so beautiful and don't know where it comes from. Me? I have to believe that someone created it. Like how wonderfully our body is made of many different parts. There has to in my opinion be someone who created that. So if your ever interested go to let me know.

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Re: Gin (# 65) Expand Referenced Message this is weird. I’ve been on lorazepam/Ativan for over 35 years. No issues. As long as I can remember i’ve slept poorly, waking up 3-10+ times a night. The last 6 years i’ve been on generic lorazepam....mostly the old Watson, Leading (at the beginning of this year) and the Actavis Watson most recently. While working around the house my watch/monitor was on monitor mode.....kneeling-cleaning blinds...I noticed my hear rate had climbed to 152! I stopped...settled down as did my hr...1 day later I was on the ground working in the garden when I saw my monitor read 160...I freaked at 71 that’s above my hr max.....went to ER.....ekg/bloodwork looked fine......came home....that night I kept an oximeter near me...I awakened as usual around 4:30am from a benign dream yet my hr was 103....I kept the oximeter near me....I awoke 5 more times-each time I was dreaming....each time my hr was around 100. I’ve done this for 3 nights matter how many times I wake hr is always around 100...and each time a few deep breaths brings it right down.....there is no heart pounding I am aware of, no struggling to breathe, I never snore (as my wife attests)...good grief....could it be the generic lorazepam i’ve never been aware of? I utterly hate going to see a cardiologist because I find docs haven’t a clue regarding panic disorder nor do they ever think symptoms are pharmaceutically produced.....I recall seeing some say they had pounding heart beats.......anyone had high heart rates at night from your lorazepam? Did you switch to another generic? I may have had this for many years but just thought I was sleeping poorly.

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Re: Richard (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Richard....yes, I have experienced what you are talking about. I don't have a monitor/wrist thing like you...just an Omron Monitor. I have not been able to take any drugs for sleep as they do just what you describe. Even 4mg of valium does nothing but the opposite for me. They are supposed to sedate. Sedation would bring one's HR down IMO. I am just taking supplements and natural things now. I have sleep problem more than panic problem. The magnesium has helped tremendously. Sorry you are going through does get old.

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Re: Dar (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

How did you convince yourself it wasn’t your heart?

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Re: Richard (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Hey richard. Hows is going. So its been a rough month for me. I started on name brand Arivan and it hasnt been working for me. I thought about giving Lorazapam leading brand another go only cuz i dont know what else to do.. are you on leading brand correct?? I dont know what else i should do. Go on a completely didfernt medicine??

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Re: Richard (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, somehow I never got this in my inbox. I didn't have to convince myself. I had been to 2 different doctors and an ER doctor who after tests, confirmed. My heart itself was really never an issue, just my pulse being high. Anyway, it was an over-medicated thyroid that caused the problem.

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Re: Richard (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

For some reason I haven’t gotten any notifications for this thread until tonight...... Re: convincing myself about my heart....well, first off my wife of 48 years has a lot of common sense plus a medical background......which did involve investigating overuse of tests and meds by docs and she’s lived with my anxiety for over 50 years.......the fact that my heart rate when working doesn’t suddenly spike but rises slowly...and doesn’t suddenly drop but lowers slowly as I stop work (actually the heart rate drops pretty fast when I just it’s supposed to)....both are a good indication it’s heightened for the night time awakenings...she says i’ve had that for years...I just didn’t keep the oximeter next to the bed to see exactly how high my heart rate’s natural to have a higher heart rate when dreaming...but i’m spending too much time in REM state....that can be due to anxiety.......and depression....or both.....I had put my email in my last post..they took it out.....I guess private communication is impossible.

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