Teva Lorazepam Reviews (Page 3)


I'm seeking insights and reviews on Teva Lorazepam and its comparison with Leading Pharma's version. There's a notable divide in user experiences. Some report Leading Pharma Lorazepam as being less effective or having no effect, possibly due to variations in the active ingredient, leading to side effects or adverse reactions in certain cases.

While there are those who recommend Teva Lorazepam for its efficacy, others find Leading Pharma's version more suitable. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to try Teva Lorazepam since it's not available in my area – no local pharmacies dispense it.

My experience with other brands, post the discontinuation of Qualitest, hasn't been successful in finding a comparable alternative. I'm particularly interested in understanding how Teva Lorazepam and Leading Pharma's lorazepam differ in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction.

If you've had experiences with either or both of these medications, your reviews would be incredibly valuable. Any insights into their efficacy, side effects, or overall satisfaction would greatly help me and others in our decisions.

690 Replies (35 Pages)

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Re: Deedee (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I had to stop taking not only Leading Lorazepam but also the one from Mylan. The side effects were unbearable and all I can ask is "What is in this stuff, anyway?". To the point where I react to everything.

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Re: Big Joe (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

For everyone here...I started taking Dr. Carolyn Dean's magnesium (liquid) and it has quelled my anxiety big time. Many of us are magnesium deficient which is why we have anxiety in the first place. My mag levels are good it is just sleeping all night now that is my problem. If anyone is interested you can look up Dr. Carolyn Dean on the internet. She has a blog and sells her own stuff because she couldn't find anyone to make magnesium to help with her heart issues. Her stuff has changed many people's lives. Blessings.

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Re: Dar (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

I have to always keep in mind WHY I’m taking lorazepam even after 50+ years of benzos......a good many if not all of us have health anxiety to some degree...mix that with anxiety popping up in new/old symptoms every so often and Pharmaceuticals messing with our prescription - you have to try to determine which new ‘thing’ is from anxiety, meds, or our rather creative (yet serious) imaginations......over the years I never would have believed a body was able to have pain/welts/hives/etc...from thought but it does.....bp through the roof because I thought I forgot to take Ativan (name brand) soon as I remembered my bp went down as did my heart rate.....yeah-lorazepam is bad for the memory.....they say it can bring on early Alzheimers too but.....’they’ also say you have to keep upping your dose......I’ve been on the same dose I started on 35 years ‘they’ don’t know everything...

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Re: Richard (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

Hey. So your saying the leading brand of lorazapam is helping you?? I just started and im getting anxiety about all the bad reviews

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Not only the Leading but the ‘new’ whiter Watson/Actavis, old looking Watson and even brand name Ativan....I find them all equal in effectiveness.....maybe i’m Just one of the lucky ones or it’s just the unlucky ones who understandably write their complaints here....i prefer the Watson if only because they are thinner.....easier to swallow without water.....I think a good deal has to do with um.....awareness...watching to see if we feel something different. I know with me....any given week SOMETHING comes up that is diffferent with me (if my wife were reading over my shoulder she’d be nodding in agreement)......a new ache, pain, rise in anxiety...I would naturally blame it on a new med manufacturer.....I think it’s natural that we first blame something new in our lives as the least I would.....rather than accept that any new daily/weekly/monthly aches, pains, depression, twitches, etc. is all part of the anxiety/panic disorder. Meditation..(and/or Progressive Relaxation) .if done seriously and with dedication I have only recently started after 50 years of talking about it ..found it is extremely effective.

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Re: Dar (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Dar. Hie much did you pay for Name brand Ativan?? Did you have insurance??

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Re: Gin (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

HI Gin, I have insurance, was still going to cost almost $300 per month (30 pills) and CVS said they don't even carry it and would have to order it. Yeesh...I didn't get it...they gave me Mylan in a large dose to cut in half since they ONLY had Leading brand in the .05 mg. The Mylan at least had a sedative effect however, I still reacted to the adjuvants. Then I tried benzodiazepam and that did nothing at 2 mg. Me thinks all the recipes (for lack of better term) have changed and are not what they used to be OR I am changing!

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Re: Dar (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

What type of insurance did you have? Thats so crazy to me. They started me on klonpin but i dont really feel like its helping my anxiety

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Re: Richard (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Richard. You where on name brand Ativan for 30 years. How much did that cost? Did you have insurance?

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Re: Gin (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Gin, this was my Rx side of my medical insurance through my husband's job. CVS Caremark handles the Rx side and they don't want anyone using the good stuff it seems.

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Re: Gin (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t recall the retail price of brand name Ativan but when I had to stop taking it (wife retired.I was covered by her insurance..I’m a self employed artist)....but it was a $50 co-pay for a 90 day supply (270 2mg tablets)....the price is very outrageous now but I’m sure no one will interfere with pharmaceutical profits......people don’t matter to them -only the almighty dollar....the rich can afford it of course.....hopefully us common folk will wake up to the fact the government is not serving OUR best interests but I doubt they ever will......I’ve become a cynic.

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Re: Richard (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Even if its 100 and it works ill take it. Im trying to get it apprived by my insurance and hopefully it wont be to outrageous. They switched me to klopin and its not helping with my anxity attacks. Im affraid of withdrawls!

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Re: Gin (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

Honestly.....NOTHING ever actually helped with panic attacks....benzos lowered general anxiety but it took me a long time to learn that utter acceptance of panicky being nothing more than my body/mind over-reacting to thoughts I create.....I got by them by saying (a la Claire Weekes) to myself - they sure don’t feel it but they are could happen tomorrow but it’s been over 10 years now.....agoraphobia, GAD, that’s another story.....but I had a very busy day ahead of me....I was in the middle of Target pushing a cart and I felt that old feeling starting..I got angry at it...I didn’t have time for it to take its time I stopped my tracks and sincerely encouraged it to hurry up and get over- I didn’t have the time......I stood.....I belly breathed.....I waited......and waited.....finally said “*uck you” to it and went about my business (I kinda startled a mother and daughter , lol).....I said ‘sorry’ and went on through the store...then it hit me what I had just done....I nervously laughed but discovered something Ihad only read about...turn the fear to anger.....accept no matter how you feel to do what you intended to do...I should take my own advice for agoraphobia, lol.....

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Re: Richard (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

I feel for you. Ativan was helping but to be honest i hated being addicted to them. So are you on anything? Lexapro helped me a lot with my crazy thoughts. I have OCD and fear of health issues.. I'm very much a quick fiz kind if person and liked the way Ativan calmed my nerves. But i was finding myself in a lot of trouble taking more than i should. The brain is a powerful thing isn't it??

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Re: Gin (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, of course...i’m On the same dose of Ativan/lorazepam I was put on 35 years ago after my retiring shrink didn’t want his patients on an addictive drug (for me-Valium) showed me a pamphlet (i’m Sure a collectors item now)...that stated Ativan was not addictive! I never needed nor wanted doesn’t stop panic attacks for thinking did that (or lack thereof) after being on Ativan a number of years but still got the panic attacks and anxiety..only less so...i’M not sure if they are still in operation but TERRAP, Inc. helped me more than any shrink ever did....TERRAP (territorial apprehension) was formed in Menlo Park, CA by a Dr. Hardy in 1967 (year of joy first panic attacks) but never heard of him until the 1980’s. It’s concerned with ‘baby-stepping’, convincing yourself you can handle anything but in small doses at first...a little discomfort but it pays off big time......yes indeed....the mind is a powerful persuader. Just remember...despite feeling like you are going to die...panic attacks never killed anyone but boy can they be exhausting!

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Re: Richard (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Thankyou for that info! It really is about controlling your thinking. I got approved by my insurance for NAME Brand Ativan. Do you think in your opionion it works just as good as generic? Hopefully it helps me...I will eventually be getting off this drug and trying to work more on getting through tough times instead of popping a pill!

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Re: Gin (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, even though Wyeth no longer makes Ativan, I’m sure it’s quite effective! I’m happy you were able to get it......generics seem fine I took one from Watson, one from Leading, and a ‘watson/actavis’ Tab....I didn’t feel any difference between any of them (I had saved a couple from each prescription to try this).

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Re: Richard (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

It’s possible since so many people have complained about the Leading brand, maybe it was reformulated??

I hope you’re right... my pharmacist has run out for the next refill. He’s going to try me on the generics he can order to see which one I’ll be okay on. I’ve tried so many generics since Qualitest stopped making and had nothing but trouble, then we found the Mylan and now that’s been DC’d a few months ago.. we’ll see??

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Re: Richard (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks..youve been very helpful with all my questions!

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Re: Richard (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Richard. I have a question. Ive been on Lorazapam for about 5 years. Now im in name brand for about a week. Ive had bronchities in the past but have noticed i have a bit of a cough. My dr doesnt think its related to my new Ativan since its much purer then the generic. Do you think there is a chance i could be allergic to Name brand Ativan? I know your not a dr just dont know much about this med. Thanks

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